4. What is Going On?
Lilith Pov
I looked at Rob who was staring at me. His eyes analyzing me as I stand there waiting for him to speak. Finally, he broke our silence “What the hell are you doing Lilith?” “What do you mean?” “You don’t go around making out with random men, you have never been that kind of girl.” My eyes stared at him. “Rob, I can’t describe it.” I wanted to say more, but I couldn’t think of how to explain it. Rob continued staring at me. My body telling me this was taking too long and that it wanted Eric. “Shit, he is your mate?” Rob said.
My head tiled in confusion. “The best way to explain is it is a soul mate. Shifters have them. The stars align for the couple. They are supposed to be your match.” I said, “Why didn’t you ever tell me about this?” Rob leaned back in his chair "I didn’t tell you because I didn’t think you would ever go for something like that. You have made it clear over the years that you make your own destiny, and having a mate I didn’t think you would except.” My anger was under my skin, filling me.
Kali was itching to lash out. She tended to want to do that, but I was so active I could usually keep a good grip on her. But in anger I said “No, you just didn’t think I would ever find a mate.” I hissed. “Lilith take a deep breath.” My furry sizzled. Rob stood from the desk and stood in front of me. He placed his hands on my cheeks grounding me. “Lilith breath.” He said calmly but firmly. I did as he asked, and the anger started to leave me. After a moment passed, he released my face. “Feel, better?” I nodded and said “Sorry, you know sometimes.” He shook his head and held up his hand to tell me. “Lilith don’t apologize I know you; you never have to explain to me.”
I offered a small smile. “How about you just show me what you got tonight.” I dumped out my side bag. There were several things. I picked up the key fob I had taken from Jacob. “I don’t know where the car is parked but it is a red Porsch, I thought you might want to sell it.” Rob snickered saying “Lilith, an amazing haul as always.” “Thanks.” He went up and got to his safe. He pulled out some of the cash and handed it to me. “Once I move the car, I will make sure you get a cut.” Rob was generous to me. I shoved the cash into my bag.
“Lilith be careful with the mate bond, don’t rush there is no reason to. I know it can feel like it is the most wonderful thing in the world, but there are better things out there. You have always chosen to rule yourself despite what you have been predisposition to. Think of these feelings toward your mate like that.” I understood where he was coming from. He made a point. I tended to have anger and a lot of it, it was why I always stayed active making sure I was not consumed by it. It is why I ran Kali so much.
But, I saw Eric as I walked out of Rob’s office, I didn’t care. These feelings toward Eric were not negative ones like the normal ones I had. This was a fire that was different. “Your mentor has a soundproof office.” He spoke. “He does.” “Let's get out of here.” “I just got to grab some of my stuff.” He pulled me to his side and said, “I will follow you.” I moved fast, Eric staying at my side as I practically sprinted through the gym going to the locker room. I swapped my bag that had my money in it. Stuffing the money into my bookbag and putting the other back. I grabbed a few things, shoving them into my bag. Eric said, “I take it you come here a lot.” I looked at him. His eyes on my open locker that was stuffed full of things. I felt embarrassed a little but said, “Yeah I do, it is easier to keep some of my things here.” I was done and about to put my backpack on saying “You said you wanted to get out of here?”
Erics eyes darkened. His large body moved swiftly colliding with mine. His hands found my waist grabbing it and hoisting me up. My legs wrapped around him, and my back was slammed against the lockers, his mouth consumed mine. My legs squeezed Eric as they wrapped around him. My hands grabbed his neck and head pulling him to me. My body wanted him to be rough. His hands squeezed my ass hard and I moaned into his mouth, enjoying the pressure.
One of his hands moved sliding up my back. God, this feeling is incredible. I felt his erection pushing into me beneath our clothes. I wanted to know how good it would feel for him to fill me up. Suddenly the door of the locker room opened, and a bunch of whistling and shouts pulled me from Eric’s mouth. “Lilith nice to see you aren’t a nun like we thought.” One of the guys said. Another hit his shoulder “I told you she wasn’t she had a boyfriend like two years ago. You just assumed when she turned you down.” My eyes shot daggers at him.
Eric released his hold on me, and I stood up again, grabbing my backpack from the ground and slinging it onto my back. One of the guys moved closer sticking out his hand to Eric “I am Mor.” Eric looked at his hand outstretched and the tentatively shook it. Mor was one of the shifters at the gym. He was nice enough, but I wouldn’t say we were friends, despite the fact he was close to my age. The other guy came up not offering his hand. He was newer to the gym and a human. Mor spoke “This is Todd.” I rolled my eyes. Mor spoke again “Lilith, why didn’t you tell me you had a new boyfriend?” Before I could even answer Mor was speaking again “You know man I give you props, Lilith she is a beast, I certainly would never be able to handle all of that.”
“Don’t tell him that shit Mor, you know what, you can go fuck yourself.” I was starting to get testy, I just wanted to be alone with Eric. First Rob interrupted and now these guys. I grabbed Eric’s hand and began pulling him away. “Use protection.” Mor shouted after us. I held up a finger flicking him off, and I could hear Todd saying something about me, but I ignored it. Eric and I reached the exit finally. “Sorry about all that, Mor he is, kind of, I don’t know. We aren’t friends, but we aren’t enemies. He just has a big mouth. And Todd he is new doesn’t get the pecking order yet.”
Eric responded after running his hand through his hair. I saw his large arms flexing at his movements and warmth spread throughout my abdomen. “Lilith what is all going on here?” I looked around. “Are you talking about the gym?” “I mean Rob, he is your mentor? But I am guessing you steal for him. I am guessing he is also responsible for the illegal fight in the basement not to mention he is a rogue. Then Mor he is a shifter, but he seems all chummy with a human. My wolf Axel said he isn’t a rogue, but he is not from a pack from what he can tell. And I sniff you and you smell amazing, and I know you are my mate but just like Mor neither of you are part of a pack but aren’t rogues so I am asking what the hell is going on.”
“I don’t understand?” Eric asked, “Which part don’t you understand?” Kali shifted under my skin making me a little uncomfortable. I had kept her locked up tight as she wanted to burst free and meet Eric’s wolf since he had approached us. I must have winced a little because Eric moved to me. Putting his hand on my arm. “You, okay?” He asked. “Fine, just Kali, my wolf, wants out, sometimes she can be harsh with me, but I told her later, I am fine now.” I gave him a smile. Eric said. “Axel wants out too, maybe we should just let them get to know each other and then work out the rest later.”
Kali was scratching inside me, normally she could be controlled but she was demanding release. “Where do you go run Lilith, we can let the wolves have their time and then we will have ours.” “The attic, we have the wheels up there.” Eric face twisted in confusion. “Come on.” I pulled away. Kali got even more impatient to get out, even with knowing it was coming soon. I told her to wait but she was growling I had to break into a freaking run getting to the attic hoping I could keep her inside. I ran her so often, so this didn’t happen. Not like it used to.