Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 1 – A New Kingdom



I looked out the window on the top floor of my castle, yes, my castle. I took slow sips from the crystal glass that held the dark, thick rum, my drink of choice tonight, as I pondered over the past two years and how far we had come.

Two years ago, Travis and I left the Golden Circle pack in the dead of night to come back to MacTire, which literally meant wolf in ancient Gaelic. With the help of Alpha Greg from the Crescent Moon pack and my uncle, we found out that this castle was once the home of my ancestors. It was once upon a time home to a king and queen from the old world who had been overthrown by humans, and the pack massacred by hunters.

It was strange coming back to the place that was the cause of all my nightmares, nightmares I still have to this day of the bear shifters torturing and sexually abusing me. I curled my lip and took another slow sip of my drink. The thick barrel-tasting liquid curbed the growl that threatened to escape my lips.

I hated bear shifters and hated that I had to accept them into our pack. My time in the dungeons, my dungeons now, left a sour and deep disdain for bears.

As if I had any love for them before. I scoffed to myself, and my wolf nodded in agreement.

Over the past two years we, meaning Hunji, Travis, and I, have built this place up. It was perfect land for farming, so we raised beef and farmed the land, producing the best crops and leanest beef. We made a deal with the Werewolf King, my Uncle Alex, and began selling and trading to his kingdom's northern packs, which had trouble growing crops because their soil wasn’t rich enough. We produced enough to not only sell to the kingdom packs but also to supply our own packs and feed the growing population here.

After coming back here, the three of us had combed the territory and discovered a long stretch of a wide river that ran right through our land. It was big and wide enough for boats and the river forked off from the mountains that created a waterfall, leading to a larger body of water that stretched all the way out towards the ocean. The copious amounts of salmon it supplied were an added bonus to land.

With the help of Prince Kellen and, of course, our fathers, we were able to get electricity piped into the castle and small village that stood just east of it. They had loaned Damon to me for a few months, and we set up security around our borders as well as additional security in the dungeons with cameras and electronic closing cells. Thankfully, we have had no use for those cells since we took over.

Part of the castle had been burnt towards the north wing where the ballroom and kitchens stood. Instead of rebuilding those walls, we knocked them down and built a separate structure to house a common dining room for all pack members to come eat at and it would double as a function room for pack gatherings and entertainment. Pipes had been replaced and with the castle now having electricity, we actually had hot running water now, which I thanked the Moon Goddess for every day.

The king had also allowed me to borrow a handful of the elite warriors for a time, until I had our pack trained and up to speed so they could effectively protect our lands. As per the treaty I signed with the king, once our warriors were trained, the elite warriors went back to the Royal pack.

Aside from building MacTire back better and stronger, Hunji, Travis, and I had traveled the lands outside of the kingdom. We had made it our mission to form alliances with small packs that were not under the rule of the Werewolf Kingdom, aiding them in fights against rogues or bigger packs that tried to bully them for various reasons, such as wanting more land or trying to take young shifters and humans as slaves. I have also acquired a few towns that are primarily occupied by humans and shifters who had human mates. I was now the Alpha of five other packs in addition to Golden Circle and MacTire, and we also controlled a few human towns in between our acquired pack lands.

Of course, we didn’t control in a tyrant sort of way. Rather, we helped build the cities, opened businesses, and traded with the town’s people. We offered jobs and protection in exchange for their loyalty to me. We ruled fair and brought law and order to the villages, towns, and packs.

The packs I acquired were mostly because their Alpha was dictatorial or ruthless, harboring old ways. Enslaving omega shifters or using humans as slaves. I can honestly say each and every pack I challenged for, and won, has thrived and become happier. Shifters that didn’t agree with the new way and still harbored those brutal and cruel rulings were cast out or executed depending on their crimes.

I had become cold, not uncaring, just hardened. And even though I hated bear shifters, I still ruled as a just and fair Alpha. I may not prefer their company, but I would never place judgment on a child, no matter their race.

That was how I met Rhett and his little sister Ria. In my early days of going back and forth from here to Golden Circle, I had stopped in a small village that was home to mostly humans and had decided to stay the night in a dinky run-down motel.


