Chapter5: Indulgence

Skip and the boys were already several champagne glasses down when Jade,his pilot came out of the cockpit to say hello.

She was dressed impeccably in her flight uniform,her blonde hair in a high,sleek ponytail and her pretty features stretched o to a smile like she always kept it.

Carl was the first to notice her and he immediately signalled to Skip and Alex with his incredibly expressive face .

Skip only chuckled while Alex took it upon himself this time .

He turned hurriedly to Matt and smiled sweetly,"Hey Matt,I didn't really get the story you were telling me about that Brazilian model,what did you say went on between the two of you?"

Alex was English and had come to America for his college education because his parents had wanted to expand their business beyond Europe.

They had met in several business classes but Alex's gentleman accent,the flask of tea he carried and the way he seemed to detest everything the boys had liked had made them hate him .

That was until they had met him at a club and found out that the flask was filled with whiskey and Alex had the best poker face because his parents were constantly spying on him .

Women flocked to him, not just for his English charm but because every girl he talked to seemed to think he was a beautiful creature that she could help , push him into leaving his bad boy life and eventually marry .

Alex had made it his personal perogative to constantly prank them because it was hard to detect the slightest bit of insincerity in him and Matt was usually his target .

Matt grinned widely as soon as he heard Alex's innocent question , excited to share another story on his sexcapades .

" Oh man , if you are asking because you need pointers then you came to the right damn person . So, I go along with my old man to this festival thing and I sight her,she is doing this dance and her waist and hips are moving like no normal waist should be allowed to , I have to even look away just so as not to not get into deep thoughts but it turns out that she noticed my very brief gaze and when I get to my hotel room , she is on my bed ,in the fucking costume, I can't believe my luck".

"She doesn't understand English and I don't understand Portuguese either but we both know what we want,you know what I'm saying ?? "

Matt begins to laugh widely , his dark hair bouncing around his face as he laughs , we all join , chuckling quietly even though we can all just imagine how stupidly Matt would have acted and it makes it all that much funny but we are not allowed to laugh for now .

" Man , she takes off my pants and begins to say things in her language and is throwing her hands like she won't touch a rifle that long ",

Matt continues his laughing , gasping for breath as he laughs while we all try not to laugh .

"Eventually , we get down to business and after our night together , she slips out in the night . A few hours later , I hear Knocking and open the door to find that she has brought her other two sisters to have a look and taste of this baby, I'm shocked but of course I...".

Matt immediately stopped talking when Jade cleared her throat , he looked up slowly to where Jade stood and his face coloured while Alex sighed in relief .

Carl and I avoided Matt's gaze because we did not want to laugh out .

" Oh Jade , how long have you been here ? ", I ask , pretending not to have noticed her.

Alex and Carl also look equally surprised before breaking out into sweet smiles and chorusing .

" Hiiii Jade !",They both say.

Jade grins ," Hello Carl , Alex . I have been here for just a little while now , I did not want to interrupt Mr Fillis's story ".

Matt physically blanks while we all Continued to hold in our laughter.

"We will be arriving in Vegas in a few minutes sirs , I just wanted to make sure the flight was comfortable but I see that it was. Mr. Fillis especially seemed to have a great flight", Jade continued , a little smile on her face .

I chuckled softly and thanked her too , Jade was probably the most skilled pilot I had ever worked with .

She was punctual , diligent , beautiful and really fun, Matt also had a massive crush on her which always made everything that much fun .

" Well , I have to get back to the cockpit now ", She started , her eyes on Matt as she mentions the cockpit .

" I regret that I won't be able to listen to the rest of Mr. Fillis's story though ",She stated before she turned and left .

As soon as she was gone , they all immediately turned to Matt, unable to hold their laughter anymore .

Matt had a Faraway look on his face .

" She called me Mr. Fillis and called the rest of you by your names ",he whispered.

Alex burst into laughter , he and Carl exchanging high fives and laughing equally maniacally while I chuckled and watched them.

" You assholes , do you know how hard I worked to have her call me Matt ? And now , it's all gone because I have assholes for friends ".

Alex and Carl Continued to laugh , ignoring Matt whose face was red by now,he turned to me for help .

" Don't look at me , I was aware she was coming too, the only reason I am not laughing so much is because I am curious, did the other sisters also scream about what a long rifle you had in your possession ?"

Alex and Carl's laughing intensified.

Matt's face darkened and he took off his seatbelts , jumping on to my seat to pull my hair or something equally weird , Matt actually hated violence .He however fell down as soon as he stood up because the plane has suddenly dived down , she did mention that we were almost at Vegas after all.

Matt sat on the floor looking dejected while Alex and Carl's laughing reached incredibly greater heights.

