Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

"Otto!" He called for someone while I was still stunned and unable to comprehend what had just happened.

In a few seconds, a bigger bald man with a muscular chest walked into the room.

"Clear this mess up," he commanded, and Otto instantly dragged the lifeless body away. Once he got out, three girls ran into the room with cleaning equipment as they cleaned the mess up without glancing at anyone else in the room.

Where the hell could I be with these type of people around me? I had no idea what I could have done to result in this, nor did I understand why the girls that had been coming into the room were all young like me.

As soon as they finished cleaning up the mess, I turned back to look at the man behind the shadows, with my chest rising and falling in fear. I tried to control my fear, but I knew I was in a critical situation at the moment.

"Why am I here?" I asked in a calmer and lower tone. I saw what he did to the poor man. I wouldn't want the same for me, knowing my baby might still be in me.

"You still don't want to know about me?" He replied in a calm tone. I was going to rudely yell at him, but I knew he was a dangerous figure and I didn't want to annoy him further. If calling him something as simple as a coward could cost a life, I don't want to know what other things he is capable of doing, so I needed to watch my tongue.

"Who are you?" I tried to ask fiercely, but it came out as a stutter.

"They call me the Demon Prince, but you, my dear, you can call me Anselm." He answered, but I couldn't track the name down to anything; it was foreign and I knew nothing about him.

"I doubt you'd know anything about me. Your dear husband wouldn't tell you about me because I've always been kept hidden, but it's high time I come out from the shadows." He let out a slight chuckle after his sentence.

"Then let me see your face," I said, but was shunned by his laughter.

"Don't be so naive, my dear, and don't be too curious. You'll see me when you're ready. " He said. But as I was about to debate with him about me being ready, I realised it would be a waste of time. He would reveal himself whenever he wanted to, and I cared less about him.

"Why am I here?"

"You're here because I want you here," he immediately replied.

"Why do you want me here?" I inquired and heard a loud sigh coming from him.

"You see, I hate your so-called husband and whoever surrounds him. You appear to be his weakness, so I took you away from him to watch him go insane. " He paused when he noticed I was tense.

"You don't need to be worried; I don't need you for myself. I'd rather die than lay a finger on you. I'll sell you off to one of my bidders for a good cent. That's all you are worth to me, "he answered, and fear engulfed me.

He wasn't after me, nor did he care about the money. He just wanted to ruin Alaric, but who could he be to hold such strong hate towards Alaric?

Alaric was all-powerful and no one dared stand against him, but something about this wolf was different. He held a strong aura that no other wolf or Lycan held except Alaric.

"You better let me go, else I promise you that Alaric will find you and won't think twice before bringing your head to me." I threatened, but a loud scowl only left his lips.

"My dear, let him come. He's the one I want, not you," he answered, and in some split seconds, the door across the room shut closed. He must have left through the other door.

I was left all alone in the huge darkroom as anxiety crept through me. I had no clue how far I could be from home or where I was. I could only pray that Alaric finds me on time because I doubt I'd be able to escape his heavy watch all by myself.

I was still in my thoughts when two young girls walked into the room with their heads bowed and their backs straight. They looked like they were programmed, but I very well knew they were living wolves, only living in fear.

The Demon Prince wants you to be cleaned up to meet your new owner, "the girls both said at the same time, making me freak out. Worse, I was about to be sold to an unknown psychopath.

The girls carefully untied the ropes on my arms and legs as they held my arms firmly while walking me out of the room.

I tried to look for a way I could escape, but the only window in the room was feet above the ground and there was no way I could reach it. Even if I end up reaching it, I have no clue what the outside of the place might be, so I might as well just wait for Alaric to come and save me. I can only hope he finds me on time.

As we stepped out of the cold, dark room, we got into an even darker passageway with the lights coming from the burning torch on the walls, but suddenly the cries and noises I heard earlier on were becoming louder the more we walked.

"Where's that sound coming from?" I asked but got no response from any of the girls. I should have known better than to talk to them.

I was swallowed by fear and heaved deep breaths as we continued to stroll down the dark hallway. We passed by different heavy wooden doors, and whenever we passed by a door, the sound of cries became really loud. The victims must have been locked up in the rooms, but I wonder what could be making them cry and wail so loudly.