I came up to the counter and paid for a room. I was in a small village that was named Briarshire, a place that was a few days from MacTire. Usually, I would just run straight through from one pack to another, but tonight my wolf had urged me to stop and I let her lead us to this small rundown village. How I ended up becoming the Alpha of four more packs, was by following her lead. Sometimes she would get this bug up her ass and I, never learning my lesson, would listen to her. Sometimes it was just better to give in than to hear her incessant whining in my head and then fight her for control. Needless to say, she always led us to packs that needed help in one way or another. I was guessing this might be the same case tonight.

Inanna had insisted we stop overnight and I let her lead me to this rinky-dink motel. I grabbed my room key from the clerk at the front desk and headed towards the ground floor room of the motel. I’m sure this place must have been thriving a long time ago, but now it was just run down with crumbling walls and peeling paint. I opened the door to find a modest and dated room with a queen bed. Dumping my bag on one of the two chairs that stood next to a small makeshift breakfast table, I took my long coat off and unsheathed my swords, then proceeded to strip out my leather pants, boots, and tank top.

The shower was small and the water cold, so I quickly washed with the tiny bar of soap they had supplied, drying my body with the minimal piece of fabric they called a towel. It was so small I had the choice of either wrapping my boobs up or covering my ass. There was no in-between, it was either or. I sighed as I laid down on the worn bed after grabbing and dressing in a pair of shorts and one of Zane’s old shirts. Yes, I was still missing him, I always would. Although there was no more pain, I was still left with heartache and a feeling of emptiness. His scent still lingered on this shirt, and I took it to my nose, inhaling his now fading oak and maple scent. In the beginning, tears would prick my eyes, but as the months passed, I no longer shed tears, I just let the loneliness consume me. My wolf would whimper with her own memories, missing the other piece of her soul, her mate.

I closed my eyes, praying for a dreamless sleep tonight but doubted I would even fall fully asleep in a strange town. I had sent Hunji to one of our newer packs to help train their warriors and Travis was back at MacTire holding down the fort. I had visited the Golden Circle pack to talk with Brett, the acting Alpha, and to see Halley, Zane’s little sister. Since she had finished her time at the Alpha Academy, I wanted to be there to greet her upon her return. I had stayed for three days before deciding to head back to the territory and that’s how I found myself here, in what was this place called? Oh, yeah Briarshire. Strange name. It sounded like something from those old, old books, The Hobbit, I had recently read.

Ding. Ding. Ding.

My eyes shot open to the sound of the church bell ringing from a tower toward the other side of town. My body leaped up from the bed in one fluid movement and landed in a defensive stance as the loud clang of a bell pierced through the evening sky, followed by fearful shouting.

“Run, run, get to safety. They are coming!” I heard a man’s voice boom in between the clang of the bell that had become quicker.

What could they possibly be running from? What could have this village running scared for their lives? I could hear the patters of many feet scuffling through the minimal streets and children whimpering as their mothers hushed them.

Ever the curious wolf and not much scared, I threw my pants and crop top back on. Hey, I figure if I’m going out there I might as well dress back up. Who knows what I would find? Better to be prepared. I opened the door to my room and peered out, noting the doors shutting and people scuttling into buildings. It seemed like the whole village was evacuating to this area.

I saw one lone man running in the other direction towards the other end of town where the bell’s clang still rang out. I sniffed the air - cat. The man was a were-cat.

“Hey, you!” I shouted to him, making him pause to see who had called out. “What’s happening? Why is everyone hiding?” I asked with impatience, the bells sound now giving me a headache.

“The Alpha is coming. You should hide unless you can fight, but then you might die.” He replied shakily. He was an older man, thin and lithe like he hadn’t seen a decent meal and lived a harsh life for a while.

“What Alpha? Your Alpha?” I asked again, stepping out onto the road.

“No, not our Alpha…” He was cut off by a loud screaming followed by equally loud and menacing growls.

“They got Ria, he’s taking Ria!” Another man shouted and my eyes followed the new voice to a man who looked close to my age as he yelled from the top of the street. The were-cat before me physically paled and began running to the other man.

I walked back into my room ready to close the door. This was not my fight, and I had no backup.


