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Chapter 5 - Lonely City


I took a sip of the dark liquid from my crystal glass, savoring the taste on my tongue before swallowing it and gulping down the rest. I leaned down to set the glass on the table beside me, spying the female I had ruined not twenty minutes ago slumped over my couch passed out. Tears still streaked her face from the beating she had taken from my cock. Her small and tight pussy had torn and bled when I fucked her hard and rough, chasing my own release. Over and over again. Never feeling satisfied.

When her screams of pleasure had turned to painful moans and sobbing and she could take no more of me, passing out while I relentlessly fucked her from behind, I tossed her down, still not finding satisfaction. A better man would have taken pity on her, but not me.

Here I stood, in all my glory, looking out of the floor-to-ceiling windows that adorned my penthouse apartment at the top of the casino I owned and mostly lived in. The lights from the city far below glistened like twinkling stars, giving a false sense of calm to the realm that lingered outside these walls. In fact, this whole city belonged to me. I was proud of what I had built, but there was no pride in what the city had become, a safe haven for those cast out from packs, clans, sleuths, and clowders.

Where the lonely and rejected came, looking for that spark they lost.

Needless to say, the city has been dubbed ‘The Lonely City'. It was thriving, but with all the wrong people. Drugs, prostitution, illegal fighting rings, gambling, and drinking. I had let it become this way. I was the main antagonist - encouraging this way of life, dominating the underworld, and allowing the scum of the realm to take up residence in my city.

The other friend was kneeling before me, now sucking my cock as hard as she could, gagging, trying to fit all of me in her tiny mouth, but there was still no satisfaction. Sex and violence helped me find some release, but I chased that gratification relentlessly.

Her red lips stretched around my shaft, barely managing to take in the head. She was doing the best she could, but her mouth was tiny and only managed an inch or two of me. I hadn’t fucked this female yet; she was smaller than the other woman and I was sure I would ruin her in the same way as the other.

I told them they couldn’t handle me, but they insisted the two of them could please me. It began with the first one riding me and this one sitting on my face. Both had cum, but as my frustration of not releasing grew and needed to let the beast out, I had taken charge and became primal, almost desperate. This girl had watched me fuck her friend hard and barbarically with no remorse, she had cowered once I was done with her friend and I told this girl to finish me off. Now she was trying her best to do just that.

I heard the ding of my private elevator, alerting me that someone was on their way up. I grabbed the female's hair, angling her head, and started to thrust my cock hard into her mouth, hitting the back of her throat, my balls slapping against the bottom of her chin, forcing as much as myself down her as possible. I heard her gag and looked down; tears streamed down her eyes as I fucked her mouth hard. Her mouth was so tiny I could feel the grazing of her teeth.

The elevator dinged again and before they had even emerged from the hallway, I could smell the two men, my brother, Xander, and my best friend, Tobias. I let out a groan and pulled out of the female’s mouth, lifting her up, turning, and throwing her over the arm of the couch so her ass stuck up in the air and her head almost fell in her friend's lap. I spat on my hand a few times and rubbed the slickness on my cock before roughly plowing into her pussy, her body trembling beneath me as she waited for the same fate as her friend.

“Gods be damned brother!” Xander screeched and half covered his eyes as he and Tobias rounded the corner, seeing me standing behind the poor female as I thrust hard into her.

“Pour yourselves a drink and me as well. I will be done with this whore in a minute unless one of you wants a turn with her?” I smirked and quickened my pace, the female quivering beneath me. I could feel my climax building up now that I had an audience and this poor girl had to be embarrassed as my brother and friend stood there watching what a mess I was making of her, waiting for me to finish so they could have my attention. They were used to this scene or naked girls sprawled around my penthouse at any given time.

On more than the odd occasion, Tobias and I would have parties up here, sharing multiple women. Maybe the occasional male for Tobias when he wanted it. I was cold and heartless when it came to fucking, business, and stupidity. There wasn’t much I cared for these days, and I didn’t even care about that. My loyalty was to my tribe and clans, the wars and unmated life had slowly but surely turned me down a dark path. I protect what’s mine and that’s it.

