Chapter 4 "Oh, I am dead!"
Avery P.O.V.
My nerves were going wild and crazy today. By the way, Elijah Woods and Jake, Andrew, Matthew, and their friends embarrassed me outside this morning on the school field where the flagpole was there. I was In front of the whole school.
What assholes! I sighed, thinking about what had happened.
When they put me up the flagpole, something happened. My skirt fell off because the hook on the pole ripped a hole in my dress. Thank God Ashely had an extra skirt for me to wear. It's a little short for me.
I don't wear these kinds of clothes. So, I am trying something different this year. I am trying to come out of my little box of being a goodie two-shoe nerd and my shell.
But don't get me wrong. Ashely's clothes were great. But I was not brave enough to dress like that.
So, the day is not starting well, and it's going differently than planned.
Well, it works, I thought to myself. That I had in my head.
But I wasn't paying attention when I ran into a strong wall. Wait a minute? I thought to myself. I saw someone you wanted to avoid coming across in the hallway.
Jason Tyler and his friends Sean Worthell and Adam Worthwell, the meanest boys in our school?
So, I have the biggest and meanest guys in the school; they are the ones that scare me more than Elijah, Jake, Andrew, and Matthew. Jason, Sean, and Adam are dangerous and cruel to me and others.
Yes, I know I have a lot of bullies in this school, not accounting for the guys but also for girls. So, I thought with a sigh.
Jason was staring down at me because I ran into his chest. Right now, he was giving me a murderous look on his face. So, yeah, I am the person. Lucky me. I thought with a worried look.
I gasped when I felt someone pick me up under my arms.
Hey! What in the world, I thought when I tried to get out of his tight hole?
"You bitch!" I heard Jason growl and bark in my face. I looked around and saw Sean and Adam smirking behind him, staring at me with evil eyes.
I started to shake, and I was scared of those guys. I heard rumors they were werewolf hunters. But I hope it's just a rumor.
"I am so so-r-r-y; I didn-t mean to run into- you, Jason,"
"Please, will -you-put m-e down," I tried to tell him clearly, but my words were not. Instead, I was mumbling my words.
"How about no!" he said, barking in my face. He was so close. I thought he was going to bite my face off. I shouldn't be scared of him because he is just a human. But even though I am a werewolf, I should stay away from him and them because they are still evil and dangerous.
That's when he dropped me on the floor. I hit hard. I fell right on my butt. I didn't have time to cry or say ouch. I got up off the ground and started running away from them.
But I didn't know they were going to follow me. But when I looked back behind me, my eyes widened at what I saw.
I saw Elijah in Jason's, Jake in Adam's, and Matthew and Andrew in Sean's. But that does not make my eyes widen because of the way Jason, Sean, and Adam. They stared at me with a smirk and something in their cold eyes. I shivered when I felt the icy chill go up to my body when they stared at me. I shivered, and I knew I should get out of there soon.
I didn't want to look anymore. So, I turned back around and started walking away from the show. So, I got out of there quickly. But I didn't understand why The Four Horsemen' (what everyone calls Elijah, Jake, Andrew, and Matthew) got into Jason and his friend's faces.
So, I wanted to avoid staying around to hear and see what would happen. But then again, I was curious about what would happen.
I started walking to my Math class. I wanted to arrive on time on my first day of senior year. That would be awful, and it looks terrible on my school record. I was supposed to be a school nerd and the smart one and should have a good record.
I shrugged my shoulders and started walking to my first-period class. But I couldn't stop what happened earlier with the flag pole and the accouter in the hallway today; with the dangerous and biggest assholes in school except for the jocks and cheerleaders, they were just evil. I can handle Jason, Adam, and Sean. But the thing I need help understanding is.
Why did Elijah Woods, Jake Stone, Andrew Bradford, and Matthew Steel protect me from Jason and his vicious gangs, and the next, they are teasing me and making fun of me and then ignoring me the next?
Meanwhile, in Math Class...
I walked into the room with my two friends, and we were finding our seats when we heard hooting in the back. We saw the popular jocks and cheerleaders in the back, making out, playing around, and being rude and loud.