Fuck it. I grabbed my swords and began running to where I heard the growling and shouting. I came upon a scene that had my blood boiling and I felt my canines extend as I sneered at the pack of wolves in front of me, several of them holding young girls close to them. One of them had a young girl snatched by her hair and was dragging her away from the others.

“They do not belong to you, Arshard! Leave us alone,” the man who was closer to my age yelled, clenching his fists by his side tightly.

“Or what, Rhett? What is a weak and pathetic scum of a human like you going to do about it?” The man called Arshard taunted him.

“So help me Goddess, release my sister!” He yelled.

“I’m going to enjoy breaking this little one,” another man said. I turned my gaze to him, watching as his tongue licked from her neck to her face and the girl visibly shuddered in disgust as tears streaked her cheeks.

The man called Rhett moved fast, faster than a human, but not faster than the wolf he advanced on. The poor excuse of an Alpha called Arshard moved quickly, dropping the girl from his grasp and sending a blow right to the jaw of Rhett, knocking him on his ass.

“Just as I thought, weak human.” He sneered at the man on the floor.

“I suggest you do as you have been asked before I rip yours and the rest of your men’s hearts out and watch you bleed where you stand!” Having enough of this shit show, I yelled out and took a step closer to the group of attackers standing behind the villagers.

This wolf and his pack were obviously taking girls without their consent. I had seen this before, the type of pack they are, and it disgusted me. The crowd of villagers parted and the man who was an Alpha glared at me, his lip curling up in hostility.

“And who the fuck are you to tell an Alpha what to do, little wolf?” he growled.

“I’m the Delta’s Daughter and I’m telling you now, unhand these villagers or this man will unleash my beast,” I said, pointing at Rhett who was gathering himself off the ground. That was always my answer when I was asked who I was. Not Alpha, not queen, but the Delta’s Daughter. That was the name I had become known as throughout the Werewolf Kingdom and beyond: the Delta’s Daughter, a title that was fast becoming a legend.

“You dare challenge me, girl!” He yelled, clearly annoyed.

“Well, no I didn’t challenge you, you dumb fuck. But if it’s a challenge you want, then yeah, okay. What do I get if I win?” Now I was just pissing him off. So, I let a little of my aura out, just to let him think I was too confident, just enough to fool him into thinking I thought I held power. Little did the idiot know…

“An Alpha challenge to the death, standard rules apply. You keep what you kill.” He chuckled as he turned to his men, “This girl is a fool if she thinks she can beat an Alpha, maybe I won’t kill her but let her share my bed.” He laughed, and his men laughed with him, agreeing.

“Well, that doesn’t seem like a fair fight, let's sweeten the pot. You have thirteen men with you, how about I fight them first, then if I win, I will accept your challenge alpha.” Highlighting the word ‘alpha’ with a mocking tone, I egged him on.

He nodded his head ‘okay’ and waved his hand to his men. “Fuck her up but leave her alive.”

I didn’t give them the chance to attack. I swiftly moved forward with an unmatched speed, my hands morphing to my beasts as I quickly moved through the thirteen men and ripped out each and every one of their hearts in less than a minute. I held the last heart in my hand as I moved in front of the Alpha’s face. His face was pale and full of shock and he stumbled to find his words, but before he could, my claws plunged into his chest and tore his beating heart out.

“That’s for being a scum of an Alpha. You got what you deserved by preying on the weak.” I derided him before his body dropped to his knees and he keeled over, the life leaving his murky eyes.


It was that night I had met my fourth knight. I still had dreams of the library and the writings in the book, but it was always the same thing, always about the four knights and their queen. Ever since I met with Ashe, the demigod and first werewolf ever born, I hadn’t seen her again. I always wonder if it was just a dream, but then how could I explain not having to endure the anguish of my mate and child’s death. And that was over two years ago now.

I heard his footsteps and caught his scent making his way to my chambers way before he had even turned down my hall. He finally reached my door and gave it a knock.

“Come in,” I called, not even bothering to turn around as I still gazed out the window over the vast land. Sometimes it still felt surreal that this was mine, this beautiful, thriving land.

He crossed the room, coming up behind me and snaking his arms around my waist, pulling me back against his hard chest, burying his nose in my hair, and softly inhaling. “What are you thinking, Lamia?” He asked.

