Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 5

I was made to sit at the front of the crowd as they all gave me some smirky looks, while some looked at me in disgust.

"Here she is. How much should we start off with? " The auctioneer loudly announced, sometimes flashing his teeth at the crowd.

"5 bucks or nothing," a man answered, as the rest of the men burst out in laughter.

"Come on mate, she's beautiful with nice smooth skin." The auctioneer replied while poking me with the stick in his hand.

"Yeah, but she looks ill and doesn't have enough meat in her body." I doubt she would survive an hour with me. I like my women meaty or thick. " He chuckled as the rest of the men burst out in laughter, including the auctioneer, while I only sat still in the front of the room as I listened to psychopaths make remarks about me and criticise my body.

"Well, I like my woman like her,10 bucks!" A man from the crowd said as I turned to look at him. He looked decent, and he was the only one seated at his table with his legs crossed elegantly.

He had no body parts on his table and was only eating a stick of chocolate that was in his hand. My pupils expanded in excitement as I prayed for him to buy me. He doesn't look like the rest of them, and I know looks can be deceiving. After all, why was he in this building in the first place if he was a nice man?

But at the same time, I had no other choice but to pray he would buy me.

When the other men heard him talk, they snarled at him before one of them raised their voices. "50 bucks!" He said as the auctioneer clapped in excitement.

"I'll pay 500," the elegant man said, as some men angrily stood up and left the room. There were only a few left, and as I turned to look at him, he had a smirk on his face.

"Rich yeah?" The man who laid the first price said, but the elegant man didn't reply to him.

"I'll double the amount." "1000," the first man said, and he proudly smiled at himself.

"Ten thousand" The elegant man responded as my eyes widened in awe.

Why on earth would anyone pay that much money for a she wolf? A she-wolf should never have to be a possession.

"Why the fuck would you pay that type of amount for a useless drumstick?" "She'll probably die in a day after you're done with her, so why waste that much money?" "The first man said," as I scoffed inside at the sound of him calling me a drumstick.

Does he even have a mirror in his place, or has someone been deceiving him about his looks? It's funny how they think they have the right to make remarks on our bodies, but I couldn't blame them. I wasn't in a safe place, and these are the types of people I should have expected.

"Anyone else with a higher price?" The auctioneer said as he waved his hands in front of the few people that were remaining in the room.

"No way in hell will I spend that much on a piece of this," another man said, pointing his fingers at me in disgust as the other men agreed with him.

"Sold to the man at the far end!" The auctioneer said in a loud tone as he clapped his hands, but none of the men were in the mood for that as they all walked away.

"I guess I'm your new owner." The elegant man said with a smirk on his face as he stood up from the chair after eating the last stick of chocolate he had.

The more he came closer to me, the more I got to notice his features.

He looked way younger than the rest of the men here, with a perfect symmetrical face, sharp jaws, and plump red lips.

He got to where I was seated and gently grabbed my hands with a smile on his face and lifted me off my seat.

Standing right beside him made me feel really short, but I wasn't. He was just extremely tall too.

"Let's go," he said to me as he took my hands and left the room with me. I was finally leaving this doom and my heart couldn't be happier, but I had no clue about him or wherever he was taking me to, so I needed to embrace myself for the worst that could happen to me.

"How much did he pay?" I could hear Anselm asking the auctioneer behind me.

"Ten thousand," he answered.

"Keep them all," he said to the man, as I heard the man thank him in happiness, but as I turned my back to look at Anselm, he was no longer there.

The sound of the auctioneers' jubilation after selling a fellow wolf made me sick to my stomach, but I guessed that was already their nature.

We finally reached the huge metal door of the building as the guards opened the door for us. The blinding light from the sun made me squint my eyes, but my heart felt happy to see the sun one more time.

Immediately, I got out of the door. I saw the reason why Alaric hadn't been able to find me for the past week. The building was built on a small island, and the ocean surrounded it.

"The yacht is waiting on the other side of the building," he said as he led me away.

If I had successfully escaped through the vent, I wouldn't have made it anywhere and would have been instantly killed.

We finally got to where the yacht was waiting, and I heaved a deep breath while stepping into the white yacht. I had no idea what was going to happen to me once I left here. The look the man was sending me was giving me mixed signals, as he seemed nice and mysteriously evil at the same time. Perhaps he wasn't evil and I was just traumatised, but how could I not be traumatised after what had happened to me in the previous few days or weeks?

"What's your name?" He asked after we had both entered the boat.

I thought for a while about whether I could trust him with my real name, as he might happen to have heard of me, but I didn't think I could trust him as I called out a false name.

"Elsa," I answered, as he slowly nodded his head before a bright smile formed on his face.

"I am Aaron," he answered, as I returned the smile.

