Chapter 2

Sterling Hunter sat behind the huge mahogany desk in his enormous office, his dark coffee-colored eyes located where his assistant stood a few distances away.

His eyes roamed over her face, he could tell she was tensed.

He could not fault her after what she had witnessed earlier, Carla or whatever her name was had been too annoying, he knew he had to get rid of her right there and then.

He despised loud and clingy women, to think that he and Carla had only met twice. The first was when his mother had arranged a meeting between them without his awareness, the second was when she had shown up at his house uninvited. He had sent her away and today she dared showed up at his office?

Sterling had been irritated when she had spread the news to the media that they were an item, he hated entitled women who thought he belonged to them after one night.

"S__sir, you wanted to see me?"

Sterling noticed the way Faith clenched and unclenched her palms. His watchful eyes also didn't miss the way her tongue darted to lick her lips which was usually a habit of hers whenever she was nervous.

Her innocent action managed to rouse a good amount of blood pumping in the wrong direction.

Why did she always have to affect him this way?

He knew it was all wrong.

He shouldn't be focusing on her plump lips right now, he wasn't supposed to be thinking if they were as soft as they look, he doubted she knew that at this moment he was thinking how great her wonderful lips would feel coating his cock.

She would be horrified, Sterling smiled and then shook his head as though to clear his thoughts.

She was his secretary for goodness sake! He had tried to suppress these dirty thoughts, but they always managed to slip each time.

"I'm sorry, sir." She spoke again, looking even more anxious.

Sterling was surprised by her apology and even more inadequate was the way his cock twitched in his pants.

Didn't she know that each time she apologized for something, she managed to revive the predator inside of him?

The powerful urge to bend her across his desk, bare her ass and do all the unspeakable things to her.

"What are you apologizing for?" He was genuinely curious to know.

"I swear that I wasn't meaning anything when I told her that you__uh arrested those__girls. It was inappropriate, she was putting her hands on me, that was why I told her, I only wanted her to stay away and nothing morey__and the rumor that you and I___ I"

He noticed the way her face reddened and barely back a grin, she could be so adorable sometimes___ no, all of the time, he thought.

"This is the first time I heard about it as well, who the hell goes around spreading such rumors___that I fuck my own secretary!" He muttered and she impossibly turned redder, a burst of shrill short laughter escaping her mouth.

"I know, that's impossible, we are not even each other's type!" She responded too quickly.

Sterling barely managed to refrain himself from saying, she was exactly his type, he fucking loved everything about her.

Sometimes, it was so difficult to be just her boss, especially when he wanted to fuck the brains out of her as he did.

He had employed her thinking she was just a beautiful empty head, his initial plan had been to fire her and then court her, to make her satisfy the painful desire she had stirred from the first moment, but then she turned out to be very good at her job as his secretary.

As a fresh college graduate who got employed by a big firm, she had always been very eager to please him which only flared his desire for her.

She had also been very afraid of making mistakes, he remembered how she would cry in the first few months whenever he scolded her for making a mistake. She never complained about a given task and with time started to do everything effectively.

She turned out to be very hardworking and was by far better than even the most experienced assistant he had ever had.

He decided to continue to allow her to be his secretary, he had also thought of pursuing her while she worked for him, but Sterling knew more than anyone that office romances never last, the beginning was always sweeter than the end.

It had been pure hell trying to resist her for the past four years.

Sterling stared at her, he didn't think he would be offended when she spoke that he wasn't her type.

What kind of man did she prefer?

Was she currently seeing a man? It was irrational for him to feel jealous of her affairs if any but the prickled sensation in his heart wouldn't go away.

"H_how did the meeting go, sir? Did you negotiate the price on the land? How did they react to it?" She was staring at him eagerly.

"They agreed! We will sign the deal in three days and if everything goes as planned, we will be extending our company before the end of this month!"

"Yes! This calls for a huge celebration!" She pumped her fist in the air, seeming too excited to care.

Sterling smirked at the pure relief on her face, her huge smile made her appear more beautiful if that was even possible.

He couldn't tear his gaze away, how was he ever going to free her from his mind if she kept on being her?

She was making it even harder for him to ever let her go.

"That's great news! How did you do it? I mean, how did they suddenly agree to it?"

"You should know that I always get everything I want if I want it badly enough." He spoke.

"Correct! you always succeed each time!" She responded, nodding actively. She completely missed the way his eyes gleamed at her.

Sterling made a decision right then, he had given her four painfully long years and had fought to suppress his needs for four years, but somehow he lost the battle, he thought his lust would disappear during these years.

He was wrong.

Perhaps it was time to get exactly what he wanted.

He wanted her to be more than his secretary and to hell with all the rules. He wanted her hot and naked in his bed, didn't she say that he always succeeded each time?

She talked about his schedule for the rest of the day, his eyes followed her to the door but she stopped before her hands touched the knob. She turned around to face him once again.

"I__I actually wanted to tell you something__" Sterling nodded the go-ahead, curious to know why she was delaying.

"When I started working with you, one of the conditions in the contract which you told me also applied to your other secretaries was that w__we couldn't be in any relationship as we need to be focused on the job." She started and now Sterling was fully alerted.

"W__well, it's been four years, I met someone, we both understand each other and are going for something serious, I just wanted to let you know to avoid a breach of the contract, if you still don't want your secretaries to be in any relationship, then I__" She paused.

Sterling couldn't suppress the swift burst of emotions. He had been surprised, then anger and jealousy kicked in, along with a deep feeling of betrayal and hurt.

He hated so much her right this moment which he never thought he could.

"And what if I don't want you to be in any relationship?" His lips barely moved as he spoke, the anger in his tone was barely masked.

"Then, I'll have to quit." She spoke with a certainty that told him that she had prepared herself for the situation.

Sterling didn't know which angered him more, the fact that she was seeing some man or the reality that she could just quit the job and leave him so easily after a whole four years!

She might as well forget about it, he thought.

He always got whatever he wanted, it didn't matter if he had to bend all the rules!

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