I slammed into the whore a few more times before pulling out and letting my ropes of seed fall onto her back. I hadn’t even worked up a sweat. After spilling everything out onto her, I pushed her ass off the arm of the couch.

“Grab your pathetic friend and leave, NOW!” I coldly yelled at her, tossing them out like yesterday's trash. Terror shone in her eyes and she scrambled, grabbing what little belongs she could find of her and her friend’s before tapping her friend's face and trying to wake her up.

I looked at Tobias, giving him a glare, telling him without words to get these fucking whores out of my house. Tobias quickly walked over and lifted the passed-out girl into his arms and walked to the elevator with the other girl in tow. He pressed the button and when the doors opened, he shoved them in, sending them down still naked.

He shook his head at me as he walked back in. “Fuck man; please tell me it was consensual?”

“Of course, I didn’t rape them! Is that how lowly you think of me, Tobias?” I was irked. I may be a cold bastard and not care how I used women or degraded them in sex, but I was no rapist, nor have I ever hit a woman when it wasn’t in battle or unless she had attacked me first. I was low and dirty and dangerous and a killer, but no, I was not that.

“They came to me, thinking they could satisfy me. I told them they couldn’t, but they put on such a play, thinking they could have the big King. Neither will be walking for days.” I chuckled at the thought of the poor females, whose names I don’t care to know, hobbling around for days.

“So, anyway,” my brother interjected. “We have a problem that needs to be dealt with, and the problem is waiting downstairs.”

“And what problem might that be?” I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

My brother, Xander, ran his hand through his dark locks and cast a sideways glance at Tobias, who was sipping his drink.

“Why don’t you go get some clothes on and then Tobias and I will fill you in.”

I nodded my head towards Xander and walked past him towards my room, hearing him shout to take a damn shower too because I smelt of whores. I did as he asked, not because I took orders from him but because I didn’t feel like reeking of scum the rest of the night, and headed to the bathroom, turning on the shower and stepping into the cold stream.

I was still hard, despite coming, and still unsatisfied even though I had been fucking for the past few hours. The cold water felt good as it ran down my back, easing my erection. I stepped out of the shower a few minutes later and dried myself off, deciding to dress in a pair of black jeans and a dark blue button-up shirt instead of one of my many suits.

I looked in the mirror, flattening my short black hair. My grey eyes looked dull and emotionless, I had become someone I hardly recognized anymore; cold, ruthless, and void of emotion. Not qualities an alpha and king should possess, but nevertheless, qualities bestowed upon me from the hardened life I surrounded myself with.

The only time I felt peace was when I was home, on our territory, with my family, tribe, and clan members. Only then did I feel relaxed, surrounded by the mountains, dense forest, and the crystal lakes and streams that flowed through our lands. Despite my hardened and vicious exterior, I was a good leader. A leader who took care of his people and made sure everyone prospered equally and upheld our laws and ways of life.

I still lacked balance in my life, and it was too easy to be swayed by the drugs, death, and violence that surrounded me in this concrete jungle. I spend most of my time in the city these days, running my affairs and casinos from the penthouse, too much time away from the tribe. But that was my choice.

I let out a deep sigh before heading back to the main room to meet with Xander and Tobias and to find out who or what I needed to deal with at this late hour, as it was already past midnight.

“Yup, definitely smell better, brother.” Xander teased, earning him a scowl.

“Then why the fuck don’t you enlighten me, brother, as to why you are here at this hour?” I gritted, taking the glass of rum Tobias was holding out for me and sitting in one of the leather chairs. Tobias sat in the matching chair and Xander went to sit on the couch, but before his ass could hit the cushion, he promptly stood back at full height. I raised a questioning eyebrow at him.

“Uh yah, there’s a little blood on the armrest; highly unsanitary and super gross in fact.” he said, pointing while his eyes darted around to find another seat and settled on sitting across the room in one of the dining chairs.

