Chapter 4


I watched him through lowered eyelashes as he undid the thick straps on the chair and finally I was allowed movement again.

How many times had I lost my mind? I couldn’t think anymore. At this point I was moving on automatic.

Even with my freedom, I knew better than to bolt. Instead, I kept my head down until he tilted my chin up with the crook of his finger so he stared into my eyes. His golden depths still glowed with a haze of hunger.

What he’d taken from me wasn’t enough, not yet. “Yes, Master?” I whispered. I didn’t want to die, and if calling him this and obeying him kept him from killing me, I’d do it. I hadn’t escaped that heinous family of mine to just die.

All I had to do was figure out what each one wanted from me, and do my best to be that. It was the best plan I could come up with overnight.

If they were so ravenous for me, maybe I could use that to my advantage.

He didn’t speak as he turned to the side and his pretty features arranged themselves into a deep scowl. “Alas, it looks like our time is cut short, prey. I smell Lucas at my door. He’ll fight me if I don’t let him get to you soon,” he paused and bent so our noses almost touched, “stay here, if you move before I get back, I’ll make sure you’re thoroughly punished.” He grinned at me. “That light edging will be nothing compared to what I put you through.”

I nodded and held tight to the armrests as he strode to the door.

I could breathe, but for how long? My body ached where the electricity had arced through me. My insides hurt as if all my muscles had been squeezed to bits. They pulsed as if I had ran a marathon.

And the worst part of it was Jack had been gentle with me, even I could tell that. I thought for sure his control would snap and he’d ram into me when he was rubbing himself against me.

I stayed silent when he returned with Lucas at his side. Jack gave me a smirk and then nodded over to his brother. “Lucas will be taking care of you for a bit, prey. I expect you to be on your best behavior, and remember what I told you.” His eyes searched mine and a growl entered his voice. A reminder of what I was.

He was waiting.

“Yes, Master,” I whispered.

Lucas chuckled softly beside him. The man walked over to me, his long blonde braid swaying behind him until he crouched to study me. “Poor doll,” he whispered. He ran a hand through my hair and stroked my head softly. “He went and made quite the mess of you, huh?” He glared over his shoulder at the other. “You’re supposed to clean your toys when you’re done with them.”

Is that what these men saw me as? A toy?

“Jack, get me some water and some clean rags, now,” he snapped over his shoulder.

Lucas smiled as he ran his fingertips down my arms, letting his pads drift until I shivered. I bit my lip to keep the giggle inside. Did it have to be so ticklish? Laughing would not keep me alive here.

“Am I tickling you?” Lucas asked, his voice light with amusement. Jack handed him a basin of water and a rag. Lucas submerged the cloth and wrung it out before running it over my arms and legs. The warm rag made me smile for the first time since I had been taken. Maybe they weren’t all such monsters?

No... I couldn’t let myself be fooled. I had to keep my guard up. They were all vicious animals, I’d seen the proof myself.

“You can leave now,” Jack said with a pointed glare. “I need to get cleaned up myself.” He gave a wolfish grin. “Her cunt was all over my cock, it’s soaked with how wet she was. Don’t let her looks fool you, she’s going to love all the attention we give her, no matter what kind.”

“You’ll wait until I’m finished,” Lucas replied as he ran the rag up my legs, stopping at my thighs. My body quivered beneath his touch. What would it be like when he got to the truly messy parts of me? My thighs were still slick and even I could smell the scent I gave off. How much worse was it for wolves?

Jack sighed. “Whatever,” he growled as he bent down and picked up his clothes. “Are the others up?”

Lucas swiped at my stomach now with the warmth, stopping just before he got to the sticky mess that was my breasts. “Everyone is up and ready. Nicholas left for the appointment with that bastard Lucian. Who knows when he’ll be back. He wasn’t pleased about having to leave our little kitten here alone with us beasts.”

Kitten? Isn’t this the one that said he wanted to pin me to a table? I swallowed.

His hand roamed higher, and he finally got to my sticky thighs. Slowly, he rubbed the slightly rough cloth in tight little circles over my sensitive skin. I squirmed at the touch, panting as the heat I’d experienced with Jack came rolling back over me. With a small whimper, my legs slid open the tiniest bit.

Lucas chuckled. “You like that, Kitty?” he questioned. Rubbing the area again, even slower this time, as my eyes fluttered and my breathing increased.