In the bunch were no other than Elijah Woods and Jake Stone, Andrew Bradford, and Matthew Steele sitting in the back with Jayson Woods and Eli Wallace away from their other friends.
But I heard Ashely say,
"Oh, God, what asshole!" She was staring at Jayson, giving him a murderous gaze, and I saw him giving her a smug smirk and wink.
I sighed and pulled her with me, and we walked down the aisle, looking for a seat. But that's when I heard Natalie say.
"Oh no! I heard Natalie gasp and in a worried and nervous voice.
"There are no seats. Everything is taken in the front and in the middle aisle, guys!"
Oh, No, my face turned pale, and my heart was beating fast. I could see Natalie and Ashely looked nervous and didn't want to be around the popular jocks and cheerleaders. But I didn't see the two seats in the middle, but Ashely and Natalie saw them and got there before me. I swallowed in my throat because I knew what was going to happen now. I would have to sit in the back with-
When I take a deep breath, I am holding in. I didn't let out. So, I have to face the music. So, I started walking down the aisle, and they looked at me when I walked passed them. I saw Natalie give me a look saying she was sorry, and Ashely mouthed, "I am so sorry," I gave them a look, saying I know it's okay, but it was knowing you because now I am dead.
I didn't want to sit back there in front of the four of jocks like to make my life a living hell in school and out of school. I was about to ask some girl to change my seats so I didn't have to sit back there with the people doesn't like me.
But before, we were going to change seats. Miss Weber's big mouth is open.
"All right, class, take your seat," I heard Miss Weber say. I was still standing in the aisle waiting for my seat from that girl in my class.
But I heard someone's smug voice in the back. I knew who it was.
" Miss. Weber, Avery's still standing up," I heard his smug voice. I looked back there, and my eyes widened.
Miss. Williams, take your seat." She tells me.
But I have a seat she was going to change with me, I said, pointing at the girl still sitting, and I saw her face turned all red because everyone was staring over at us.
I was waiting for her to move. But she was about to when she looked in the back, and she turned pale, and I saw a scared look on her face.
" Miss Weber, please tell Avery to hurry up," I don't know about you, but I am ready to learn," I heard another voice say with a friendly voice towards Miss. Weber.
Yes, your correct, Mr. Stone." I heard Miss Weber say with a smile on her face.
Oh, it was him that was talking in front of the class.
But Miss- I try to finish the words and try to get out of going in the back with them!
No, Miss. Williams, Take your seat!" She demanded me, and I had no choice but to walk into the back of the room...
Oh, God, Someone kills me now! I can't stand listening to Camilia and her friends giggling with the jocks.
I wanted to block them out. But I can't because her squicky voice is so high.
Please, someone, give me something to hit myself in the head and be knocked out listening to her talk.
I saw Miss Weber, and she started to write on the board and write down the math problems. So, she was looking around for someone to solve the problem.
Please don't pick me!
Please don't pick me!
I wasn't quiet because someone volunteered me to go up. I guess Miss. Weber heard them.
That was when she picked me. But, oh, man, I couldn't go up there. I turned back, and I saw Camilia's smug smirk on her face; she flipped her hair over her shoulder and had a big grin on her smug fugly face.
Thank you, Miss. Sturgeons, extra job!" Miss. Weber said with a smile on her face. She is one of my favorite teachers.
"Avery! Will you come up here, please?" I heard her say. I tried to hide my face with my hair from the knowing eyes staring at me. I didn't want anyone staring over at me. So, I was still hiding, but someone kicked my desk. I jumped up, and everyone was laughing except Ashely and Natalie. Ashely gave them a murderous look at the people picking on me in the back of the room.
Good, come in the front of the classroom, please," She asked me with her sweet voice and a big grin on her face.
"Yes, ma'am," I told her in a nervous voice, and I started to walk into the front of the class. I had the chalk in my shaking hand. I swallowed in my throat and waited for Miss. Weber.
Tell me to write down the math question and the answers.
"Okay, Avery, the math question is...
I put down the chalk and started walking back to my desk. I am beginning to call it my hell, and I sit down. I didn't have to hear the answer. After all, I knew it was right because I am great with numbers.
"Look, fellas, the brainy act got a math question, right," They laughed at me and made fun and mocked how smart I was.
