“You have been talking to your mum about us, haven’t you?” She asks with a frown.
“No babe, it’s my decision. I really want us to get married. I want us to start our own family already”
“Like… You want to have children?”
“Sounds cool right?” I ask with a smile.
“No it doesn’t, this is not cool” She denies flatly.
“Why not?” I ask confused.
“We already had this talk the other time you were hell bent on impregnating me. I’m not having kids until I’m twenty-six. I still have three more years to go”
“Come on love”
“I’m serious Ace, no kids until I’m twenty six”
“So what I really want doesn’t matter to you?”
“Provided I’m the one to carry the pregnancy for nine months while you get all the congratulations, it doesn’t!” She says firmly and I bow my head down in disappointment.
I’m twenty-six years old and financially stable enough to raise children but the woman I will love to have my children with is not ready.
All I can do is wait. Three years won’t kill me.
“Alright then, I’m going to wait. What about the marriage?”
“Are you proposing to me?”
“Uh… I think so”
“Then do it properly”
“Okay then” I get down on my knees and take her hands in mine. “Sophia, will you marry me?” I ask with a wide smile.
“Ace, you’re full of surprises. Yes I will marry you” she says as she hugs me tightly.
“I’m sorry I don’t have a ring, the idea of proposing just popped on my mind and I couldn’t wait”
“It’s okay, you can always get it later on”
“Thank you for understanding”
“It’s fine. Oh my God!” She suddenly exclaims.
“What’s wrong?”
“Our mums are going to blow things out of proportion when we tell them”
“I’ll just text my mum, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle her drama and excitement” I say chuckling.
“Same here”
“Let’s just leave the wedding preparations to them, they’ll be more than willing to coordinate it”
“Yeah. Wow, I can’t believe we’re actually getting married soon”
“You gotta believe. I’m going to get your ring first thing tomorrow morning”
“I can’t wait to put it on”
“Come here”
I gesture her to lie on my chest and I cuddle her. To be honest I’m a bit nervous. This is marriage we’re talking about and it’s such a big deal. Once I’m married to Sophia that means I’m entitled to her alone and she’ll be my responsibility. I’m freaking out internally but I know it’s going to be alright. I’ve known Sophia all my life, so committing to her won’t be a problem.
I’m awoken by a loud annoying sound. I sit up abruptly to smash whatever device is producing the sound against the wall but I halt when I realize that it’s the alarm I set on my phone. I calmly pick up the phone and turn off the alarm. I can’t afford to destroy the brand new iPhone 12 pro my elder brother just bought for me. The time reads six-thirty a.m. and I have barely one hour to prepare and show up at work else my brother who is the CEO of my father’s Multi-million dollar IT Company will rip my head off. I lazily climb down from my comfortable queen-sized bed which I do not want to leave just yet and slowly make my way into the toilet. I ignore the head ache that’s threatening to take over my body and continue doing my business. When I’m done, I apply toothpaste on my toothbrush and the moment I put the brush in my mouth and perceive the scent of the toothpaste, I puke violently in the toilet pot.
The second and third attempts lead to the same violently puking and that’s how I puke as I brush my mouth. By the time I’m done brushing, I’m totally drained and I feel weak. The only thing on my mind now is food!.
Chicken curry to be precise, I hope the cook includes it in today’s menu.
I suddenly remember that time is against me and proceed to prepare myself for work at the speed of light.
After eating breakfast for two, I pick up my car keys and handbag and go outside to the driveway where I get into my white Range Rover and drive to work. I have five minutes to be at the Company which can never happen so I’m officially dead meat for my brother.
As speculated, I meet my elder brother impatiently waiting for me in my office looking all hot and handsome as always. He has on that navy blue Tuxedo I bought for him on his birthday and a pair of black shoes. His thick coffee brown hair is a bit ruffled and he looks stunning. We’ve got a lot of physical features in common like the same coffee brown hair, emerald green eyes, long lashes and cute lips. We look quite alike.
My brother standing before me is the most loved person in my life. I love him to infinity.
“What makes you think you have the right to come in and make yourself comfortable in my office in my absence”
“Well… good morning to you too”
Yeah, it has been established…. I have a habit of not greeting people in the morning.
“Oh please, my morning is nothing close to good”
“What’s wrong princess?, you look sick” He asks worriedly as he walks over to me and touches my forehead. “You’re burning up”
“I woke up with a headache this morning but I ignored it. I even puked while brushing my teeth”
“You did?”
“Yeah like through out. It’s like I suddenly got allergic to toothpaste”
“That sounds serious, come on, let’s get you checked up”
“That won’t be necessary Kyle, I’ll be fine”
“Have you seen yourself?, You look like a scarecrow”
“Geez bro, thanks for the compliment”
“I’m just trying to say you look terrible and I won’t be at peace if I don’t know what’s making you sick”
“What about the meeting with the Departmental Managers?” I ask trying divert his attention. I really don’t want him to cancel his meetings because of something so trivial.
“I can always reschedule the meeting Princess, your health is more important”
“Come on” He takes my hand and leads me out of my office. Once we step into the elevator, he starts making phone calls.
“Hello Theresa… I need you to reschedule the meeting with the Departmental Managers, something came up… Yeah, do well to let them know about the recent changes… thank you” He hangs up and looks at me. “You’ve been careless with your health, haven’t you?”
That’s my overprotective brother for you. He’s always looking out for me even if I don’t want him too. He’s more of a mother to me than a brother.
“I haven’t, I promise” I feel a wave of dizziness take over me and I unconsciously lean on Kyle for support.
“You okay Princess?” He asks worriedly as he holds me still.
“I just feel very dizzy”
Once the elevator opens up, he quickly carries me bridal style and rushes to the private parking lot where he puts me in his car. Once he’s settled on the driver’s seat, he takes off to the hospital like a maniac.
For me, I don’t understand what’s going on with my body. A while ago I was fine but right now I feel like I’m going to die in the next minutes to come. My entire body aches and my heart is spinning like a merry-go-round and not to mention the awful bitterness in my mouth. My body is so not mind right now.
A twenty minute ride becomes a ten minute ride all thanks to my panicking over protective brother. Once we arrive at the hospital, he carries me bridal style and rushes into the hospital and I’m immediately placed on a stretcher. Once I’m on it, I don’t know what happens but everything goes black.