Chapter 5 "The Past and The Present"
Five Years Ago...
Avery P.O.V.
"I am so excited to see the penguins," I heard Ashely say, sitting down on the bench and biting into her apple. Then, I saw her take a big bite.
Oh, yeah, me too, but I want to see the monkeys," Natalie said with an excited smile, and she took a bite of her peanut butter and butter sandwich. I don't know why she likes them. But she swears it is good.
'' Yeah, I love penguins and monkeys, but I'm excited to see the polar bears and tigers and elephants, " I told them excitedly. I said, and I took a bite of my mom's famous peanut butter and chocolate chip cookie from scratch we made together.
"Hey! Is that my aunt's famous Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies!" I heard Ashely ask with a shocked look with an excited voice on her face.
"Yep, it is," I told them smugly.
"Yes, I love Aunt Annabella's cookies," I heard Ashely say, taking a bite of the delicious cookie.
We were laughing, and we were eating our lunch. We were minding our own business and doing nothing to anybody.
Me, I had my back towards the zoo. So, I didn't know who was behind me right now, but the look on Natalie's face looked nervous and scared, but I didn't know who they were staring at.
But Ashely rolled her eyes at whoever was walking behind me.
I was about to eat my sandwich when I felt someone sitting beside me. I looked over, and I saw Camilia and Emilia right beside her.
They smiled at me, but it didn't reach their eyes.
"Well, hello, Avery; how are you doing?" Camilia asks me.
"Uhm, I am doing fine; how about you I smile at her.
But she didn't smile at me now.
" Oh, I am sad because I heard someone trying to take my boyfriend away from me because, so slut has a crush on him?" She tells me, and her voice's not a good tone.
It's like she knows something only I would know.
No! There is no way!
I started moving in my seat because I was nervous and worried something would happen or someone would say something-
" Do you know whose name came up when someone told me who has a crush on my boyfriend," she tells me, giving me a serious look.
I licked my lips because I knew what was coming, I was staring at my friends, and they saw the expression on my face. So, I begged them with my eyes to get me out of there. That was when Ashely saw what I was thinking.
That was when Ashely got up.
"Come on, Avery and Natalie," Let's get out of here; let's go see the animals we were excited to see," Ashely said. I tried to get up, but she stopped me with her nails pushing into my shoulder with a deep pain with her freaking nails digging in my shoulder.
"Hey, what's your hurry? I thought you wanted to know whose name I was about to say," That's all.
Oh, yeah, there's something else to This person doesn't have a crush on my boyfriend, but his three best friends too," she said with a smug grin on her face. I heard gasps behind me. Her friends were shocked at what they heard.
She loves to show pain to others. She feeds off your sadness and worries, and fear.
Oh, God, no!
Please don't say my name.
There is no way she knows my secrets and crushes.
I stare over at her. I begged her not to say anything in front of them, but it was wishful thinking my old friend would keep it to herself now she knows I like her boyfriend and three of his friends.
But she didn't instead of being quiet. She said the thing I was hoping didn't come out.
"Avery Williams," so my name was out of her mouth.
I wanted to crawl someone in a deep hole and die.
I looked behind me when I heard his voice, and I stiffened up and knew they were going to find out.
"Hey babe, what's up, and why are you sitting over here with them?" I heard Elijah say. I turned around and saw him and the other guys standing behind him.
"Oh, nothing, babe; we were just having a nice friendly chat." Is that right, Avery,"?
She said, still holding onto my shoulder with her crawl-like nails in my shoulder.
"Yes-," I said, trying to yell in pain with her nails digging deeper into my shoulder.
Oh, okay babe, you ready I am starved," I heard Elijah. I didn't want to stare at him.
She started staring at me with a creepy grin on her face.
Oh, no, this is not going to be good.
" Babe, you want to hear something funny first?" She asks him.
He didn't know what to think and probably said.
So, he said.
"Sure" Why not."
Oh, please, I thought when I looked down. I didn't want to see their face, hear how disgusting I was, and laugh.
" Okay, Avery here has a big oh crush on someone you know," she said with a smirk on her evil, sinister face.
He chuckled like it was a joke that I had a crush or anyone would like me. Am I that ugly and a loser?
"Oh, wow. Who is it," he said, smirking over at me; I know I can feel his heated stare on my back.
"Yeah, babe, she giggled.
Are you ready to hear it,"?
"Yeah, come on, " I heard him say with a smug look on his face.
Wow, I didn't realize he could be that cruel. They smile at hurting me.
What did I ever do to them to treat me and my friends like crap?
"Oh, let's see Jake, Andrew, and Matthew, or yeah, you, baby," she said
I heard crickets and then heard them laughing, except for Camilia.
"What, your joking right babe," Elijah said.
"Nope, I am not."
"Huh? he said with unbelief.
Yes, babe, "Little Miss Avery here got a crush on you too."
She started crying; I knew it was fake. "You're not going to dumb me now. Now you find out she likes you?"
I know you like her, and she is beautiful." She said, holding onto his shirt and staring up at him with glassy eyes.
" Oh, princess, you don't have to worry about me liking her because I would never catch dead being with someone like her," he said. I felt heartbreaking.
"What about you, Jakey poo?" I know I am not as beautiful as Avery," I heard Queenie ask him.
Heck no! I don't want that nerd!" He spoke, and I felt another piece of my heart-shattering.
Next was Matthew and then Andrew. They all said the same thing.
They all kissed the guys on the lips, giggled, and walked past me, and the guys had their hands around the girl's waist.
I didn't want to stare over at them. That was when I saw her staring at me with a knowing look.
"Remember what I told you; you have no chance, and I was in my thoughts when I heard them starting to walk away. They were in hand and hand with them.