The boat had not taken off as It seemed like his accomplices were sorting things out with Anselm's men. I promise to make him pay for all of the evil he has done to those wolves in that death castle. Not only him, but everyone else that buys she-wolves.

"You seem nice. What were you doing there with those people?" I asked Aaron as he turned to face me. He had been staring at the blue ocean after the yacht left the island.

"What are your thoughts?" He returned the question to me with a smile, as it began to feel unreal.

"I am not a mind reader, Aaron," I flatly answered him as he cocked his brows.

"I was told you were a nave little girl, but I never knew that you were this feisty," he said with some chuckles in between his sentences as I took some steps away from him. He knew who I was and was sent here.

"Who sent you?" I asked with a fierce face. I had tried my best to turn into my wolf form since I was in that death castle, but I couldn't. The only time I'd successfully done that was when Alaric was in trouble.

What was the point of having such powers if I was unable to use them for my protection?

"I don't owe my hostage any answers," Aaron growled, grabbing my arm and digging his claws into my skin.

I tried to break free, but all of my efforts didn't matter as he was stronger than me. I had not eaten in days and had been starving my child. I was well assured that my baby was still in me as I had not experienced any bleeding, but what if I had bled out during my unconscious state?

"Get in there, I'll come to you when I have more appetite," he said as he shoved me into a small storage room. His eyes had changed colours as they weren't as warm as before, while his canines were sticking out of his mouth. I was about to be his lunch for an offence I knew nothing about. He must have been Alaric's vice just like Anselm.

I had always been fine as an unknown girl in the serene pack, but Alaric made everything difficult for me since his appearance. I love him, but this wouldn’t have been happening to me if I had not known him.

I knew he had saved me from my mother, but here I am still on the verge of death and he's nowhere to be found.

While deeply lost in my thoughts, I spotted a rusted hammer that was lying in a corner of the room. Without hesitating, I grabbed the hammer from the ground and kept it behind me. It was still heavy and was bound to cause some damage to Aaron if he tried to come closer to me.

"I am not a weak, naive wolf anymore. I'm a survivor and I'll survive this, "I said to myself after taking in deep breaths and waiting for Aaron.

It didn't take him long to show up as he opened the creaking wooden door, revealing the sun shining at its brightest and the cool breeze from the ocean touching my skin. If it were to be in another situation, then I would consider myself to be in paradise. But now, I was in hell.

"I've wanted this for so many years. I know I'll be unable to kill your godforsaken husband, but that won't prevent me from hurting you as badly as I want to do him. " Aaron said, through gritted teeth, as his claws grew longer and his canines thicker and longer.

He was approaching me and this was my only chance to survive him as I said my silent prayers to the moon goddess in my head. If I die, then I pray the moon goddess grants me the freedom to hunt and kill everyone involved in my death. I've heard stories of unsettled souls and I don't mind losing eternal peace to satisfy my desires for their death, but that will only be if the moon goddess fails me and I die.

The more steps he took closer to me, the closer I felt to death, as it seemed like I was already having a taste of it on my tongue.

"Stand upright," he commanded me. I thought about it for a while if that would be a good decision, but my mind couldn't help but wander to him sinking his hungry canines into my neck the moment I stood up.

I can stand up. It has more risks attached to it. Besides, he could end up spotting the only weapon I have against him.

"Don't make me repeat myself." He roared, but I stayed strong with myself as I didn’t move an inch.

"I said stand up!" He roared, louder than the angry ocean waves, but as he was about to reach for my head, I held tightly onto the hammer and with every bit of strength in me, I struck the hammer on his balls as he shrieked in pain before collapsing on the floor.

This was my cue to escape, but I suddenly heard a loud boom that was able to throw me off my feet. It was followed by a heavy cloud of smoke, making it hard for me to breathe or see.

It didn’t take long before the fire seeped into the storage room. I was trapped in the room and the only way to escape was from the heavily locked small window. I was small and hoped I'd be able to fit in, but would that be possible as the yacht was sinking and the room was still engulfed in heavy smoke and fire?

I pushed the negative thoughts away from my mind as I struck the window with the hammer in my hand while coughing profusely from the smoke and heat of the room surrounded by fire.

I heaved a breath of relief as I was finally able to break the window with my already sore arms, but yet again, as I was trying to escape, Aaron managed to hold my legs tight in his grip.

I hadn't looked at him since I started breaking the window to realise the fire was already burning him, yet he managed to hold my legs.

He was weak and posed no serious threat as I slammed the hammer directly on his skull and watched how he immediately gave in to death before jumping into the ocean.

I had thought that jumping into the ocean was my only chance to stay alive, but it was just a faster way to die as I landed directly on the strong waves of the ocean as it twirled me around before pulling me deeper into the blue sea. I had thought I would make it out alive, but this was my end. My lungs were filled with the salty water of the blue sea. I couldn’t breathe, and my eyes closed to embrace the unknown.

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