Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 3



"Hey, Darling?"

The voice of my mother echoed in my office. "Mother," I said, moving to give her a peck on the cheeks. "Have some of this coffee, you seem not to be having enough sleep," she let out a little worried.

I have been searching for Lucian since I got back home. I stared at the multiple maps and search papers, we searched every possible place but we still couldn't find her. "You know I hate it when you feel miserable, any news on Lucian?" she asked.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing mother," I said as she set the coffee on the table.

"Son, your mother will always be here for you and no word can express my love for you! Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything, I'll always try my best to listen and I promise to get Lucian to you." she let out before engulfing her son in a big hug.

"You should drink the coffee before it gets really cold." she let out as she aimed for the door. "The pack celebration is coming up, the moon Goddess might have a surprise for you," she said with a wink. It had been weeks of searching for Luciana and we still couldn't find her.

The celebration coming up in the pack wasn't something I was worried about. All I was worried sick about was Luciana, but it seems she had really left me.


"Have some of this, they are really tasty." the voice of Jasper let out as he spoon-feeds. "Wow, the meat speaks the expensive language to the mouth and they are delicious," I let out as loud laughter escaped his lips.

"Don't worry, I will make sure you have your tummy filled before we leave," he let out as he spoon fed me yet again. "You don't have to do this, even if I'm blind! I know the road to my mouth." I let out.

"Instead of complaining why don't you have something more tastier," he let out before shoving more from where it came from.

"Oh my Yummy," I let out happily.

"What? You seem overwhelmed," he let out.

"I can't help it since the food is really good and we hardly eat anything like that," I let out as a hand was felt, patting my head softly. "I promise to feed you a lot of this then," he said as I beamed with a smile.

"Can you wait here while I get something?" Jasper asked, making me nod. "Did you see the Alpha?" a female voice spoke and Sabrina couldn't help but listen. "Yeah, he is so handsome! How I wish he would just look at me," another let out as a hiccup escaped Sabrina's throat.

She wished she was in her usual environment, just maybe she could have located the kitchen.

Right now she wished Jasper was around to help her with something to stop the hiccup. After five minutes of the discomfort of hiccuping. She decided to find her way to get water. After multiple turns, hits, and apologies, she was standing at the drink table gulping down a cup of water like her life depended on it.

"Lucia?" A voice yelled.

She believed that it was none of her business until she was swirled around with a growl escaping the person's mouth. The growl was enchanting but yet scary. "Alpha Ace?" The murmuring of people around her was loud for her to listen to. Why was I feeling those chills?

Wait, the man who twirled me around was an Alpha? "Sabrina, stoop your gaze, you shouldn't show him that you are blind." A voice echoed in my head. But I couldn't after the most alluring scent hit my nostril.

My body almost jumped. "Mate," there was no way his scent was this strong to catch my scrutiny. Grandmother said you could know if you looked them in the eyes but I was blind, I wouldn't know and he wouldn't. Maybe he could have looked me in the eye.

He placed a hand on my chin to lift my head, but I refused to look him in the eyes. "It's a command and not a request, look me in the eyes," he let out. "I said look me in the eyes," he yelled louder that I couldn't help but shiver.

"She's blind," someone let out in the crowd. I could feel my legs go weak. "Are you blind?" he asked, but I kept mute.

"Don't let me repeat myself, are you blind?" he yelled in frustration. "Yes," I said with a teary and shaky voice. "A blind Mate," he yelled out for everyone to hear.

"The moon Goddess must be great to have given me a blind-mate, a useless and weak one! What can a blind person do? They are of no use," he let out as those words hit me hard. "You would never be good enough for me and therefore it would be a waste to have you as my mate," he said as my legs went weak,, I couldn't help it as I fell on the floor.

I wished that he could just stop because all his words were assassinating to the heart. "I, Alpha Ace ray d king reject you for a mate,"

He let those words out, shattering my whole heart in pieces and embarrassment. Why do I regret coming here? I shouldn't be here? I stood up to leave but his next words made me sick to my tummy.

"I don't want to ever set eyes on you, you might not survive being alive if we meet again," he let out as I tried to find my way out of the mating hall. The embarrassment broke my heart, the moment I couldn't hear any voices, I let out all the tears I had been willing to let out. This was the end. I was never going to find a mate.