I looked at my brother and shook my head at him, smirking. He was my half-brother, the same mother but different fathers. My hair was pitch black and I had grey eyes. Most would argue they were a platinum color, but I personally didn’t see the fucking difference. Xander had dark brown hair and light brown eyes with flecks of honey. He was tall and muscular but on the leaner side compared to me. I towered over his 6’ 3” frame by a good 4-5 inches and was much, much wider and more muscular. I was a beast, the sheer size of me intimidating to everyone I have ever encountered. And I liked it that way.

I had looked out for Xander my whole life. Being five years older than him, he would follow Tobias and me around everywhere and most of the time we let him. That way, I knew where he was and what he was getting up to. Tobias and I became his father figures, not that we were the best influence growing up, but his father had skipped out on our mother when he was two and I was seven, leaving her to raise the two of us unruly boys. She had had it difficult since the death of my father, the former king, and her true mate.

I didn’t know much about it, just that he was killed in battle when she was eight months pregnant with me; by his own brother. My ‘uncle’ had been hunted for years after killing him, but he was never found.

My father’s second in command had always said he thought he had run and hid with the wolves, but he never found any proof of it. At the time, my mother had been stripped of her title as a new bear claimed the throne and tossed her out to live in the outskirts of our territory, so my mother was left to raise the both of us after her chosen mate abandoned us.

That was until I reached the age of maturity and challenged Andrei Frake, the then king, and killed him. I became the King of the Bears at age sixteen, and twelve years later here I am.

I am Mathias King Artos, King of the Bears, the strongest Alpha and strongest King in the realm.

“Again, why are you two shits here and not back with the clans?” I asked again, wanting them to hurry up. Not that I was going anywhere, I was just impatient and these two fuckers knew it.

“Ughh, well, we have two problems. The first one is downstairs in the boiler room. He was caught in one of the clubs trying to sell services of an illegal brothel. Underage kids man.” Xander sneered with disgust.

“Did he mention he was trying to sell services in one of your clubs?” Tobias chimed in, knowing the shit would be hitting the fan any moment.

“Let’s go see this fucker then,” I said, appearing calm on the outside, but my beast was stirring on the inside.

A lot of nasty shit and dealings happened in my city, but something I would never condone was harming children in any form. If you wanted to unleash my fury, then that was one sure way to do it.

We entered the elevator, taking it down to the basement of the high-rise building my casino and hotel were home to. The doors opened and we walked in silence down the long dark corridor, illuminated by soft lights on the wall that were placed every thirty feet.

Reaching the end of the corridor, I saw two guards outside the boiler room making sure nobody entered or left.

“King.” They both greeted me with a bow and slight tip of the neck, showing their submission, and opened the door for me.

I walked in with Xander and Tobias on my heels. The large room was lit better than the hallways and I made my way to the back where there were a few small rooms we used as makeshift cells for interrogations or people who were caught stealing. Or if we had a situation like we did tonight, the concrete floors made it easier for cleanup.

“Room five,” Tobias gestured towards the last room in the corner.

I opened the door and walked in, not even caring who the person was or what would come out of their mouth. This would be over in five minutes, one way or another.

“King! I-I-I’m sorry. I did – didn’t know it was one of your c-clubs,” DeVos, the piece of scum stuttered. He was visibly shaking with fear as he knelt on the cold and hard concrete floor, never mind the stench of his fear wafting through the room. His thinning, greasy hair was plastered to his forehead. He gave me a weak smile, showing off his nasty yellow and rotting teeth. He was a weak and pathetic werebear, always looking for some Ponzi scheme or running a con.

“You are trafficking cubs?” I didn’t put much effort into the question. His paling face and audible gulp confirmed it all.

“I want the names of all your associates!” I commanded and turned to Tobias, who handed me a pen and notebook. I threw the notebook on the floor at his knees.

“Yes, yes King.” He fumbled to pick them up and started scribbling on them.

