Chapter 5 Other World Travel
"Your highness, The carriage is ready!" One of the twins approached us. I wanted to argue more, but for now, I have to learn more about this world. I need to assess my situation first, how I got here and how I can go back.
"Thank you." she nodded her head at the twin and hurried off. The twinS faced me and offered me his arm. I took it and let him guide me. "I don't want to be rude, but which twin are you?" Instead of becoming irritated like I thought he would be, he smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm Renevier. But you can call me Ren. If you can recognize me, that is."
"Sorry. It must be hard for you two to be mistaken for each other." I turned my gaze to the ground.
"Oh, no need to be worried. My brother and I have gotten used to that. It's just that it would have been nice if someone could tell us apart." When he said that, his gaze was turned to the clouds above. It must really be lonely if only the both of them could tell each other who is who. Maybe even their parents can't tell them apart. What would have happened if they had gotten married? Would their wife mistake them for the other person?
That's complicated. Even though they could be potential accomplices of Elizabeth, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. "Don't worry. I'm sure that one way or another, someone might be able to distinguish you." It might be challenging since they act and look like one another, though.
He was a bit surprised at what I said. A second later, he laughed and shook his head. "Thanks, but I don't think anyone could do that."
"And why not? You're both individuals even though your twins." I said. "But not that I'm saying that we're close for me to know that. I'm just probably assuming things...." He didn't answer, but he did offer me a smile and not since we were now with the others.
He escorted me to the carriage and assisted me in getting into it before shutting it. The carriage was enormous and the exterior was white with gold accents. Two white horses were leading the way and I was greeted indoors by the scent of flowers. The chairs were a deep purple velvet - It was supple. Red curtains were also draped by the windows if you wanted some privacy or to shield yourself from the sun's beams.
From the window, I can see that the twins were driving the carriage while the rest of the princes rode their own horses. Even the queen is riding her own. Looking at them made me feel like I really am in a different world.
These damn other world travels may not be all bad after all…
I opened the window near the twins. "Um... The queen isn't riding with me?" I ask.
They just laughed. "The queen is a free-willed woman. She loves adventures and wouldn't sit around and be pampered." From how the other twin was behaving, I'm guessing that the one I'm talking to right now is Dan.
"Thank you, Dan," I said. I smiled to myself when I saw the surprised look on their faces. I'm guessing that I got the name right. Dan faced his brother with a confused look. I smiled before closing the window.
Even though I said the carriage was huge, I still had to squeeze my way to the seat since some baskets are piled in here. What are these? Props?
The carriage started to move. It was rocky at first, but after a while, it began to steady. I peeked out of the curtain to see that we had just arrived in a village. People were milling every store. When they saw us, they bowed their heads in respect. Some would wave at us. They seemed to be loved by the people, I thought.
Wait. Hold on. This can't be right. If there's a village over here, then this isn't a simple roleplay. This might actually be real. Was I taken to an old country where princes and princesses exist? How long was I passed out?
The carriage came to a stop, and I almost bumped my head onto the wall. Aren't there any seatbelts in here?!
The door swung open, and the twins appeared. "The queen wishes for you to come out," Ren said. I don't know how I know that it is him. Maybe because of the tone of his voice.
"Why?" I asked.
Dan grinned. "Well, we have new luggage here. Well, all of them are the dresses that the queen has bought for you."
Then I realized what he meant. If we add more stuff in here, then I might as well be squished. "How many are they?" If it's only 2, then I can handle it. Besides, where will I ride?
"About 20."
"20?!" I gasped.
"Yes, the queen seemed pretty excited."
"Stupid Queen and her stupid plan and her stupid dresses," I grumbled. She could have bought me their version of a smartphone here. "Where will I sit?" I asked.
"Well...that's for the queen to decide."
Reluctantly, I got out while groaning. I can't believe this. This is the only carriage, meaning I have to ride a horse. Don't get me wrong; I love horses. The problem is that we don't have a spare one, meaning I might ride at the top of the carriage. What a bummer! But at least I'll have a nice view from there, right?
"Rose." The queen called me. I lifted my head to hers and raised one of my eyebrows. "What?" I snapped.
"To whom would you like to ride?" She gestured her hands to the princes. What does she mean by that? Does it mean that I have to ride with some total strangers?..... Well, it's too late since all of them are strangers. I'm surprised that I haven't panicked yet.
I said yet.
I shook my head. "Is that even a question? Can't I ride with you?"
She smirked. "Sorry, dear. It's too dangerous if you ride with me. And besides, I like to ride alone. So, go on. Pick!"
I have to stop myself from flipping her off. My eyes darted to the three princes who were on their horses. It seems cliché. She's doing this on purpose!
Prince Fred noticed my distress and got off his horse. "Princess Rose, you can take my horse. I can walk on my own." He offered me the horse. "I'll just lead it for you." He nodded his head and brought out that smile of his. The girls from this village squealed. I couldn't blame them. This Fred guy is charming.
The queen huffed. "I guess that could work. Oh well. I'm going on ahead. Please watch over her. I'm going to arrange for dinner and tell the servants to prepare her room. Tooda loo." with that, she was off. She was riding her horse so fast that I was the one who shivered.
I really want to flip her off and scream bloody murder.
I let Prince Fred help me on the horse. He grabbed my waist and hauled me up, and gave me the reins. "Are you comfortable enough?" He asked.
"Yes, I guess. Thanks." I nodded my head once to let him know my appreciation. I looked at the pretty boy and gave him an unsure smile.