It was a different sensation than the electricity had been. That had been violent and aggressive. This time was slow and deliberate and though I hadn’t hit that same high as before, my limbs trembled in anticipation of it. My thighs parted completely and he smiled as he shoved some of the cloth into me and rubbed it again. “How’s that?” he whispered with the same warm smile as before.

How could I be feeling something like that after what had just been done to me? “It’s warm,” I responded softly, biting my lip to stop myself from moaning again. I had to be strong even if my body wanted to betray me.

“What about the others?” Jack demanded, his nostrils flaring.

This wasn’t good. I’d planned on trying to handle them one-by-one. Not two-on-one like this. I was willing to change myself to whatever I needed, but how could I handle this?

“Norman knows he’ll be last today and is preparing his arsenal. Warren, however, is in the kitchen preparing a gourmet meal to feed to her before his turn.”

I didn’t know those two names. What kind of hells would they unleash on my body? But I knew better than to interrupt. Better to be quiet, to be the ever-listening doll in the room. I’d survive this and that’s all that mattered.

One of Lucas’s hands groped my breast as he cleaned them, while the other cleaned me thoroughly down there, then pulled out. I lamented the loss of heat and tears of frustration pricked my eyes.

Was he really just cleaning me? He’d glance up at me through his golden lashes, a soft smile twisting his lips. “Don’t worry, we’re not staying in here long. I’ve almost got you clean. Then you can rest in my room.” He glanced at his brother again and that smile faded as he glared at the other. “Get her a robe. I will not parade her around the house naked for the others to leer at.”

Jack grumbled but got up and left the two of us alone as he went to find the aforementioned item.

“Kitten,” he looked into my eyes again. Rubbing my wrist with his thumb. “I know you’ve probably had a hard day already. Please, come with me nice and easy and let yourself relax. I want to take good care of you.”

More tears sprang to my eyes at the warm words. No! I couldn’t let myself cry. He reached out and wiped them away as he leaned over to check on the state of his brother. Had he just saved me? My heart thawed, and I gave him a weak smile.

“There’s my pretty kitten,” he said with a smile as he finished cleaning me off and helped me to my feet. “Here.” He wrapped the warm fuzzy robe that Jack gave him around my body and though it clung to my curves, it was far better than being nude. “Jack, we’ll see you at suppertime. I expect you to actually be on time for once in your life.”

Jack rolled his eyes, but he continued to watch me until we exited his room. There was a fire in his eyes and I wasn’t about to be burned.

“This way,” Lucas encouraged as he led me through a labyrinth of halls and stairs. He paused before a long stairway and then we were in front of a heavy metal door. He pushed it open, and we stepped into a room full of tables.

I wanted to turn around and look, but kept my attention focused on the floor. My heart hammered as I glanced at the rows of seats and strings with clothespins? They were scattered around everywhere, and large thick ropes hung from heavy beams from the ceiling.

Lucas guided me to a large table and grabbing my hips, he set me on the edge. “There you go, kitten. You’ll be safe inside here. None of the others ever come in when the screams start.”

Wait, what did he say?

My throat went dry and tears stung the corners of my eyes once more. No, whatever was going to happen, I had to keep my calm.

Lucas guided the robe off my body and set it aside, always smiling at me. This smile was a bit more curved than his previous ones. A hunger glistened in his eyes. “We don’t want to get that messed up. We’ll need it for your aftercare, kitten. It will feel so good when this is all over and we wrap you all up and comb your pretty hair, and kiss you back to health.”

Lucas moved around me, guiding my body back onto the cold, worn wood and strapping me down with thick fur lined straps.

He hummed as he worked, stretching and contorting my limbs. I felt my skin prickling with terror as I watched him reach for the string of clothespins.

What was he going to do with that?

“We’ll start slow, Kitten. I want to give you time to really appreciate all of this.” He pulled out a pin, ran his finger around it before pressing it into my side, just below my breast. A searing pain shot through me and I flinched, but the fear was worse than the pinching sensation. “Good girl,” he whispered close to my ear, delighting in my suffering. “Let’s go for another.”

This time, he approached me from the side and kept his eyes locked on my face. He opened the next pin and placed it on the skin right beside my nipple.

I couldn’t stop the gasp that escaped me, and Lucas chuckled as he stroked my hair. “I’m sorry, kitten, but when you make a sound, that means I get to give you a punishment.”

I swallowed as I did my best to prepare myself. No matter what he was going to do, I would not break.

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