I open my eyes and groan in pain as I feel my head hurt like it had been hit by a truck. I sit up straight on the bed and scan the bedroom. It's not mine. I would never have black drapes, black carpet and a black duvet. The events of last flood my mind and I lie on the bed covering my face with the duvet as I groan in frustration. Ace and I had quite a drinking spree last night and ended up spending the night on his bed. This is just crazy. I retrieve my phone from the nightstand and when I unlock it, I'm not surprised to see thirty missed calls from Alora. I bailed on her last night and I know she's going to kill me when I get home.

Just then a door opens and Ace walks in with a towel tied around his waist. His wet hair is ruffled and I swallow hard when my eyes fall on his well formed eight packs. The drops of water trickling down the abs drive me insane and without warning my mind travels to what happened between us last night. The way he had handled my body with care like I was some fragile creature that he didn't want to hurt. The way he had made love to me like he loved me from the depth of his heart. It felt like he was worshipping my body. Last night was spectacular.

"Like what you see?" He asks with a cocky smile and I immediately tear my eyes off him as I clear my throat.

"I need a towel"

"Well... good morning to you too" he says with a sweet smile.

"Towel, please"

"One minute" he disappears into another room and later cones back with a towel and hands over to me.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome"

I step down from the bed ignoring the fact that I'm naked and tie the towel . There's no need to act all shy after all, we had sex. It's not like he hasn't already seen me naked. Besides, I have nothing to be ashamed of, I have an awesome body.

I walk into the sophisticated bathroom and cringe at the sight of it, totally masculine, just like my brother's. I do my business and take a shower and when I'm done I go into the bedroom where I meet Ace all dressed up, sitting on a sofa and sipping coffee. I scan around for my clothes but I can't find them.

"I ... I can't find my clothes"

"I took them to the laundry room"

"So...what am I going to wear?"

"You can wear mine" He says shrugging

"O... kay"

"The closet is over there" he says pointing to another door and I quietly walk over to the door and get into the room. It's quite spacious and well organized. He's got like an entire mall of clothes and shoes of different brands and he sure has a thing for Tuxedos cuz an entire wardrobe is filled with Tuxedos. I'm impressed.

I use his lotion to rub my body and put on a pair of grey sweatpants and white t-shirt . I tie my hair into a messy pony tail and go back to the bedroom.

"I have to be on my way now"

"Stay for breakfast and later on, I'll ask one of my driver's to take you home"

"Thanks but you don't have to worry, I'll call a cab"

"Luna, I insist and I'm not taking no for an answer. Now sit down" He orders.

Oh... He's bossy.

"Great!" I say as roll my eyes and sit on the bed.

"Do not ever roll your eyes at me again" He warns.

"Fine" I say almost rolling my eyes again.

"There's something you need to know"

"I know what happened last night was a mistake, a one night stand that has to be gotten over" I babble as play with my fingers.

It wasn't a mistake to me though, I was conscious of what we were doing and in a way I wanted it to happen. I kind of like Ace and having sex with him had always sounded appealing to me so last night was like fulfilling a long time wish and also I needed to get my mind off the break up with Seven and the sex was the perfect way to do it.

I will never forget that one night stand we had.

"Last night was not a mistake" Ace contradicts and I look at him in shock "yeah, to me it wasn't. I actually enjoyed every moment of it so don't ever say that"

"It was just a one night stand" I insist

"I know that, but I cheated you"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I didn't use the condom I was supposed to use"

The confession jars in my ears like loud music. He cannot be serious. God please, he should not be serious.

He's a selfish bastard!

"You sneaky son of a..." I pause and swallow the next word that had to come out "What?" I ask aghast.

"I'm sorry...I'm just not a condom guy"

"Oh my God you have an STI right?, or worst still you have HIV. You've infected me!" I cry in rage as I feel my nerves tensioning all over my body and my heart starts hammering against my chest. I'm actually trembling right now. What was I even thinking when I agreed to come here with him.

This is just the end of me

"Jesus!, No Luna I'm not sick. I have none of these illnesses I'm healthy. I swear!" He says seriously and I feel my nerves relax. In a few seconds I'm calm again but my heart is still racing.

"You swear?"

"I swear Luna I'm healthy"


"Are you still mad?"

"Of course I am, I could get pregnant you moron!"

"Then I'm going to find you. Even if it means turning this world up-side-down, I would"

"You wouldn't"

"Try me"

He says looking at me straight in the eye. The rumors aren't true after all. They say he's bossy and ruthless. Yeah he's bossy and that's annoying as hell but he's not ruthless. He has been nothing but caring to me ever since we met and now he's determined to take responsibility for a pregnancy that isn't even certain yet.

That doesn't sound like ruthlessness to me. I find his concern entirely genuine. He's indisputably a gentleman.

"Yeah whatever, can I go now?"

"No you cannot, you have to eat first and also, were not done talking"

"What's there for us to talk about?"

"The pregnancy"

"Jesus Christ!, Ace I said I COULD get pregnant not I WILL get pregnant. It's not certain yet"

"I know that but I want to be the first person you tell when that happens. Can you promise to do that?"

"Why would you care?" I ask curious

"Because I take responsibility for my actions."

"Alright then, I promise"

"Thank you"

"Why won't you just let me go?"

"Because you have to take breakfast and I brought you here so it's only right for me to see to it that you get home safe and sound. I'm trying hard to be a gentleman, so please don't ruin it for me" He says with a serious tone and I can't help but chuckle.

"You've got some sense of humor after all"

"Oh, you will be shocked at the things I've got" He says with cocky smile.

"Indeed I will"

" Want me to show you more?"

"Oh no, I saw more than enough last night"

"Fascinated, weren't you?"

"I'll just... go and help the maids prepare breakfast" I say nervously as I exit the bedroom with him laughing.

I'm still feeling giddy from last night's hot sex, I'm not ready to talk about it with him.

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