He handed the items back to me and I looked over the list of three names. One of them I recognized, the other two must be new players. I passed the info back to Tobias and then bent down in front of DeVos.

“Now tell me Ursid…” I called him, using a nasty term for bears meaning you are nothing, gripping his chin and yanking his head up so he could look me in the eye. “Who gave you permission to run a brothel in my city?”

He said nothing, just opened and closed his mouth while his eyes glazed over. I was sure if I roared in his face, he would piss his pants. He was that frightened and intimidated by me. Good.

“Who gave you permission to promote your whores in my club? Because I know I certainly didn’t. And did I hear right that some of these girls are underage?” I could feel my chest starting to heave heavier with hatred.

Again, he said nothing.

“ANSWER ME!” I roared, my eyes shining silver as my beast pushed to the front, wanting to be let out and take his pound of flesh.

“No-no one, King, I swear I just wanted to make money. It – it won’t hap-happen again. I-I p-promise” The blubbering idiot was damn right it wouldn’t happen again.

“You’re right, it won’t happen again.” I calmly stated. I was still holding on to his chin, gripping it so tight that I could feel the pressure from my fingers biting into his bone.

In one quick motion, I let my claws extract and pierce into his neck and skull. He was instantly killed, and it was so fast he didn’t even have time to register that I had pierced his skin. His blood began to pour from the wounds and trickle onto my hand. I shoved him away and stood up, taking a step back as his limp body fell backward at an awkward angle, his legs tucked under him. I took another step back, away from the gathering puddle of red goo; I didn’t want it on my shoes.

“Have this shit cleaned up and get it off my floor,” I ordered and wiped my hand free of the blood on the towel Tobias handed to me. I turned around and walked out, my face stoic and void of any emotion. I didn’t care about that piece of shit, he was nothing. He was less than fly shit and he deserved to die. I would not be losing any sleep over his death.

I walked back down the corridor to the elevators and pressed the button; the doors opened automatically for me, and I stepped in. Xander and Tobias were quick to jump in with me.

“I am having the guards take care of the body and mess, as well as find the people DeVos wrote down on the list,” Tobias explained as we rode back up to my penthouse.

“Very well” was all I replied.

Once back in my suite, Xander poured us another drink and handed it to us. He seemed uneasy, which was unlike him.

“You said we had two problems? What’s the second?” I asked. I knew killing DeVos wasn’t the reason for his uneasiness. He was used to watching me take a life, and if it hadn’t been me, it would have been him or Tobias. I said nothing but wondered what his issue was.

He finally spoke up after a few minutes with the three of us sitting in silence.

“Well, in other news, we caught a trespasser last night. A wolf, he wandered into our tribe's lands and walked right up into our clan.” Xander professed with a hint of hesitance in his voice.

“And the problem is what? Kill him or let him rot. I don’t see a problem.” I stated, getting a little agitated at why the fuck this was any kind of big deal. Rogue wolves came to Lonely City all the time, as did other shifters and I couldn’t care less if they were spending money and keeping our clan comfortable. However, we didn’t tolerate other rogue shifter races in our personal territory, and they were to be killed on sight unless they could be used in other ways or held some information.

“It’s not just any wolf, Mat,” Tobias chimed in. “He is a pack wolf and was looking for Odeia.” He said, clicking his tongue and taking a sip as he waited to gauge my reaction.

“What pack is he from, did he say?” Not that it mattered to me; I just didn’t like people looking for Odeia. She was an old family friend, one that I had given my word to protect as well as her clan's secret.

Xander cleared his throat and shifted in the chair a little. “No he didn’t say, in fact, refused to say what pack he came from. The aura coming off him and his strength points to me that he is a high-ranking wolf, if not alpha then I don’t know. It’s stronger than a beta or gamma. He said he would only speak to you or her.”

“So exactly what do you want me to do about it? Either kill him or beat the information out of him. Either way, he is not getting to Odeia.” My tone was final.

