6. Nope Not there Here

Lilith’s Pov

Eric had asked his question. I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to devour him, to let him possess me the way I wanted to possess him. My body wanted to feel all his flesh on mine. I loved the idea of being with someone who would have my back always, but I had never had that, and it seemed overwhelming to have a person be so close to me. I had Juliet but she didn’t know all of me. I guessed Rob was the person I was closest to. He knew all of my secrets, and shortcomings. But, he still accepted me and wanted me around.

I also had my wolf, Kali. She was there for me. Unlike Rob I talked to her more about how I was feeling. But sometimes she would push me, and I felt like I had to always accommodate her wants. It used to happen a lot once I had my first shift. Now, not so much. I seemed to have more control; the exercise helped a lot. I kept myself in sports. I trained with the fighters and most importantly I let Kali out every day to run on the wheel. As well as giving into a lot of her pursuits withing reason. Rob had taught me these tricks and over time things seemed to get better, between Kali and me. When she fought me for control tonight it was the first time in a long time.

I wanted to have Eric. What Kali had described to me about having a mate was incredible. It was not even remotely just a soul mate like Rob said. Maybe he didn’t know about them really because he never had a mate. Or maybe no one really explained it to him, Axel explained it in detail to Kali, and she repeated it all to me. I looked at Eric, he didn’t seem overly pushy which was probably a good thing.

But could I really lean on someone the way Kali explained? Kali screamed at me in my head “You must complete the bond. I already am mated to Axel, and I refuse to be kept apart from him.” I knew she was right. Knowing her, if she didn’t get her way, she would make it happen by force. “Yes, Eric.” My heart pounded as I said it. Eric smiled, he then moved closer to me, his large hands touching my hips. He looked down and said “Then we should find a place more private.” I smiled nervously. I nodded and took his hand leading him out of the gym. Others were filling out as well. I was guessing tonight's entertainment had finished.

We shuffled out of the building with everyone, our hands were on one another. I began to walk to where I chained my bike up. “Lilith my truck is that way.” Eric said as he pointed. “Eric, I have a bicycle, it is not a good idea to leave it here.” Eric looked at me. “Okay well we can load it into the truck, I am assuming if you can’t leave your bike, it would not be a good idea to leave the truck.” “Yeah, probably not the best idea.” He nodded and we grabbed my bike. “Do you drive at all?” Eric asked me as we walked. “I can drive if that is what you are asking.”

Rob had taught me along with teaching me to hotwire various cars. On a few occasions I have used that particular skill. I looked at the blue truck that Eric had. It was nice and looked to be a newer model.

His truck indicating that Eric had money. I felt embarrassed as I looked at my old bike. I sighed, there was nothing I could do about it. I maybe should consider Rob’s offer to do more things, the pay would be better. But I had no desire to do anything with drugs that is where I drew the line. But there were other things that paid better for me to do. I sometimes considered getting a regular job, but I knew Kali had a bit of a dark spot. She liked committing the crimes and it was part of keeping her happy.

Eric lifted the bike and put it in the bed of the truck. Before I could open the door to crawl in Eric opened it for me and held a handout to help me in. Eric hurried around and started up the engine. “So, where are we going? Do you have a place.” Dred filled me. There was no way I could let him see where I lived. He would be repulsed seeing my tiny dingy room. I also didn’t want him to have to meet Jim or Missy. I thought.

“Yeah, I have a spot.” Eric went where I told him. We were in front of a huge abandon warehouse on the outskirts of the city. I discovered this place years ago. “Hold on.” I jumped from the truck and ran to one of the large gates. I opened my bag pulling out my lock kit. It took a second and the lock opened. I smiled hauling the gate open for Eric to drive through. I began motioning with my arms to tell him to pull forward. But he didn’t move. I ran to the driver's side; Eric rolled his window down. “Did you not know that I was signaling to pull in?”

