Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter2:Long time no see

8 years later...

I rolled over to my side and looked at the figure next to me. He was still in a deep state of slumber, judging from his snoring. That means I can safely escape this room without being noticed. I looked at the clock; 11:49 pm. I need to get the hell out of here!

I know what you are thinking. Corey, why are you such a slut? Let me tell you why...

I goddamn deserve it, that's why!

I, Corey price had come a long way since high school. I was no longer the meek, scrawny kid who got pushed around by assholes. I worked hard to get rid of the old Corey and change into who I am now. The new Corey Price. I worked out constantly so I could be strong. I kept my emotions under control and vowed not to fall in love with another man again.

The new Corey was stoic and cool. And with my shiny new job, I was sure to be successful. I felt like I was invincible.

"Are you leaving?" the deep voice spoke suddenly, startling me. Shit...I've been caught.

"Err...yeah. Sorry, I gotta go. I have to get up early tomorrow. The first day at my new job, you know what I mean?" I said. "But I had a good time last night though!" I quickly added.

The 20 something year old in front of me smiled brightly. "Me too! I had an amazing time last night. We should do this more often," he said.

I don't think so, buddy, I thought in my head. He was sexy and all and totally my type, but this was a one-time thing for me. But he doesn't need to know that.

"," I said and opened the door.

"Bye Corey," he waved at me cheerfully. I almost felt bad as I struggled to remember his name. What was it again...Ryan? Mike? Oh well, it wasn't important since I wasn't planning on calling him anyway.

I ran into the elevator to leave the hotel as fast as possible then drove back to my apartment. I wasn't lying about getting up early in the morning. It was indeed my first day at the job, and I needed my beauty sleep.


I yelped as my roommate Ally shouted from across the room as soon as I entered the apartment. Ally went to the same high school as me and always had been sympathetic towards me. After I moved, she happened to see my Facebook ad and asked me to be my roommate. I was excited that she moved to New York, so I responded quickly and offered her the room. We've been roomies ever since.

She was sitting on the couch, in the dark like a goddamn creeper.

"Jesus H Christ, why do you always do this to me? I nearly had a heart attack just now!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, stop being a drama queen. Where the hell have you been?" she demanded to know.

"What are you, my mama? I am a hot 26 year old single man in New York. It's no surprise I'd be out and about banging someone's brain out," I shrugged.

"Gross...spare me the details, Nancy boy. You forgot, didn't you?" she looked at me with fire in her eyes.

I racked my brain, trying to remember what I forgot but I couldn't figure it out. "What did I forget?" I asked.

"You were supposed to take me to the play, you dick!" she yelled.

"Damn...I am so sorry, Ally. I totally got distracted," I looked at her with my famous puppy eyes, hoping she'd forgive me.

She sighed. "Whatever, I hope he was worth it at least."

"Oh yes. I'll be fantasizing about his piercing blue eyes and raven hair for days now," I chuckled.

"Blue eyes and black hair, huh? Ally smirked.

"What...?" I gave her a puzzled look. What was she on about now?

"You don't see it do you?" she asked.

"See what? You are confusing me with your inconspicuous behavior, Allycat," I said.

"Black hair, baby blue eyes, well-built body. Does that remind you of someone?" Ally raised her eyebrows.

I knew exactly who she was talking about. The person I hated with all my being.

"I told you not to mention him to me ever again," I said irritably.

"Yet, you keep sleeping with guys that look like him. Kind of sick, don't you think?" she said.

"It's merely a coincident," I waved my hands in dismissal.

"Aha...sure. Anyway, I'm gonna head to bed. Goodnight," Ally said and went into her room.

I flopped down on the bed and buried my face in my pillow. Was Ally right? Am I still obsessed with Ethan to a point where I can only sleep with people that looks like him? Damn...I need to change that.

I slowly drifted into sleep as I thought about him.

The next day, I headed to my new job. I got accepted at a prestigious law firm training under the CEO, so it was my time to shine. I couldn't wait to meet my new coworkers. I was especially curious to meet my new boss, who I heard so much about. He wasn't at the interview, and silly me forgot to ask them who I was working under. As far as I knew, he was a man of mystery.

I straightened my tie and checked my hair in the elevator mirror before entering the main building. I was nervous and excited at the same time. I hoped my new boss was sexy. I thought to myself and smirked.

"Oh, Mr. Price, there you are!" the receptionist chirped. I think her name was Linda.

"Please, call me Corey," I said, offering her my friendliest smile.

"Corey. You are just in time. Boss just got settled in his office, so I can take you there and introduce you to him," she said.

Great. My heart thumped against my chest as I could hardly wait to meet him.

We entered a spacious office that was surrounded by glass windows. Bossman sure has it good around here! The office was empty.

"Oh, looks like Ethan stepped out for a moment. Have a seat. I am sure he'll be right back," Linda said.

"Ethan?" I remarked. I suddenly had bad taste in my mouth hearing the name I haven't heard in eight years.

Calm down, Corey. Ethan is a common name. I am sure it's not the same person. It can't be! I tried to convince myself, but a feeling of dread grew inside of me.

I sat down on the couch and tried to control my breathing.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't Corey Price? Long time no see," A deep sensual voice spoke behind me, shaking me to my core.

You've got to be shitting me...

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