“Mat, what concerns Xander and me, is how he even knows her name. Aren’t you a little curious as to why someone has come searching for her after all these years?” Tobias questioned me.

If it was anyone else, I probably would have ripped them apart for questioning me as such, but Tobias was my best friend and my second in command. He was in charge of our fighters and borders and also helped Xander control some of the tribes in our clan. Tobias had been with me since I could remember. We went to school together, fought together, shit we even shared girls. In the 28 years of my miserable existence, I could not recall one time that Tobias had not stood by my side.

“So again, what the fuck do you want me to do about it?” I asked.

“He has requested to speak to you, and only you,” Tobias said. His mossy green eyes were holding a look of agitation and he ran a hand through his curly, shoulder-length brown hair. “I think you should come home, tonight. So you can question him. He didn’t even sweat when we gave him a few lashes and blows to the body.”

He must be a strong wolf if he didn’t even flinch under the harsh hit of Tobias. He was no slouch, matching my brother’s height and being bulkier. Bear shifters are naturally stronger than wolves, not to say they can’t take a beating, but they are the dominant shifter.

I scrubbed a hand down my face, pausing to scratch the three-day scruff that covered my jaw. The winters here could be harsh and most of us clan men grew a seasonal beard.

“Very well, I will come meet this wolf and if he doesn’t give me answers, then I will kill him.” I shrugged, stretching the last couple of words out and emphasizing ‘kill’.

The two idiots nodded their heads and got up, heading towards the front hall and elevator. “Are you coming?” Xander threw his head over his shoulder and asked. I stood up facing them and furrowed my brows in confusion.

Am I coming? Fuck no I wasn’t going right now. “I wasn’t planning on it,” I said instead. My tone was laced with as much sarcasm as I could possibly muster and I just stared at them blankly with my hands in my pocket.

“Dude…” Tobias started to say.

“Don’t fucking call me dude! You are not my fucking friend if you think I’m going to go with you two to talk to some fucking wolf in the dead of night, you already ruined my fucking night!” I retorted. I was pissed now, and I was willing to throw a tantrum about it just to get my own way.

And I’m meant to be a king.

“Come on Mat…” Xander sighed using my short name, “I got a feeling about this wolf…”

“You ‘got a feeling’?” I asked, widening my eyes like ‘come on then let’s hear it’. I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for his lame-ass excuse for why I should come with them tonight.

Xander shifted on his feet. His eyes had an almost pleading look in them and his mouth twisted with worry. He looked at me, “Yah, I do Mat. Seriously, something about this wolf is weird.”

“Bad weird or good weird?” I smirked.

“Mathias! I’m not pissing around! This weird wolf is definitely someone important! He was found on our clan lands, not to mention he had already been in Lonely City for two fucking weeks before some bar owner told him ‘Go ask the king’” he air quoted, “and told him which way to head as well! Other than that, he hasn’t said a godamn thing!! Not one fucking thing. Oh, and on top of that, he asked for Odeia? Odeia? The oldest living supernatural that we know of? Come on man!” Xander threw his hands in the air and huffed, he needed to catch his breath after that monologue.

“If you are quite done Brother, can I change my fucking shoes?” I chuckled at him, and Tobias groaned at me.

I looked at Tobias who just nodded his head, telling me yeah, I needed to go. For Xander to get this worked up, he’s trusting his gut and he is pretty worried about this wolf. He had a nose for this shit and I knew if he said it was some weird shit, then I guess I was gonna go find out exactly what kind of weird shit he was talking about. I owe it to him, and I owe it to Odeia.

I don’t, however, expect Odeia to become my brother’s problem. Even though our clan has protected her for hundreds of years, her life is not as important as my brothers. If it came to a choice, it would not be her.

“And he fucking smells weird, like a girl!” Xander called after me as I went to grab a pair of boots.

Tobias was the first to burst out laughing, clutching his side. I doubled over, no longer being able to contain my own roar of laughter. Only my brother could make me laugh after royally pissing me off and ruining my night.

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