“Thank you so much for the heart attack!. There's something called a cellphone Luna and you've got one, a very good one at that, one phone call would've saved me all the trouble."
Says a raging Alora as I step into the living room. I'm dead meat.
"I'm sorry"
"I said to go out and have fun, not to unleash the whore in you"
"I couldn't help it, Alora please let me explain "
"I'm all... " She suddenly halts and looks at me from head to toe. "Whose clothes are those you have on?" She asks as she stands akimbo.
"Um... It's part of the explanation"
"Ok then, commence" She says as she makes herself comfortable on the couch. I walk helter skelter around the living room wondering how I have to start telling to her that I had a one night stand which was actually a memorable one with the famous Ace Damon.
When I'm done narrating to her the events of last night and this morning, Alora is staring at me like I suddenly turned into a ghost. I can understand why she's so shocked, what I did last night was totally unlike me. I'm not the most reserved girl but I never share a drinks with strangers not to talk of having sex with them. It was just outrageous. Well maybe it was because the other strangers weren't as hot as Ace and not to talk of the fact that he was my highschool crush.
"Wow!" Alora suddenly exclaims with a wide smile and I'm surprised as to why she's smiling. I had expected her to rip my head off.
It's quite relieving though.
"You had a one night stand with the famous Ace Damon. That... is a huge accomplishment" She says excitedly and I look at her in awe.
Is she really serious about what she just said?
"Really Alora?, You think sleeping with a random guy is a huge accomplishment?... Wow!"
"Not just any kind of guy honey, the most eligible bachelor in the country. Damn girl if I were you I would beg God to bless me with pregnancy" At the mention of the word pregnancy my heart falls in my stomach and Ace's words replay in my mind. I have this weird giddy feeling in my stomach. What if I really get pregnant?.
No... That won't happen. I instantly shake off the thought. This is not some fairy tale where the girl gets pregnant for the arrogant billionaire and then ends up marrying him. This is reality.
"Luna what are you not telling me?" Alora asks looking at me suspiciously.
"Um... I..." I start laughing.
"Come on, just tell me already" she insists impatiently.
"Ace said to let him know if that happens"
"Oh... That sounds scary"
"Does it?"
"Yeah, it does"
"Whatever, I'm not going to get pregnant so... let's just brush it off. I need to rest now, I had a long and tedious night"
"I can only imagine how long it was for you. You had all that fine dick all to yourself last night, I'm jealous of you"
"You should, it's not only fine but also very effective. It made me forget my name"
"You are a spoilt whore, there is no hope for you" She says as she goes into the kitchen, I chuckle hard as I take the stairs leading to my bedroom.
You will never understand why I feel this way until you live in my city and get to about this man called Ace Damon. He's every woman's idol.
It's been a week since my encounter with the gorgeous Luna and for some unknown reasons I just can't seem to get over her. I had loved every moment we spent together and the passionate sex with her keeps reminiscing on my mind. I didn't have sex with her like I did with other girls, not even my girlfriend Sophia, there was something about her body that made worship it. She is the most fragile girl I have touched and I couldn't help but handle her with so much care. I smile every time I remember how she let me explore her perfect body and her gentle moans keep replaying on my mind like some sweet slow music. That night was impeccable and I swear I wish I could have another with her in my room on my bed.
When she first saw me she looked nervous like she had seen a ghost but as we conversed she eventually relaxed and we flowed. Most girls I meet do nothing but smile the entire time but Luna had actually spoken freely and she even called me a moron!, I like her fierce nature.
"Babe" A voice calls and when I turn to look I see my girlfriend, Sophia. It's been more than two weeks since we last spoke after she stood me up at our dinner date and travelled to Paris with her manager for a photoshoot. I was so mad at her that I asked her to give me some space. I held a heavy grudge against her but after my encounter with Luna, It all went away. I'm not mad at her anymore.
"Babe I'm so sorry about the other day. I really couldn't turn down Mr. Nick's offer. Look babe he was going to call Tracy if I didn't go and you know how much I dislike that skinny whore. I can never let her take my place in that agency" she rants on and I just stare at her blankly. she just called another model skinny when she's just as skinny too. I really don't get girls at times, especially Sophia.
"Babe are you listening to me?" She asks and when I look at her, I notice that she's crying already. Mind you, Sophia is not a sentimental girl, one of the reasons I love her very much. The last thing she does is whine over trivial issues so if she's crying right now, it means she's really sorry.
"It's fine Sophia"
"No it's not, you just called me Sophia. You never call me by my name"
Scratch what I just said up there about Sophia not whining about trivial issues. I was wrong.
"Babe it's okay, I'm over it"
"Yeah, come here" I stretch out my arms and she falls into them and I engulf her in a big hug "I miss you"
"I miss you more, are we ready cool now?"
"I promise we are"
"Thank you"
It's not like I have a choice though. My relationship with Sophia is bound to work whether I like it or not. It's true that I love. Yes, I love Sophia. She's not only my girlfriend but my childhood friend, we grew up together and our mothers are best friends. They are both leaders of the biggest women organization in the country and are quite famous. They are the ones who hooked us up together and they have made us to understand that we are going to get married.
I don't have any problem with the decision though. Sophia is a great girl. She's beautiful, smart, goal oriented, successful and even though her personality is a bit shitty, it's nothing I can't handle. She's not meant to be perfect and I love her imperfections. I love Sophia, so there's no reason why I won't marry her.
"Babe" I call and l she looks at me.
"Yes Ace"
"Something just crossed my mind" I say smiling.
"What could that be?" She asks curious
"I don't know how it's gonna sound to you though"
"Just tell me already" She says impatiently
"I want us to get married" I announce and she looks at me awe.