What...? You're crazy Gisela, how dare you ask the stranger if he wants to accompany you, it's too obvious that he has problems and I have them too, yet here I am like a stupid waiting for the stranger to be the prince of the story.
I shake my head and push away the thoughts from my imprudent consciousness, for now, I don't need him to scold me, although he has put me in my place, as I now know what I need to do.
"Do you think you could be in danger?" he says in a worried tone, alarming me with his good intentions towards me, I feel like he is not a man who would try to hurt me.
"No..." I quickly shake my head, "what I mean is that there is no need for you to stay here any longer, I also have something urgent to do, so goodbye" I stutter, and before I can stop it, my cheeks start to burn and I turn around with a bit of discretion. "Again, thank you, although you didn't have to worry about me."
"Hey, wait... please" I ignore his insistent call, and like a crazy person, I climb the stairs to enter the building.
In just a few minutes, that man will forget my face and everything related to me.
I slap myself and, even though I seem crazy, it's better that I concentrate on what really matters.
Entering the building, I stop in front of the elevator, and after waiting... I regret it and decide to take the stairs, it's not that hard to get to the third floor.
Phew... I feel like I've never climbed stairs before, bless the habit of taking the elevator.
I stop in front of the apartment and hurry to take the key out of my purse. God, I try to hurry, my mother can call me at any moment, she needs the money to pay.
Finding the key, I bring it straight to the lock and enter.
"Good evening, Lucero, I'm back," I raise my voice while closing the door, "are you here?"
Apparently, no one is in the room, but to clear up any doubts, I run to her room. I cross my fingers hoping she's still in the room.
I knocked twice on the door and then opened it.
"I'm sorry for not answering you, but I have a special dinner and I have to hurry," she says, agitated and desperate, walking from one place to another. "By the way, can I know if someone came to accompany you inside the cafeteria or..."
"What?" I furrow my brow, "but what are you talking about."
"Nobody, now tell me what brings you here or don't tell me you accepted my boss's proposal," she stops abruptly and as if her eyes were lit up, she comes towards me, "you know that all your problems can disappear completely, hey... I like you a lot, I want to help you, but you know I can't, I won't be with you all the time, I'm getting married soon and..."
"Shhh... I need you to help me now," I bring my index finger to her lips, making her be quiet. "My father is not well, he needs money to pay for the clinic, medicine, and food, please, I'll give you all the money I have saved, I just need you to transfer it, there's no time, I can't wait until tomorrow, please, Lucero" as I remember that my father may die, my eyes cloud over and my voice weakens. "Please, I have the money, I'll give it to you," I insist, bringing both hands to hers.
"Relax, you don't have to cry, I promise I'll help you," she consoles me with a hug, "now give me the account number. You're absolutely right, they need to pay where they are."
I nod and quickly pull out my phone. I have screenshots of the account number saved on it. As if my soul had returned to my body, I handed her my unlocked phone with the image of the account where the money would be sent.
She takes it and rushes to her desk next to the entrance. She sits down and her hands hurriedly open her laptop.
"I want you to send five thousand euros," I say.
"What?" she widens her eyes.
"I had savings; my monthly expenses, food, rent, the return ticket, and what I had saved for December and... Please, they need the money, besides, I don't know if that's enough for them."
"Well, I want to yell at you, but I know it will go in one ear and out the other," she grumbles, annoyed, but that's the least of our worries now. "It's just unfair that you're left with no euros, but I can't do anything about it. I want to see you crying when they ask you for more money again... Okay, you can call your mom and tell her the money is in her account, it was quick since I made sure it didn't take more than seventy-two hours."
"Oh my God, thank you so much," I let out the breath I was holding, "I'll go get the money," I ran towards the exit and headed to my room.
"No, I want you to wait," I stop as I'm about to leave. "You can give me the money tomorrow because I don't have time now. And tomorrow, when I come back, I want you to talk to your pillow and ask if you should marry someone for the money your parents need. It's time for you to stop being naive and start thinking that today it's the heart, tomorrow it's the colon, then medicine, then food, then more medicine, and so on. Do you think they'll wait for your payment, or that someone will lend you money without charging you?"
"Yeah, and do you think the only solution to my problems is marrying a stranger?" I swallow hard, although she's right, I try to stay firm.
"I want to help you, but you won't let me. I don't know why you don't want to. I'm trying to show you the way out of all your problems, but you keep insisting that you can do it on your own," she hits the table, then puts both hands on her face. "This is your last chance, then another girl will take your place."
"Do you want me to sell myself for money?"
"That's enough. Tomorrow is the final decision and my money too," she gets up, frustrated with the conversation. "You can go now, I need to finish getting ready, oh, you can take your phone, I don't have time anymore."
She's angry and she's right. It's even possible that marrying the man is the only way out of all my problems.
No... But what am I saying? I can't sell myself for a couple of euros. Yes, I'm a woman in need, but I can't stoop to the level of committing fraud, I don't want to.
I thank her even though she doesn't want to see me, but it's not easy to get married, let alone commit the fraud she wants me to.
I'm heading towards the desk, grab my phone, and before she can throw a brush at my head, it's better if I lock myself in my room. Well... now that I think about it, I owe her rent and I don't feel capable of asking her for food while I'm here.
Worry takes hold of me, and it's inevitable because I have responsibilities, and if I keep going like this, I might end up on the streets, and then I won't be able to help my parents.
I enter my room, drop my bag on the couch, and dial my mom's number.
"Mom, thank God you answered. I've already sent you the money, there's no problem for you to pay for Dad's medicine and food."
"Thank you, my girl. I'm going to the bank now. I hope I'm not making things difficult for you, and I hope you don't have any problems with the monthly rent you always send us. Remember, my love, that this money is for your father's health, and with the rent money, I pay for the household expenses. Sorry, I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, my girl."
"Goodbye, Mom," I hiss, lowering the phone until I become hypnotized, looking at it. "She just told me I have to send her the rent," I feel a lump in my throat, the urge to cry present itself until I fall to my knees on the carpet.
Where will I get the money for the rent? My paycheck hasn't come yet, everything is out of whack. What am I going to do? I thought my mother could do something with the money I just sent her. No, no, no, I can't handle this pressure.
The first option that presents itself to me is to rob a bank, for God's sake, what am I thinking?
I don't have to pawn, sell, or... marry Lucero's boss!
No, it's completely crazy to think that, I can't accept it after being desperate, it's too unfair. My parents deserve many things, but apparently, the job I have isn't enough. Desperation.