Eric stared at me for a while then said. “Lilith shut the gate and get back into the truck.” “What, you said you wanted to complete the mating bond. This place is empty, and you can pull the truck all the way into the warehouse, no one will see it from the street. Not to mention most people don’t come out this far from the inner city.” “Lilith close the gate.” I shrugged and did as he asked and crawled back into the truck. “Well, I don’t know what you want to do now. This is the most private place I know.”

Eric began driving back into the city. I looked out of the window. It was super late. I watched as we drove. “Do you go to that warehouse often?” Eric’s voice cut through our silence. “I go there sometimes. I like to be able to get away. It is a long bike ride but sometimes it is worth it. Hardly anyone comes out this far.” Eric was silent again as we continued driving. I watched the streets. Seeing the people who sat on the sidewalks. We passed the tents of the homeless. The bad parts of the city started to fade into a nicer area. I saw when we passed the whole foods. Telling me we were in the rich district.

Then we pulled into the Ritz Carlton. “Eric we can’t stay here?” He turned to me. “I am not going to seal our bond in some warehouse when we can do it in a big fluffy bed not a concrete floor. A warehouse is not going to have room service in the morning.”

I gulped, feeling even more embarrassed I took Eric there. I didn’t even think of a hotel as an option. But, even if I had I would not have thought of the Ritz. This place was super expensive. I had never been inside, but I knew of it having looked online. I considered stealing from people inside more than once, but I wouldn’t blend in. I didn’t have nice enough clothes to fit in, it would be obvious I was not staying there. Then there were the cars in the garage that were worth a lot. But the security was tight, and I didn’t think I could get away with it.

Eric pulled to the front and just like the people I had seen a valet came and took the vehicle from us. I made sure to grab my backpack. As we walked my eyes were wide, taking everything in. The polished floors and walls. I felt out of place. Eric and I stood at the desk. He looked comfortable being in a place like this. I wondered if he stayed in a lot of fancy hotels. The man at the desk checked us in. He looked at me, but he didn’t seem to think anything of it. Maybe I had been wrong, and I would actually be able to pick pocket from here. I started looking around and saw low lights coming from the far side of the lobby. Probably a bar inside.

I made a mental note to maybe consider coming back and having a nicer haul than normal. "I would like the penthouse.” Eric said. I turned and looked at him in surprise. The freaking penthouse. How much money did he have? I couldn’t even afford most things. Rob paid me, but most of it went toward my bills. Missy insisted I started paying my own way when I was returned from foster care. What I didn’t spend went to my saving, which was under a loose board in my room.

With my hand in Eric’s, we walked to the elevator once we had our room key. The second the metal doors began to close Eric pulled me to him. His lips landed on mine fiercely. But suddenly there was a cough. Eric looked and saw an older couple. “Take the next one.” Eric grumbled at the old couple. They had to stop the door from closing and entered the elevator at the last second. The older couple didn’t respond and hit the button for their floor. I noticed the woman had a nice bracelet. “I like diamonds.” Kali said in my mind. I moved a little closer behind the old women. I began to reach out. I was good at this, and I knew it.

But as I reached out to take it. Eric grabbed my arms and pulled me to him. I looked at him, Kali growling inside my head. Eric shook his head. I frowned and looked away ashamed. I knew I tended to let Kali get what she wanted, and she wanted me to have that bracelet, but Eric didn’t want me to take it from the women. I could let it go with no problem, but Kali was swearing nonstop in my head. I began to rub my temples telling her to calm down.

When the doors of the elevator opened Kali was no longer yelling. The women had left the elevator and not seeing the bracelet had helped with her anger. Eric grabbed me his lips landing on mine. We got out onto a small landing when he fumbled to get the key into the door as his lips wanted to stay on mine.

The door to the penthouse gave way and we spilled into the room. I dropped my bag that was on one of my shoulders. With nothing on my back Eric grabbed me hoisting me up and I wrapped my legs around him. Finally, after being interrupted so many times it was just the two of us. I was shoved against the door as he shut it with my body. I moaned into his mouth.

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