Chapter four


Cassie POV

The ride over to Alexis’s house was a nightmare.

Traffic was horrendous.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Jericho.

Smiling at me whilst I was rambling on.

I park up outside.

I see that the car to take her to the airport is there, waiting.

I don’t understand why rich people can’t just drive themselves to the airport.

Alexis is waiting for me as I open her front door.

I don’t know why she’s pissed.

She’s not the one who got called into work on her weekend off.

At least she has a family to go back to and see over the holidays.

Also, a friend who kindly said when asked she would take care of her precious home for her.

She’s also not the one who is starting to have weird, and clearly romantic, fantasies and dreams about her boss.

But we won’t tell her that part.

“You’re late!”

She says whilst scowling at me.

“I’m sorry Alexis.”

“I got held up at work.”

“You know what Jericho’s like with me.”

I lie.

“I’m here now.”

“Are you packed and ready to go?” I ask sweetly.

My distraction technique.

Alexis won’t rip my head off and feed it to Tabitha.

Her gigantic pain in the ass cat.

Whom I also must cat sit.

The distraction worked.

Alexis smiles at me and asks the driver, to take her bags to the car.

She would be out in just a mo.

Now her gaze was upon me.

I knew what was coming…


Rule number 1: Do not feed Tabitha after 9 pm, she has a digestive problem, and it really flares up if given later than that.

Rule number 2: No parties.

Not because I can’t have other friends over it’s because she’s not the host and that just doesn’t make sense since it’s not my house.

Rule number 3: and it’s the final rule: Absolutely under no circumstances am I allowed in her bedroom.

To look, sleep, curiosity, nothing, and especially NOT TO HAVE SEX IN!!!

“Do I make myself clear Cassandra?”

“OOO, using my full name.”

“Pulling out the big guns are we Alexis?”

“Yes, I understand.”

“Now go!”

“You’re going to miss your flight.”

She grabs her smaller case.

I assume it’s her carry on.

Heads for the door.

“I’m serious Cassie.”

“Under no circumstances do you go into my bedroom.”

And runs to the car where the drivers waiting.

I kind of want to go to her bedroom and see what she’s hiding in there.


What was that all about.

I’ve never in my life done that to anyone.

let alone Alexis.


I head towards the kitchen.

I’m starving.

I forgot to grab dinner on the rush over here.

Alexis is always chasing the next famous person diet and exercise routine; she swears by it.

I head over to the refrigerator.

Open the doors.

fruit, veg, some weird looking…

I want to say veg, but also looks like a fruit thingy.

Next on our stop to find some Cassandra food is the Pantry, Junk cupboard.

To normal people it is.

My hopes and dreams are dead, destroyed by the lack of food.

I carry on scouring the house for something.


I hope that I don’t end up dying of starvation.

I look at my phone and realise I have no service out here.

Hm, figures.

Only Alexis would choose to live in the only place where there is no cell service.

I’m in the middle of nowhere.

On the outskirts of…

Nobody gives a crap

I grumble.

I make my way up to my room.

“You go up the staircase turn right, then left, then right again and your room is right there on the left.”

Alexis said.

I almost got dizzy from the directions she gave me.

I found my room.

It was a 2 second walk form the staircase.

She could have just said…

“Your room is at the top of the stairs, to the left.”

I laugh to myself.

Let’s see the kind of room Alexis has picked for me.

I push the door open.


It’s way bigger than I thought.

It’s beautiful.

Decorated to match the furniture.

I dare not touch anything.

I’m twirling around the bedroom, like a child.

Like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music.

(love that film by the way)

I cannot believe that this is all mine.


I’m still on the hunt for some real food.

I know that if I don’t find some…

I’m going to starve.


I can’t let that happen.

It won’t happen.

She must have something around here somewhere.

As I’m thinking of possible hiding places…

Her bedroom!

“Under no circumstances do you go into my bedroom Cassandra.”

I instantly know that it must be in there.

Why would she give me such a stern warning otherwise?

“Erm, because it’s her bedroom and she’d want it to remain private.”

My little inner voice.


Alexis has never been private in her whole entire life.

Her birth was on the cover of vogue for goodness’ sake. That’s not a lie by the way, it was, her mother was a model at the time, a brilliant one as well, everybody wanted her to be their cover girl, women wanted to be her, men wanted to be with her, if you get my drift.

But she only ever had eyes for Mr Winters.

Alexis’s mum said that…

‘It was love at first sight for them two.’

Total cliché, I know, but hey, I didn’t say it.

I’m pacing outside Alexis’s bedroom.

Arguing, with myself.

Going through the pros and cons of breaking her trust.

Going into her room.

She told me to specifically stay out of it.

I think Alexis would appreciate me not starving.

My hand already on the handle of the door.

Before I even know what’s happening…

I’m in Alexis’s room.

Her room is triple my bedroom size.

You can only imagine the size of it.

I look around.

With my mouth dragging on the floor.

My room is a nice size for me.

To have a room, this size, all the time.

It might, get a bit much after a while.

I broke my promise, and potentially sacrificed my friendship to come in here.


My eyes go directly towards her walk-in closet.

Yes, you heard right.

Walk-in closet.

I’m starting to hate myself for being in here.

I need to leave now.

I was right.

Food was not worth me sacrificing my friendship over.

I turn to leave when…


My stomach growls.

Fuck it.

I was starving.

I swing the doors open.

So much for being her best friend, Cassie.

I whistle as I open the doors to Alexis’s walk-in.

Her closet looks like it’s very own Rodeo Drive.

Now I’m jealous.

Clothes galore.

Shoes, make-up, handbags.

I can’t go on.

Something catches my eye.

Could it be what I've just risked my entire friendship on.

I get closer.


All this for nothing.

I don’t carry on looking.

I accept the defeat and exit Alexis’s bedroom.

I stroll down the stairs.

I take what I can get and head up to my bedroom.

My night just beginning.

But you know this part already.

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