I couldn't help it because I am good with numbers.
"Hey! How it feels to be a loser, and nobody likes you back here," I heard Elijah say with his smug voice. I listened to the others chuckling behind me.
God. Can they be even crueler when I felt my desk move and was two feet apart from them? They pulled my desk closer towards the back, and my seat was in his lap, you can say.
No! I try to move the desk back. But they had a hold of it and kept me there.
No, please leave me alone, I kept saying in my mind. I never stand up for myself.
"Well, don't you think you need to know," I heard Angelstar say inside my mind, and she was annoyed at me for letting them treat me this way?
"I know, but what can I do? They are bigger and stronger than me; besides, they are alphas and going to be Luna's. I am not! I told her with a sad sigh.
I dropped my shoulder, and I started doing my math work...
A couple of minutes later.
I was done with my math work. I put it on the side of my desk. I grabbed my notepad and started drawing what I had been dreaming for a couple of weeks. I was contracting, and I was moving my hand back and forth. I didn't know I was in a trans, and I wasn't paying attention when I heard.
"Look, guys, I didn't know the nerd was an artist." I heard a female voice, and I didn't know who it was. I ignored them and kept drawing in my notepad.
That was when I felt my pencil was jerked out of my hand.
"Hey, how can you draw now that I got your pencil," I heard Elijah say with a laugh; I just sat there, opened up my bag and grabbed another pencil, and went back to drawing what I was dreaming.
I felt someone grabbed my notepad off my desk. I was still drawing, and I messed up when the notepad moved.
When I felt the desk was loose. That was when I licked my lips and took my shot.
I moved the desk two feet up and away from them.
I got your notepad; now you don't have a paper to draw on." I heard him chuckle inside my ear. I didn't know he was so close to me.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.
No! Stay away from playing their game.
So, that's what I did. I sighed, and I took out another notepad, and I opened it up, and I started drawing, and I heard their chuckles stop.
Haha, I thought.
Take that, assholes!
I had a smirk on my face. I finally did it. I got the best of them.
But what I didn't know. My glory was gone.
That was when I felt a hard yank.
I felt my body move violently in my seat. Then, I thought I felt and heard my neck crack when someone pulled hard on my desk.
Oh, My God. I wanted to check my neck to ensure they didn't damage it.
I told myself I would not turn around.
"Hey, fellas, the nerd still thinks she's better than us," I heard Andrew say with no emotions in his voice.
Haha, I wanted to laugh and say yeah, I do. But I stopped, and I was biting my tongue to keep my mouth quiet.
Hey, nerd!"
I am not listening to them.
Hey nerd!"
Nope, I said, still staring into the front of the classroom; I tried to sit in my seat, ignore them, and try to be a good student.
That was when I felt someone kick my seat,
I turned around and gave them a look, and I started saying,
" Are you fucking serious, you assholes!
Why can't you leave me alone? I can't help your dumb jock; I am more intelligent than you."
But when I did that. I regret it was opening my mouth because the jocks and cheerleaders gave me a snarl, but what worried me most was the four horsemen out of the six horsemen. They dropped, they smiled, and they gave me a murderous look. If looks could kill, I would be a dead girl right about now.
That was when I was grabbed back of my neck and pulled into Elijah's face.
I saw his heated and angry eyes staring back into mine.
I was shaking and trying to hide inside my mind so I wouldn't feel the pain.
My lips were on top of his lips. I can feel the heat coming off them. I wanted to lick my lips, but I would be licking his lips if I did.
" We will deal with you later after school, Nerd."
Then he picked me up and sat me in his lap.
"No! Let me go," I was looking around for anyone who could help me. No one! No one did.
Ashely and Natalie just stared, and Miss. Weber didn't know what to do but looked away.
Even teachers are afraid of the horsemen.
Everyone teased and laughed at the guy's jokes. There were now giving me a sorry look, and then I didn't see the jocks and cheerleaders. They were also giving me a pitiful look because I was going to be punished for mouthing and yelling at the alphas in our school.
Oh, God, I need to run and run fast. But first, how am I going to get out of Elijah's tight hold wrapped around my waist, and he has me on his lap?