Tan Lines
“This is our casino room. We play with chips, but they are cashed out for prizes instead of cash.”
Arianna led them into the massive underground casino and the men couldn’t be more impressed. There were rows of slot machines, poker, craps, blackjack tables, and even a bingo section.
“This is amazing,” Pierce said in awe.
“It’s really packed down here when we offer up a Diamond Package membership for the prize. It’s $1,000.00 per card.”
“So, if you have a full house of 500 members and they each buy two cards then you just made a million.”
“That’s right and that’s not even including if they brought a guest.”
Arianna didn’t waste any time leading the gentlemen out of the casino and took them to the clinic. They climbed into the elevator and made it back to the original floor. “Here we have the sports court. The basketball doubles as a volleyball court as well. There are racquetball rooms as well as an area for fencing.”
“Would you guys like to check out the yoga and dance studio?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Patrick piped up.
“Good, that will save us some time. Back in the elevator, we go. Our third floor is generally our quiet floor,” Arianna said, once they exited the elevator. “There’s a movie theater. We play current and past movies. There is a full library where you can read and then there are chess and checkerboards spread sporadically throughout the room. There’s a café in the corner and a business room as well. Say for instance you have a work emergency and you need access to a computer, printer, copier, or fax, it’s right in there. Tour is almost over guys; let’s head outside.”
A few minutes later the trio found themselves enjoying the September sun. “How about I cut your cigars, gentlemen?”
“That would be divine,” Pierce agreed with a lascivious smile.
“Fix your face, Pierce. You don’t want me to cut the wrong tip...now do you?” Arianna challenged as she cut the tip of his cigar.
“I think we’d both be missing out if that were to happen, don’t you think?”
“I can’t miss something I’ve never had, now can I?”
“I suppose. Will you do me the honor of lighting me?” he asked, holding the cigar to her lips. Patrick scoffed loudly at the couple and trained his attention elsewhere. His best friend wasn’t simply robbing the cradle, he was robbing the entire damn nursery.
Pierce wasn’t sure what he was doing, but he had a feeling that young Miss Carter was game for whatever he threw her way.
“Anything for you, Pierce,” she whispered, taking the cigar from him. He watched as she expertly burned the end of the cigar, spinning as she lit it to make sure there was an even burn. The tip of the cigar held an orange glow. She placed the cigar in between her plump lips and took short puffs, filling her mouth with smoke. She blew out, and it was the sexiest thing that Pierce had ever seen. Arianna repeated the routine about four more times until the cigar was sufficiently lit. She handed it back to Pierce and he didn’t hesitate to put the stogie in between his own lips. He swore he could taste her on the cigar and he wanted more.
“Anything else, Pierce?”
“I have a laundry list of things, but perhaps we’ll save it for another time. My friend here gets a little hangry when he doesn’t eat and what I want can’t fit within our allotted time.”
“You better secure that membership then,” Arianna replied with an ever-so-subtle lick of her lips. “Let’s continue. We have the stables, pool and hot tubs, and cabanas. I didn’t mention it earlier when we were by the spa but you can have a massage there or we can schedule it out by the pool.”
“Do you do the massages as well?” Pierce asked.
“I’ve been known to dabble in massages when requested.”
“Good to know.”
“Great to know, you mean.”
“Of course,” Pierce agreed with a smile.
“Last, but not least you can have your car washed and detailed while you’re here. It’s included in your membership. Gentlemen, this has concluded our tour for the day. Do you have any questions?”
“I have one,” Pierce said with a raise of his hand.
“Yes, Pierce?”
“What’s your phone number?”
“You can reach my extension at 73109.”
“Sweetheart, you know damn well I wasn’t talking about your work extension.”
“I know exactly what you were talking about, but you’re not going to get it.”
“Why not? I thought we had something going on here.”
“And we did...until I saw the tan line on your finger a couple of minutes ago. I don’t believe in entertaining married men. Which is it? Did you forget your ring at home today, or is it at the jeweler’s getting cleaned?”
“Neither, I flushed it down the toilet. I’ve been divorced for three months.”
“Ask Patrick.”
“He’s telling the truth,” Patrick confirmed.
“I’d rather see it with my own eyes.”
“And how am I supposed to do that?” Pierce drawled.
“Show me divorce papers, and you can get my number. Now, if you follow me, I’ll escort you back inside and we’ll get you both signed on the dotted line.”
Both of the men watched Arianna walk away in awe. “For an 18-year-old woman, she is smart as a whip. She is not playing around and I don’t know if you can handle her, Pierce. She would definitely keep you on your toes.”
“That little thing is a firecracker indeed but you bet your ass I’m about to get this membership and go home and crack open that safe. Thank you, Patrick. I take back what I said earlier.”
“You said a lot. What are you taking back?”
“She’d make a perfect Mrs. White.”