Chapter seven
It’s the middle of the night, I’ve been working on these manuscripts for the last 7 hours.
I’m tired.
My eyes are blurry, I can barely make out words anymore. But I’m almost done.
I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s getting closer.
Thank God.
If I see another manuscript, in my life, it will be too soon. Which Is funny within itself as, it’s my job. ‘
“HA, HA, HA.’”. I think to myself.
Hilarious Cassandra.
I look around the room, just so I can let my brain and eyes rest for a second.
I look to my phone.
Now would be a good time to maybe turn it back on.
I wonder how many people have missed me.
I know it’s only been a few hours, but c’mon, someone had to, right?
Somewhere at the back of my mind, I’m secretly hoping it’s Jericho.
I know he sent me a couple of texts before I went dark.
But maybe he’s called and texted since then.
Terrified something has happened to me, worried out of his mind with grief and guilt.
Too far.
A girl can dream.
My cell lights up as I switch it on.
I wait a couple of minutes for it to properly connect to my service provider and the WIFI.
No new messages.
No missed calls.
Not even from Alexis.
The only messages are the ones from earlier, from Jericho and a reply from Alexis, only to say she’s having a great vacation and she’ll see me soon.
I’m a bit disappointed I’m not going to lie.
I thought Jericho, at least would have sent me a few more texts or even another missed call.
Maybe four.
I clearly underestimated him.
But then again, I didn’t answer his last call or any of his texts so, why bother wasting his breath, right?
I touch the message icon which tells me I have 2 messages which are unread.
They open instantly.
The first.
“Cassandra, I saw you running out of the office.
I tried to catch up to talk to you about the work I want done on those manuscripts.”
I can just hear Jericho’s voice in my head as I am reading the text as if he were standing right in front of me this very moment.
And the second.
“Remember Cassandra, there are a lot of people willing to take your position, at any moment.”
Wow, I cannot believe he had me thinking that those were going to be apology texts.
Which would at least be something.
I guess to hope for a little gratitude would be asking too much from him.
Who did I think I was talking about.
He’s Jericho Dean.
The man makes it his job to make you feel useless and expendable.
If anything, he’s just proven to me how unimportant I am to him.
What was I thinking?
What was I feeling?
To believe I actually thought that I was having feelings for him.
And the dream.
OH MY GOD, do not get me started on that ridiculous, stupid dream.
What is wrong with me?
To even think for a second, there was a possibility of there being an us.
well, I was most definitely getting that thought straight out of my head.
How delusional I must be to even think such things.
No matter how badly I wanted them to happen or even be true you can never get what you want, and you should never diminish your personality or morals for such things.
I just couldn’t believe that I let myself get wrapped up in the fantasy of it all.
But could I be wrong?
NOPE, NOPE, there I go again second guessing myself.
I do this all the time.
But not this time.
I am sticking to my guns.
I will not be tempted by the sexiness of Jericho Dean.
No matter what!
“Yeah, right Cassandra. You keep telling yourself that.”
I say to myself.
Oh gosh.
Why was this happening to me.
I swear only I would be having sex dreams about the most heartless man in America.
Something was wrong with me.
I cover my face with my pillow and start screaming into it.
Surprisingly, it felt good.
Until it wore off.
I needed to focus on something else instead of him.
So, I went back to the manuscripts I had put down.
And tried with everything I had not to think about anything about him.
But it was no good.
I was obsessed.
He was literally all I could think about.
I knew this was going to happen.
I hate my life.
I threw the manuscripts down on the bed again and laid back on my bed.
This was getting ridiculous.
I pick up my phone.
Should I text him?
Maybe he’s just waiting for me to make the first move.
On second thoughts.
Did I honestly think he was waiting around for me to give him a txt.
I don’t think so.
Jesus, snap out of it you damn fool.
What is wrong with me.
I know I keep on saying this, but I genuinely think there is something wrong.
I cant carry on like this.
i just need to do my work and hopefully he will just disappear from my brain.
i grab the manuscripts yet again and i start to read.
Just as i think im blocking him out my phone chimes with a txt.
Of course.
It just had to be him.
Now, i defiantely wasn't getting rid of his ass.
That's fucking great.
I look to see what Mr Big Shot had to say.
"How are those manuscripts coming along?"
"I hope they're not giving you too much trouble?" he says.
I couldnt believe what i was reading.
Jericho had done a complete 180.
I don't understand.
What's happened to the prick?
The guy who threatened to get someone else in my place to do my job.
I just couldn't stop staring at the message.
What do I reply to that?
Do i reply to that?
I didn't reply....