I felt my heart shattered into pieces. I felt jealous bug biting me because I want to be in their shoes right now, in the arms of Eliah Woods, Jake Stone, Andrew Bradford, and Matthew Steele.
Suppose I could go back and not go that day. This could never happen.
Yeah right. You know for a fact Camilia would have said something if I was there or not. So, you can't change the past, but you have to live with it.
But I could go back in time and stop her and erase her memories, and maybe the bullying and teasing didn't start, and I would still have my secret, and it wouldn't have come out about me having a crush on Elijah, Jake, and Andrew, Matthew back in middle school.
I thought I was carefully hiding my feelings, but I wasn't because Camilia told them, and everyone was there on the trip after we returned from the zoo. I remember the next day. That is when it all started the bullying...
I was in a daze, and I went back in the past.
I didn't know I was sitting at my desk staring into space.
I shook my head. I saw Miss. Weber stared at me with a worried look on her face.
Avery, sweetie, hey, are you okay?" She asks me.
"Yes, ma'am, I am fine," I tell her.
"Okay, she said with a sweet smile.
I see you tomorrow," she tells me.
Okay, have a good day Miss. Weber."
"You too, sweetie,"
No, I am not because I will be dead pretty soon! I thought with fear.
Yes," I told her while packing my stuff in my bag. I was walking towards the door. I was almost out the door when I heard her say that I already had my stomach all in knots anyway about what happened today. It's not even over yet.
"Oh, like I told everyone after class, your seat is your resound seat for the rest of the full year." She tells me.
I wanted to die; now, the flagpole and running into the schools bullies and the four horsemen made my school life hell for five years.
I hope they don't follow me to college.
I was walking around the corner when I ran into Jason Tyler, Sean Worthell, and Adam, his twin brother.
"Well, well, what we have here, boys,
"Yeah, little miss nerd in her glory self," Sean said with an evil smile on his face.
"You're not going to get your bodyguards to save you this time now," I heard Jason smirk and grab me and pull me into a dark classroom with Sean and Adam following right behind us.
Oh, God, I don't know what will happen to me. They may want help with their homework.
What are you crazy about? Yeah, right need help with their homework.
Now, you have to make up a plan to get out of this because now you don't have anyone to help and protect me.
Just like Jason said.
So, there no one is going to come to help. So, how if no one saw them grab me and pull me into a dark classroom...
"Please, I am sorry, I can do your homework for the whole year if you let me go," Do we have a deal," I pulled out my hand to show them what my daddy told me when making deals with someone.
He throws my hand away from him. I saw him roll his eyes. Then he opens his mouth up to speak to me.
"Shut the hell up!" Do you ever be quiet," I hate when bitches talk," I heard Jason say close to my face.
"One, I don't make deals, and two, you're going to do my homework and my boys too, and third there is something we want from you," he said, staring down at me. I saw Sean and Adam step closer, and now I was close to three tall, muscular guys, and they were blocking me on the wall where they got me hostage, in the dark classroom.
Don't worry; I won't show them I am a werewolf and shift. I can take care of this myself. Well, usually, you can. But they're not normal regular human's It like they know I am not human like them.
It's like they can see right through me. They can see right through my shell, and they wanted me to know that they can see through my ordinary nerd that doesn't stand up for herself. No, sir, they see more than that.
I don't want to think that. Maybe they want to be friends or...
Oh, no, they gave me a strange look on their face. They are giving me a what the fuck look.
I started to blush because I left, but I was still in the room when I went back to my mind to think.
I will not lie; they are hot, and all the girls loved them as much as the horsemen and jocks in school.
There is someone regular, and nerds guys, too, are smoking.
But they would never date me or yet kiss me.
Then there I am, getting this bad vibe from them here. But again, I don't know if they would hurt me. It's fifty-fifty with me what's going on right now.
" Okay, here's what we know about you and your kind," Jason said.
Oh, NO, I know it! We are all in big trouble. Jason and his buddies are going out with us; then we would have to move all because of me.
Why? I wanted to yell and scream and kick something. That was when Camila and her goons came to my mind when I thought about kicking something.
I wanted to chuckle.
No! Focus Avery! Pay Attention to my inner voice telling me.
You are just playing like you don't know what he is saying.
I let out a tiny chuckle, showing him they were nuts and that there was no such thing as werewolves and magical creatures.
"What! you mean by that you know what I am and your kind?" I ask him.
He looked down at me with a serious look, and he opened his mouth.
Werewolf, and I know there are others here too." He said.
I swallowed, and I dropped the calm fake expression on my face.
They knew I did. Because I showed them it was all true.
Oh God, why I didn't see it before? It's just hit me with their scent and smell.
I was staring at Jason and moved my eyes to Sean and then Adam. I didn't want them to try to hurt me.
I am keeping my eyes on them and my back on the wall.
I need to get out of here.
But how am I going to get out of here? I asked myself.
"I don't know, Avery! But we need to shift now! I take care of these humans," I heard Angelstar and another voice I am not heard since that day in the woods by the waterfall.
No! I will not shift and kill them; maybe they're just harmless.
She rolled her eyes, stayed inside my mind, and didn't talk to me again.
"Okay, what do you want from me," I said with fear in my eyes.
I can't lie, yes. I am a werewolf, but I will not take them, not yet, to anybody in the school.
After I asked them what they wanted.
I don't like how their facial expression gives me bad stomach vibes.
Why? I know they are harmless assshole, but they are nothing more than an I stop and looked, and that when
I started to panic, and oh, God, there was no way it could be.
There's not been for hundred years, and my parents told me and my grandparents before they died.
But they never told me there could still be alive, and they had kids, and their parents trained them to be an-
I licked my lips and started to shake because I realized they were...
HUNTERS!!! It's screaming inside my mind repeatedly.
My inner voice told Angelstar and me to get out of there and now!