Chapter4:Side hustle

Divine arrived at the parking lot of her apartment complex and secured her bike before heading out to the elevator, her helmet in tow .

She got into the elevator and pressed the number for her apartment floor , she lived on the seventh floor , seven because that was her lucky number and th second apartment because that was the first one the realtor had shown her and she had not wanted to stress the woman so she had just said yes.

She sighed softly as she relaxed in the corners of the elevator and waited for the doors to close and take her home .

The doors were just about to close when a foot clad in boots appeared , startling her and stopping it from closing .

Divine had been living here for a while now and had almost never encountered someone on her way in or out , this was a first .

She watched as the doors began to reopen and eventually opened to reveal a beautiful girl .

She was about Divine's age and looked fierce with ginger hair that was cut in a pixie bob hanging out of the beanie that she wore over her head .

She had pale skin that was blemishless with large green eyes that was surrounded by black eyeliner and black eye shadow and equally black lipstick .

She was wearing black , large sized cargo pants and a thin , black crop shirt that showed off a stomach tattoo that looked like the roots of a tree, along with boots that seemed strong enough to cause tremors in the ground as she walked .

She was holding a small bag and another Eco-friendly bag that contained groceries .

She had paused as soon as the elevator opened and was staring at Divine.

Divine scooted over to the other end of the elevator , creating even more space for the other girl to come in .

The girl walked in , her eyes still on Divine till she had to turn to put in her floor number , she did not turn back after that and instead just stared straight forward till the elevator doors finally shut .

Divine was actually kind of curious as to what floor the girl had put in , so she stepped forward , stretching to catch a glimpse of the elevators buttons so she would know where the girl was going .

She eventually saw the floor panels and saw that the girl had not put in a floor , she might have asked , if she was really up to it but Divine was not exactly the most social on the block so she just took her eyes off the panel and held her helmet closer , waiting for the elevator to arrive at her floor.

Her phone vibrated in her pocket and Divine put her hands in to bring out her phone .

She had gotten a text and was about to open it when she noticed that the only other occupant of the elevator was staring at her .

She raised her head slowly to find the ginger haired girl studying her , she clicked her tongue before talking .

" 702 , right ? "

Divine blinked , Wondering what that was code for when it dawned on her that she lived in 702 .

She narrowed her eyes , Wondering how this girl she had never seen before knew what apartment she lived .

The girl noticed the change in Divine's stance and how she held her helmet defensively and chuckled softly .

" No need to get so defensive , I just guessed that you are the 702 that no one knows ".

Divine blinked , that was really not her fault ,she had simply never seen anyone in the complex .

She had even assumed that maybe there was something wrong with the building and that was why it had so much empty units .

" Yes , I am 702 ".

The girl chuckled again .

" You sure ? That name doesn't exactly suit you ".

Divine gasped and giggled softly when she realized what mistake she had made .

" I'm Divine ".

She held her hand out and the ginger girl took her hand in a shake.

" Divine , it is perfect. That suits you more , I'm Star ".

Star nodded in acknowledgement , Star , it did not suit her , she seemed more fiery than a Star .

She watched as Star Continued to say her name under her breath , like she was testing it , she seemed to like Divine's name or maybe she just thought it was weird too.

Divine interrupted Star's train of thoughts .

" What floor do you live ? "

Star looked up , her hair falling into her eyes , Divine had not noticed the bangs earlier .

Stat took out the bangs from her eyes while smiling softly .

The elevator had stopped at the seventh floor and the doors were opening , Divine wanted to know what floor the girl lived before she left .

But , Star only smiled and stepped out of the elevator , Divine followed after her .

" Wait , you live on the seventh floor ? "

Stat only smiled .

" How did you think I knew your apartment number ? For the longest time , I was convinced that the next apartment was haunted , there was never any noises just very late in the night or during the day but then somedays I would see someone running out or in and the persons face was never visible , you are one really scary neighbor , I had no idea you would be this alluring under all of those layers ".

Divine bowed her head slightly , sorry for whatever discomfort she had caused her neighbours , her head was still bent when she walked into Star's back .

Star turned around and immediately caught her .

" Are you okay ? ", she called.

Divine nodded , wondering why Star had stopped walking .

" This is me , 701 ".

Oh , that made sense , she was Divine's direct neighbor ,Divine's need to apologize increased .

She was about to apologize again when Star began to rummage through her grocery bag leaving Divine hanging .