" Fuck each one of you !! ", he yelled from the ground where he was hugging one of the table legs to stay upright .

" With your long , long rifle?",Carl asked and we all burst into laughter again.


When we arrived in Vegas , it was still pretty early so we had first grabbed lunch before going to our hotel .

We were staying at Carl's family's hotel and he had been gone for a while now because the manager and the director of the hotel had been more than eager to show him how well the hotel was doing and Carl was never one to turn down work ,his personal life and his work life were very different .

The rest of us waited in Matt's suite for Carl to come back.

Carl and Matt were always in charge of planning our vacations , night outs and generally any event that we needed to be fun , they were great at that .

Matt was ignoring us while Carl was working so Alex and I were Currently very bored .

" Argh , I didn't think he was going to be mad for so long ", Alex Commented and I nodded my head too , I was surprised too ,Matt was usually the most carefree of us all .

" Wait , does this mean that he really likes her ?! ", I asked and Alex blanked .

It was weird to think that Matt liked someone so much, really weird .

" Oh fuck ! Do you think the joke was too far ? ", he asked me,finally showing how worried he was about Matt .

Alex suddenly jumped on his feet , looking determined.

" What is it this time ? Don't even think about talking to him ", I warned him .

Alex grinned and took out his phone as he ran out .

" I'm going to fix this , I will be back soon !", he yelled as he ran off.

Bored , I stepped out in search of Carl , he was taking too long .

I did not have to go very far before I found him ,he was talking to this tall man that looked like he was currently taking pictures for a magazine and the crew were just invisible .

Juan, Carl's bodyguard stood behind them, a deep frown on his face as he watched them converse , Juan seemed to dislike this man.

I chuckled , Juan disliked everyone that was not Carl's , he had been Carl's bodyguard since he was a child and now they had a weird father - son relationship going on .

I got closer but could not hear anything , they seemed to be arguing in Italian very aggressively.

" Carl is everything okay ? ", I asked.

Carl and the new man both turned to look at me and Carl sighed as soon as he saw me while the other man began to glare at me , he asked Carl a question in Italian .

It must have been a stupid question because Carl gasped and Juan almost punched the man .

" Come on Carl ,let's go ",I said and signified that we were leaving to Juan who seemed relieved .

I turned around and began to walk followed by Juan who was pulling Carl along while the other man screamed words at us.

Carl seemed uncomfortable,so I did not ask about anything and just kept walking.

When we arrived at Matt's room, he was dressed in a black silk shirt that was unbuttoned enough for anyone to see his large tattoo that that spread across his chest , he had on equally dark pants and designer shoes .

He had a thin gold chain on his neck along with several gold rings and was listening to a song that was in Portugese.

" Come on, let's get this party on the road !",he yelled as soon as he saw them .

Carl's face broke into a large smile as he began to whoop loudly .

Alex ran out of the next door holding a champagne bottle with three glasses,he shared the glasses and filled them with champagne.

"Yesssss !!",he screamed before drinking directly from the bottle .


It had taken us another one hour to leave the hotel and arrive at this special club that Matt had been going on and on about.

When we arrived , we were immediately escorted to the VIP lounge.

But apparently , this exclusive club was not even in the VIP lounge , the VIP Lounge only led to it.

It was a completely different club from the one outside for the VIPs.

The club was dark with fake smoke and blue lights,a soft,sensual song was playing in the background.

Each of the tables had a dancer in it , some of them where completely naked while the others had lingerie on.

The bar was equally being manned by a naked lady whose face was not visible due to the angle of the light.

The boys were all smiles and even Skip could not deny how the atmosphere of the club left much to be anticipated.

At the stage that was at the very centre , Skip noticed movement , they all did and moved closer to see it very well .

There was an angel in the middle of the stage , she had two other women next to her , they were both naked save for the drawings they had on their body.

But,the angel was in white lingerie and white heels with straps that stopped just before her thighs with a pair of angel wings .

In the white lingerie and even with the blue lights , She was the most beautiful person that Skip had ever laid eyes on .

Her eyes slowly opened , there were little white butterflies around her eyes and her long , wavy hair framed her face , hiding the rest of her features .

She moved slowly and the other two women moved with her , it was a slow, sensuous dance that involved the women grinding against her and their paintings rubbing off on her .

Her large eyes were on Skip as she danced and it was simply the most sexiest thing that Skip had ever experienced.

She was mouthing words along with the song and the motion of her lips had Skip transfixed.

Skip had been so enraptured that he had not heard his friends talking,when he came to,he heard Alex saying,"Lords,the one in the middle is mighty fine,I call dibs".

Skip turned around immediately.

"I already did,She's mine!".

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