As we continued on our steps, I realised that this must be a mansion or even a castle because of the structure of the building and how surprisingly huge it was. There was no other house like this nearby Serene pack, so I was nowhere near home.

The girls finally stopped on their track as they reached a door.

"What do you want?" A thick voice growled from inside the room after they placed a knock on the door.

The girls didn't respond after that, but the heavy wooden door suddenly opened a little and a heavily built man was standing behind the door. His face looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had known him from.

The scar across his face tried to bring back memories, but I couldn't seem to collect anything.

As soon as he saw me, a broad smirk appeared on his lips, and he completely opened the door and stepped out of the room while locking his eyes with mine.

"We meet again, young wolf," he smirked before a laugh escaped from his lips. And on seeing the broken front tooth, I suddenly remembered him.

He was the man who had wanted to whip me the other day at school before Alaric had saved me. But he was loyal to the Sapphire pack. Why was he here working with a demon?

My eyes shifted from his face and into the room where loud noises were coming from as a wave of shock rushed through my veins.

The girls in the room were being killed but in a brutal way as their skin was being sliced off their faces. My eyes couldn't seem to move away from the horrible sight in front of me as I felt chills running through my spine.

This was way worse than I would have ever imagined. I knew Anselm was evil, but I would never have thought it could be like this.

I gagged as vomit suddenly came out of my mouth and seemed to have touched the man's shoes.

"You bastard!" He cursed as he brought my head to look at his face while his hands tightly held my neck.

"You're no longer going to be saved by that bastard and I won't hesitate to kill you once the buyers reject you." He hissed before releasing my neck and slamming the door shut in my face.

I turned to look at the two girls, but their faces carried no emotions, nor were they disgusted by the sight they had just witnessed.

Without saying anything, they both held my arms and led me away from the room. My eyes couldn't comprehend what they had just seen as the horrific image kept on playing in my head. The screams of the girls as they sever their skin from their faces, as well as the wails of the girls who were trying to avoid being picked by the horrible men

One thing I noticed while I watched the room was that the girls whose faces were sliced had bruises or scars on their faces, while the ones with nothing on their faces were brought to a corner of the room.

It appeared to be that they were disposing of any girl that wouldn't be bought rather than releasing them. But what could the hostel master mean by saying the buyers would reject me? What could he be planning?

After passing a few checkpoints with armed guards on the passageway, we finally arrived at what seemed to be a bathroom as the girls led me in. It was silent and dirt filled the whole place. The walls were covered with the dried blood of victims, and it felt like hell being in the small enclosed space as the Claustrophobia I never knew I had kicked in.

"You should have your bath in the shower room," they both said in unison once again, as if I wasn't already freaked out with everything I had seen. They were making it hard for me to be sane.

I walked into the empty shower room filled with different showerheads. They didn't follow me into the room, and I was glad for the little bit of privacy I was given.

I looked around the room, hoping to find any place I could escape through. I can't afford to be here any longer. This place isn't close to being called safe.

While scanning through the room for any way to escape. I found a little vent door that I could fit in. I had no idea where it would lead, but I was willing to take the risk of going anywhere but here.

I needed to make the girls believe I was having a bath, so I removed my dress, leaving me in just my bra and panties as I turned on the shower.

While the shower was on, they would think I was having my bath and wouldn't come in till I might have gotten somewhere in my plan of escape.

I reached for the vent and pulled it, but it seemed to be tight. I kept on pulling it until it was finally loosened, but as I was about to go into the vent, the door of the shower room creaked.

I quickly placed back the lid of the vent before the girls would notice, but as they walked closer to me, their faces held regrets and tears as one of the girls muttered, "I'm sorry."

"What's going on?" I asked with a perplexed look on my face as they walked closer to me before I suddenly sighted a tinted glass bottle in her hands.

My eyes suddenly flew wide open as I instantly knew what they were up to, but I couldn't let them carry out their plan as I immediately screamed out for help.

On hearing my scream and the heavy footsteps of the guards, the girl with the bottle panicked, but in no time, she removed the lid off the bottle and drank the liquid in it before screaming and wailing in pain as her skin immediately reacted to the acid and her throat melted before my eyes.

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