"You're amazing and I will be glad to be your mate," the comforting voice came.

I took hold of her hands before giving them a gentle squeeze. She seemed to be lost because she couldn't see me, the accident that happened three weeks ago had taken her sight. "Do you want to hear a secret?" I asked her, making her nod calmly.

"So, aside from taking my breath away, what else do you do for a living?" I said, but instead, tears found their way down her cheeks. She slipped her hands gently from my grip as they lingered on my chest, how I have missed her this past week.

She had been in the hospital for those past weeks.

Her hands finally found their way up my face after multiple touches to find them. "Uhmm, I can't even see how handsome you look any longer! I can't see the amazing clothes you put on that make you stand out and that killer smile that keeps my heart scampering." she said as her tears came out like a faulty tap.

"Shush," I said as I pulled her into a tight hug.

"I always like it when you share your pain with me and not anybody, but right now it hurts me to see those tears flow freely from those gorgeous eyes," I said, placing my hands to wipe her tears, but she pushed them away.

"Did you just say gorgeous Ace? How gorgeous are they?" she asked, staring blankly in the other direction that was in front of her. I stood up before pulling her up for a tight hug. I was glad that she didn't reject them. I kept placing soft and tender kisses on her head to calm her down.

"Ace, I think we should break up! These past few weeks have been the worst and I can't be a burden on you," she let out, making my whole knees go weak, it felt like I was being shot in the chest. "Break up? Why? Don't tell me you are giving up on us because you can't see me?" I asked as I tried to hug her, but she pushed me away.

"The only thing worse is being blind and having no sight or vision. Do you know how that feels, Ace?" she let out as she tried to move but fell on the floor. I moved to help her on her feet but she declined. "Can we talk about this some other time? You need to rest," I let out, but she declined.

"No Ace, we have to stop whatever we have," she let out firmly. "How can I do that, Lucia? I love you regardless of it," I tried to say, but she caught me short.

"Regardless of my disability Ace, that's my point! I can't watch your favorite movie with you, walk on my own without the aid of a stick, cook your favorite dish, watch the stars together, what good would I be?" she let out painfully.

"I'm not complaining, Lucia," I tried to make her understand. "Ace, please leave," She let out. "But I don't want to, I love you, Lucia," I said with a mixture of fright and confusion.

"Leave or I scream?" she mumbled.

"Lucia, let's go over everything again," I said.

"Help!". She screamed once more, which caught the attention of those that were passing by. My heart was in chaos, and I felt like it was about to be torn into pieces.

"Don't push me away, Love. I know you can't see, but despite the fact, I still love you. Love isn't what they see, but what is being felt, and trust me okay.

You are the most beautiful and precious creature in the entire universe. I'll make sure that we still cuddle, play, and chat together, because I believe that you will be able to see through my eyes, so, please.

I'm on my knees, and I'm begging you, don't push me away. Don't push us away, and try to make us work." I pleaded, but she just wouldn't give a listening ear. I was about to move towards her but her friend Camilla was quick to stop me.

"Just leave Ace," she let out as I turned to leave.

I ran my fingers through my curly hair as I sipped from the bitter content I held. I wasn't supposed to feel this hopeless and miserable. I wasn't supposed to give up on our love, but she had already done that by leaving me for good.

I felt a drop of tears slip down my cheeks and I hated myself for acting this downhearted. "Alpha's are strong, you shouldn't cry," I howled at myself, but I just couldn't help it as the tears came gushing out. My heart was pained and shattered.

"Lucia, I thought we had found love? I thought I had found my soulmate, but then you were a lesson and a heartbreak to my heart," I growled as I hit my chest in pain.

"You have hurt me in ways I never expected or deserved. We gave love a chance, but you shattered me. I'm scared and sad because I don't think I will ever recover from this pain," the tears I didn't want to flow came more than I had expected because the strength that held me dearly left.

The door cracked open and Shawn walked in.

"What are you doing here?" I asked but he ignored my questions. "Your father wants you back home, he says it's time Alpha." Shawn let out.

"You know I hate it when you call me that?" I said.

"Get over whatever you feel, you can't let your mother worry about you and Lucian." Shawn, my very best friend since we were born, said before leaving.

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