3. Why don't we go back to my place?
The dinner was finally over and I was eager to go on my date. It's been a while since I've been out with a guy because I kept meeting creeps who wants nothing but a quick fuck.
Well...it's not that I don't like it. I was just starting to get tired of playing around. It was about time I settled down, as Alison mentioned earlier.
Nah, I am just kidding. I was nowhere near ready to settle down. What's the fun in that?
But for some reason, I felt a twinge of jealousy when I saw her with that new guy. What was his name? Mike? No, it was Michael.
I had watched him closely as I tend to do with all of her boyfriends. She was my only sister, so I was naturally protective over her. But Michael seemed alright. He was tall and lean with a head full of light brown hair. He was nicely built as far as I could tell. I noticed a small scar on his chin. When he looked at me with curiosity, his light blue eyes looked expressive and intelligent.
He seemed almost shy as he barely made eye contact with me.
I could swear I saw him glancing at me every time he thought I wasn't looking. But that could be my imagination.
I forced myself to stop thinking about Michael and walked inside the bar.
When I stepped inside, I almost broke into a happy dance when I saw my date sitting on a tall bar stool, lazily sipping from his glass of whiskey.
He was sexy, just like in his pictures. Actually, no. Calling him sexy would be an understatement. He was built like a Greek God. He must love working out like me.
I took my time in approaching him, so it didn't seem like I was eager to meet him.
"Hey, Francis?" I stood behind him and asked. He turned to me and smiled. His eyes lit up. I guess he liked what he saw too.
"Jacob, hey! Wow, you are just as good-looking as your pictures," Francis grinned.
I had been chatting him up on Instagram for a couple of weeks ever since he followed me on my account, and tonight we finally decided to meet in person.
"I'm glad you think so. You aren't half bad." I chuckled. "I hope you didn't wait too long. I got tied up in a family thing but here I am," I added.
"I'm just glad you made it." Francis smiled and touched my arm.
We spend the evening talking about anything and everything. It turned out we had a lot in common. We talked until it was closing time, and the bartender started to wrap everything up and close for the night.
We got the hint and walked out to say goodbye.
"Shoot. I don't want tonight to end," Francis said. His eyes were cloudy for drinking a little too much. I had a few drinks myself, but I was feeling fine.
Me neither.
"Why don't we go back to my place? I have an amazing loft by the river," Francis offered.
"We just met, and you're trying to take me home already. You work fast," I smirked.
Francis chuckled. "It's not like that. I just thought you'd want to hang out some more, and everything is closed." He paused. "Why do you hesitate? Don't you trust me?"
I looked him up and down. It wasn't like I was worried about being alone with him. I could take him down if I needed to since he wasn't much bigger than me. "Fine, we'll go to your place, but one wrong move, and I'll tackle you to the ground."
"Don't think I'd mind," Francis winked.
Cheeky bastard.
He was right about his loft. It was a bachelor's dream. It was gigantic, with an indoor pool and a beautiful backyard.
Behind it was a large river that sparkled under the moonlight. Dude must be rich.
"Nice place. What exactly do you do again?" I raised my eyebrows.
Francis chuckled. "I am only a student with very generous parents. I hope you don't mind that."
"Nope. Why should I?" I asked.
"Some guys think I'm a spoiled brat. But they are missing out because they could've been the spoiled ones if they stuck by me," he smirked.
Shoot, I didn't mind that. I'd like to be spoiled once in a while.
Francis gave me a tour of the place then paused in front of the bedroom. "I suppose it's too early to show you this?"
"You're right. I'm not that easy. If you want me, you got to work for it." I chuckled. I was lying. I wanted to sleep with him, but I wasn't that desperate to have sex on the first date. Besides, this guy seemed like someone I wanted to see more than once, not like the others who were just one-night stands.
"I had a lot of fun talking to you," Francis said after we walked outside to say goodbye.
"Yeah, me too. We should do this again sometimes," I said.
"I would like that," Francis said. He looked like he was about to say something else but stopped. Instead, he leaned closer to me. "Is that okay if I kiss you?" he asked quietly.
I hesitated. Things were going a little fast, but I never shy away from a kiss. Francis seemed like a sweet guy, and he was sexy. So why not?
I made my decision then pressed my lips on his. I only meant to do a small peck since it was our first, but he cupped my cheeks and pushed his tongue inside.
Bold and forward, I like that.
I grabbed the back of his head and nibbled on his lower lips. He was a good kisser, so no complaints there.
We were both breathless when the kiss was over. "I like you. I hope we can see each other often. Are you sure you don't want to stay the night?" he whispered.
I controlled my impulse to say yes to spending the night with him. "Not tonight. But I would like to see you again very soon. How about we hang out again tomorrow?" I asked.
Francis shook his head yes.
I hopped into a taxi and went back to my apartment. My apartment was tiny compared to Francis's loft, but it was cozy. I checked my phone to see if I missed any calls and saw a text from Alison.
'Michael and I were wondering if you want to go on a double date with us? I'd like you to get to know him more. Do it for me, please?' she wrote.
A double date, huh? I remembered Michael's face and smirked. I wanted to get to know him too and see what kind of dork Alison was into. 'Sure, why not? Let's do it tomorrow,' I replied.