5. Wolf's Marking

Eric Pov

I had waited outside of Lilith mentor's office. My mind was spinning at everything I had observed. We got to the exit, but my mind was still processing what I had seen so far. There were weird interactions in the locker room, I saw Lilith using her locker as a small closet which was strange. Then there were the guys who entered, Axel told me that Mor was a wolf, but he was not a rogue and also not part of a pack. I was not paying attention while the boy talked. I took it as time to smell Lilith.

Her smell of Jasmin was overwhelming, but I kept myself in check focusing and it clicked, she had no pack like Mor. He also was friends with a human, then there was the crime that was going on. Then Lilith whimpered and we suddenly were heading to an attic to release our wolves. But at some point, Lilith started running. I followed her as she bolted. She got there before me, and I watched as her wolf tore through her clothes.

I saw black fur and my stomach fell. Her black fur meant one thing; she was from the Draco pack. But she wasn’t part of a pack I smelt her. Axel begged me to let him out. I stripped and told him to talk to her wolf Kali and tell me what was going on. I had not marked Lilith nor was she part of my pack so we couldn’t talk over a mind link. So, I was hopeful that Axel would get information from his mate. I watched through Axel eyes as he rubbed against Kali. But then the rubbing got to be too much to watch. I knew where it was heading.

I fell back into my own mind shutting Axel out to give him privacy. I didn’t want to watch him mating with Kali. I mind linked my brother Noel instead “Noel?” “Where the hell did you go?” “I met my mate.” I linked him. “No fucking way!” “Yep.” “You don’t have to tell me anything else. I am sure you want privacy for a while; I can meet you back at the pack. I can’t wait to meet her. The pack is going to flip we are going to have a Luna.” My brother sometimes tended to ramble. “Noel, let me get a word in would you?” “Sorry.” I linked again “Look, something weird is going on here.”

He didn’t link back for a while but then he did “What do you mean?” “So, of the wolves here, including my mate, they don’t have packs.” Noel cut me off mid link. “Your mate is a rogue?” “No, that is it. Only her mentor, it seems, is a rogue. She doesn’t have the scent of a rogue neither does the other wolf shifter I met. I don’t know how many others there are here, but I have a feeling they too don’t have a pack.” Noel didn’t respond so I continued “Look I will find out what is going on and let you know.” “Okay, but still I would say it is a good night you found your mate.”

I internally smiled at the thought. I knew better than to break the news that Lilith’s wolf had a black coat. I didn’t know how to talk about that yet with Noel. We had a run in with the Draco Pack years ago and they had killed some of our pack including our mother who was pregnant at the time. It would inevitably be a sore spot. My mother's death as well as her unborn child had destroyed my father. He left his position as Alpha choosing solitude, not wanting to see anyone, including me and my two siblings. “Well, Eric, I will get going but again congratulations on finding your mate. I will expect to see both of you in a few days. Also, I will leave the truck, so you have something to bring her stuff into the pack.” “Thanks Noel.” Noel then linked again. “What is her name? So, I can tell the pack?” “Lilith”

I checked back on Axel looking through his eye and his emotions flooded me. I quickly pulled back. God, gross. I thought. I had just seen and felt more than I needed to, of my wolf. This was the way of wolves though. They liked to be physical with one another once they found their mate. Lilith was my mate when I was human, and her wolf was Axel’s. Unlike their human counterparts wolfs didn’t over think things, it was simple with their feelings and desires. There was a unique bond between a shifters wolf and their human. When a shifter was in human form, we held control when we shifted and once in wolf form, most of the time, we had control of our wolf, but not always.

A little while later, I heard Axel in my head. “Lilith does not know anything about her origins and said neither Lilith nor herself were in a pack. She did tell me a little about your mate. I have to say Eric, she has had it bad by human standards. Kali also has never run in the woods. But she said Lilith runs her almost every day on the big wheels in this attic. Lilith seems to treat her well, but sometimes doesn’t let her do everything she wants.”

“She wouldn’t elaborate on that, so I don’t really know what she meant by it. But, her strength is evident despite the fact she is smaller. Rob told Lilith it is because she is half human. Her father, who is unknown to both of them, raped Lilith’s mother. Rob briefly explained the mate bond to Lilith when they were in his office. I explained it in more detail to her, so she is talking to Lilith about it now. But that is all she would divulge to me at this point. I am sure you already know I marked her,” I knew Axel would do that the second he shifted. Wolfs don’t wait to mark their mates if they could help it. Neither did their human counterparts most of the time.

Axel continued to speak to me in my head “So, if you need to use me at any point to talk to Lilith through Kali, I will relay what you want. "I was grateful. I couldn’t mind link with Lilith until she joined the pack. I could mark her at any time but that would not tap her into my pack link unless I bled into her mark while it was fresh, and the skin was open, so our blood could mix. It was not the tradition though. When she joined our pack, it would be in front of all of Grey Crest.

It was never clear how the wolf marking worked and why it was different when wolves marked one another verse when a shifter in human for marked his mate. But I didn’t need to know, I just accepted it. Axel gave me control again and I shifted. Kali eyed me suspiciously. Her wolf eyes fixed on me. Then I watched as she shifted into Lilith. My eyes started to look her over. She was beautiful naked. Her breast big and round, with pink nipples. Her stomach was flat and continued down to nice hips. Her pink pussy bare in front of me. Her body was flushed all over catching me off guard, I looked closer and noticed she was kind of sweating. “Lilith are you okay?” Her eyes were devouring my body. “Lilith.” I said a little louder and her bright blue eyes snapped to mine. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, just sometimes Kali screams her emotions a little too loudly so there coupling was a bit much.”

I quirked my brow. “You couldn’t block her out? Please tell me you didn’t have to watch them?” Lilith let out an awkward laugh. “Not the whole thing, just bits here and there, which trust me was awkward, but most of the time no. Kali though was having a hard time blocking me with her emotions so high.” “You don’t block her yourself?” Lilith made a face. “Can you hand me my backpack. I have some clothes in it.” I dropped the subject. Lilith clearly didn’t want to talk about that part of her relationship with her wolf.

Lilith was standing there getting dressed, she blushed looking at me. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. I couldn’t help but think she was magnificent. “Are you going to get dressed?” Lilith asked. I grabbed my clothes I had tossed to the ground before I shifted and began. Lilith was standing there with her bag on her back ready to leave. She smiled at me. “So, Kali told me about the mating bond. I guess your wolf, Axel, told her about it. I am sorry I didn’t know, that was a thing when I met you.” Lilith paused and then continued. “I don’t really know what to do now?” She started rocking on her heels. I said, “I guess the question is do you want to complete the bond?”

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