Seeing that I am all secured on the horse, we started to ride again. Prince Fred guided my horse.
People started to stare at me. Well, in my clothes, that is. I forgot that I was still wearing shorts and a tank top, while the girls in this village wear dresses. In return, I glared at them. I wanted to scream that their queen had brought me here. If they have a problem with me, they better bark at their queen.
And now with the gossiping. It seems that wherever I go, the gossip never stops. Some guys were even staring at my exposed legs that I showed them my middle finger. I heard a horse snorting beside me. It was Prince Nate riding his horse. He started to untie his cape and offered it to me.
"Here," he said. "It would give you some cover."
"Thanks." Not looking away from his face, I took it and wrapped it around me.
He scratched his head as if he was embarrassed. "We figured that it was rude to say something about what other people would wear. Sorry, next time, we'll give you a warning."
"It's fine," I said and focused on my surroundings. Not like it really bothered me anyway. I saw the girls giving me a jealous look as they eyed the cape that I wore around me. Being the petty little brat I am, I gave them all a teasing grin and waved the cape at them victoriously. I smirked wider as I saw the bitterness in their eyes.
"And besides," he added, which made me turn my attention to him once again. "It looks good on you. It should be a crime to cover it up." he finished with a wink.
When I scowled at his comment, he laughed.
"I'm sorry." Prince Nate while laughing. I didn't respond.
"That's what you get for disrespecting a lady, Prince Nate," Prince Fred said. His face told me that he had witnessed the exchange a while ago and was amused by it.
"I was just trying to lighten the mood." He pouted.
"A simple conversation would have been okay."
"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. Forgive me?" He made his eyes grow bigger. He pouted and showed his lower lip.
I groaned. "I guess." I hope they stop talking.
"Hey, you guys seem to have fun over there. Let us join too!" One of the twins called from the carriage.
"Keep your voice down. Remember, we're still in the village, so we must be in proper behavior." PRINCE Ace cut in. He sat on his horse with his back straight when he rode beside Nate.
"Sheesh! Live your youth once in a while, Ace. You're too stiff!" Ren shouted back.
"Join us in our conversation, Prince Ace." inserted Prince Fred.
"I'm just saying that a good image is important. It will help you to gain respect from the people." PRINCE Ace's attention turned to me. "You seemed like the person who doesn't care about it. Look at the way you dress. It’s humiliating to the people around you. And to think that she's a princess. Teaching her to act like a lady will be a pain. It's not worth our time."
I frowned at him. It's not like I know their dress code here. And I'm not even a princess! I'm not even going to cry about it, but he's now on my naughty list. Is he picking a fight with me?
"Hey, Ace. Now that has gone too far," Prince Nate warned.
"Princess Rose, don't mind him. He's had a rough day." Prince Fred tried to comfort me.
"He's right, princess. Don't mind him. He's the one that's not worth your time." Said Dan.
"What's your problem anyway, Ace? She didn't do anything to deserve that kind of attitude!" Ren couldn't help but yell. The dark-haired prince and I met gazes. I smirked and stuck my tongue out at him.
Five of us against him. Sad boy.
"Talk to her all you want, but don't drag me in it." PRINCE Ace said. "Disgusting woman. I bet you're having a good time with all the attention that they are giving you."
Disgusting? If he thinks that he can just step on me then he is so wrong. Nobody can call me disgusting just because of what I wear. We are beyond that time already!!
Or are we? What year is it in this world?
"Stop the car! I mean horse!" I said and unconsciously pulled the reins up. Prince Fred barely managed to stop as well. Then I pointed at him. "Who are you to even judge me? You don't even know me. Did you think that you already know who I am because you met me a while ago? You think so highly of respect." I said, "Respect is earned, not bought. I don't care if you are a prince or not, but if you don't respect me, then you don't deserve my respect either."
He didn't say anything anymore. Thankfully.
Prince Fred again guided my horse to the same path we took earlier while Prince Nate shook his head at PRINCE Ace.
"Congrats, Princess. It was probably the first scolding he has received in public." Dan gave me a thumbs up.
"It was?! Oh no." I said sarcastically. I even waved my hands as I dismissed the thought.
"Don't worry. We're on your side in this. He did deserve a slap or two." Ren assured me.
"And we'll protect you if he attempts to kill you. I'll be your knight in shining armor, Princess." Prince Nate appeared beside me.
"What are you blabbering about being her knight in shining armor?"
"I'm just trying to ease her worry. And as for the knight in shining armor role, it fits me well since I did offer her my cape and saved her from those corrupted eyes of our people." Nate stated.
"Well, if you're the knight, then I'm her Prince Charming." Prince Fred winked. I couldn't agree more with pretty boy. He's pretty much the most decent one among them.
"Hey! Now, what does that leave the two of us?" The twins yelled.
"Her servants, of course." Nate was still grinning. I didn't notice it, but I started to laugh. Somehow, my worries had faded into thin air.
"Hey, look. She's laughing!" Dan said, relieved.
"Glad to see her smiling now," Nate said.
We just talked and joked throughout the ride. Prince Ace was riding behind us. Not talking, which I was grateful for.
"Oh, look. We're here." Ren announced, and I suddenly realized that we had stopped.
I focused my attention on the castle in front of us. It was a huge castle. Stones lead the way to the castle. In front of it was a fountain. Two stairs lead to one door. All around us is a garden. To the left is a large pavilion. To the right is another pathway to the stables. The castle stood high and mighty.