I gave a half-cocked smile, more for myself than him, and lifted my glass to my lips again. “Nothing good” I sighed. “Just remembering when I first met Rhett and Ria,” I told him honestly as I looked at our reflections through my window.

He ran one of his hands up my side to my neck, moving the hair that rested on my shoulder out the way, and softly pressed a kiss to my neck. His warm lips sent a pleasurable heat through my body and right down to my core. There were no tingles, no pull of the mate bond, it was the connection I craved. Nothing more.

“I just got word from Prince Kellen that Tawny has been called to the Were-cat Kingdom, King Armand has requested her presence.” He whispered against my neck and continued to place kisses up and down, nibbling my earlobe and almost eliciting a moan from me.

“Shit. I’m sure she will call me, I will have her escorted by one of our big cat warriors. Kellen can’t send wolves with her; they will be unwelcomed and seen as a threat.” I said of my best friend and disgraced were-cat princess. It must be dire if her grandfather was demanding an audience with her. He had despised her mother and father and had cast his only daughter out when she was fated to a wolf, and King Armand wanted nothing to do with his granddaughter who is a cat shifter.

You see, it happens one of three ways when you have shifter races mixed with each other. You are either one or the other, or human. However, sometimes, in rare cases like in Rhett and Ria’s, their mother was a wolf and their father was a human but were fated mates. Rhett and Ria were born without a wolf and were considered humans, but even though they couldn’t shift and had no wolf spirit, they still ended up with werewolf strength and speed, but none of our healing abilities or immunities to sickness. They had no idea they came from a long line of hunters until Hunji and I had bought it to their attention. In truth, we thought they had all been wiped out eons ago when the plague hit the humans and the shifter wars began in an effort to control the realm.

“I will speak with her and have Mason accompany her,” I said while turning in his arms and placing one of mine around his shoulder. My palm rested on the nape of his neck where my fingers twirled in his hair, but my gaze was still held by the lush greenery outside.

Taking another sip, I watched as a dark brown wolf emerged from the tree line in the valley and gradually sloped up into the mountain, the evergreens swallowing the terrain like bees to honey. The mate-less wolf shifted to his human form when he was closer to the castle. My eyes softened when I saw the scars littered over his chest, the tell-tale sign of a mate's betrayal, except he killed his mate, and the Moon Goddess would never fate him another. Regardless of why he did it, killing your fated mate goes against the goddess' gift. You will never be given a second chance mate, and that’s if you survived breaking the bond. It was one of the worst crimes against the Moon Goddess there could be, that and killing a pup.

The thought had my head turning and brushing my lips with the man holding me in his arms. His soft brown eyes were dark with lust and wanting. He wasn’t demanding, but he wasn’t asking either. I knew what he wanted, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t want to fuck him. His head leaned forward, and I encouraged it by wrapping my fingers tighter in his hair. His lips began to move against mine as he pulled me closer and deepened the kiss, there was a slight urgency to it but more than that was need. He broke from the kiss and took the glass from my hand, lifting the glass to his lips and smirking before he downed the rest in one swallow and then set it down on the side table by the window.

I took a moment to admire the man that stood before me. He was muscular and rugged, a hardened body built with hard work and determination. My eyes moved up to appreciate his hard chest and broad shoulders. His strong and squared jaw was hidden by a light beard that he always grew this time of year, and I always teased him that he had more red in his beard than in his dark brown hair.

“What?” he asked, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me against him so I could feel every one of those defined dips and curves of his chest. He was built the way romance novels always described an Alpha.

I cocked my head.

“You have a smirk on your face, what’s that about?” His husky and playful voice I loved so much whispered into my ear, and at the same time created a moist warmth between my legs.

“I was thinking… as much as I tease you about your beard, I love it when you go down on me.” I smiled when he let out a low growl and pressed his pelvis into my hip. He was rock hard and I bit my bottom lip in excitement. We may be using each other to find our own release and little utopia for just a little while, but as much as I wished he would find a mate, I would miss this.

My lips brushed against his cheek as I moved into to graze my teeth on his earlobe, sucking it and then whispering in as sultry and breathy a voice I could muster. “Fuck me, Alpha.”

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