Eventually , she came back up , holding two apples , the apples were so red , it looked like someone had dipped them in some kind of flashy red paint .

She bit into one while holding the other one out to Divine .

She took it, wondering why her neighbor was giving her an apple .

" An apple a day keeps the doctor away ".

With that , Star pushed her way into the room while Divine stood there , a little stunned with what had just occured .

She was headed for her own apartment when she remembered that she had been texted .

She took out her phone again and checked to see that it was Katherine , her boss .

Katherine usually never called or texted or reached out in anyway , except there was something really important and the text said just as much , it read .

[Call me as soon as you see this] .

Divine immediately dialled her number , she picked up on the second ring .

" Katherine ? Hello ? I got your text .Is everything okay ? "

She made her way into her room as she spoke , taking off her shoes and then her clothes and leaving them in a pile to be sorted out later , she ran her hands through her hair as she made her way back into the living room .

" No , everything is not okay . We have a group coming in tonight from New York , I think ? They bought out the whole of the club tonight and are paying three times what we usually make per night so of course , I want to get my best girls out tonight and I know today is your day off , today is also Dee and Rene's day off which is going to be hard . But like I said , they bought out the whole of the club , asides the money you get from performing , I will pay three times your usual commission ".

Divine made her way back to the living room in only her matching underwear and headed for the giant windows , she opened the blinds and stared out , the sky was beautiful today .

Katherine was still rambling on and Divine had tuned her out the moment she had confirmed that the problem was not that the club had burnt to the ground , she needed to rest so she just ended the conversation .

" Yes Katherine , I will do it . I will be a little late though , I need to rest before preparing for tonight ".

" Oh , that's fine honey , take your time , bye now ".

Katherine ended the call and Divine flung her phone on the farthest couch before sliding to the floor and just laying there as she stared out the large windows .

Her food should have been here since , just as she thought of her food , she heard her doorbell ring and rushed to her feet , picking up an oversized tee that she had kept aside for this , she ran over to her door and opened it to find that no one was there .

She spotted a good delivery man in front of another apartment and gently closed her door .

She had no idea that the doorbells could be heard from house to house , that meant when she ordered food in the morning , afternoon and night , her neighbours knew.

She understood why Star had given her an apple now .

She was about to walk back in when she heard the doorbell go off again , she waited for a moment , wondering if it was really her door this time.

She finally opened the door , surprising the delivery man that was about to press the bell again .

They quickly exchanged what they each held and the delivery man ran out while she closed her door and headed into the house .

She had a quick late lunch of her favorite bean noodles from the Korean restaurant and finished with some fried chicken before she set an alarm for an hour and fell asleep .

Exactly an hour later , Divine's alarm went off and she got up, still semiconscious as she headed to the bathroom to begin her nightly routine .

First , she got out an hydrating face mask and slapped it on before she slathered her legs with shaving cream and waited a few minutes while stretching .

She took off the shaving cream and the face mask and got into the shower putting it at the maximum heat she could get and yen minutes later she was out of the bathroom .

In her room , she grabbed her largest Chanel bag and stuffed it with a change of lingerie , a white Victoria secret number that came with angel wings.

She added a pair of white Louboutins that had a long white strap before zipping up the extra large bag , the extra space was always needed .

She picked out a red set to wear now , taking a few minutes to understand where all the ropes on the lingerie went to.

When she finally understood it , she wore it and got out her favorite red heels , they were a six inch heel , the first expensive shoes she has bought for herself and she only wore them when the mood was right .

Satisfied with her choice of clothes for the night , she grabbed a little black gown and began to wear her make up like it was pieces of armor .

When she was almost done , she ordered an Uber and put on her heels .

If she fell off her heels , she could probably break a body part but Divine could walk with heels anywhere , even on a mountain trail .

She did nothing to her hair , only applying a moisturizing lotion because her hair was always better without a lot of touches .

Finally ready , she picked up her large Chanel bag and left her apartment .

Thankfully , she came across none of her neighbours as she headed out of the building and into the waiting Uber.

The Uber driver only confirmed her identity and drove off , headed for Vegas's entertainment district .

There , the VIP club , Inferno was the center of the activities and on the last floor of the Inferno was an even more exclusive club , called Red Inferno , that was where Divine worked as an erotic dancer , with flexible hours and enough pay to make her never worry about money .

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