Read with BonusRead with Bonus


"Wait," he says with a peculiar look, pulling out his phone. "I've got an idea that could solve both our problems."

"What's on your mind?" I inquire cautiously, fearing Carlo might have come up with something reckless. Between the two of us, I was usually the more level-headed one, often needing him to clarify his ideas.

"My buddies, the ones I share a place with," he begins, and I nod along. "Well, I won't be sticking around this year."


"They all renewed our lease, but I didn't."

"Aren't those guys all from your school?" I'm a bit puzzled, so I ask. "Didn't you graduate high school with them?"

"Nah, I wasn't a freshman then. I met them during my second year of dorm life. We used to play basketball together at the gym too," he explains, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Are they in their senior year like I am?" I confirm, and he nods.

"Yeah, and they've been hunting for someone to take that fourth room since I told them about my job in Jersey," he says, and my thoughts immediately zoom in on the best part: just a 15-minute walk from campus. "They've been searching for weeks."

"Surely, there's someone out there willing to move in with them," I persist, unsure why it has come to this point—Carlo selling his room to a friend he doesn't see all that often.

"They don't want some clueless freshman or someone who'll party with the seniors," he tells me. "Plus, they're looking for someone like you—neat and quiet."

"But I've hung out with those guys, and they can be pretty noisy and messy," I point out, and he chuckles.

"Last year, Mark got drunk and tried to do a handstand in the living room. In the process, he kicked a hole in the wall," he tells me, and my jaw drops. "Our landlord nearly kicked us out, and they want someone to blame."


"You should move into the room I used to have," he suggests quickly, immediately pulling out his phone and tapping away. "They're desperate for someone to take the room, and it's so close to campus."

Is he serious? My mind races a mile a minute. This could open up so many opportunities—going out more than twice a year, getting more sleep, and having more freedom than I do now.

"Who are the roommates?" I inquire, and he grins.

"You've met Mark and Kyle before, right?"

"I think so," I mumble, trying to remember where I've seen them. "Maybe once?"

"Cool, and there's Kent."

"Kent?" I question, and he nods. "I've never crossed paths with him."

"No, I don't think so. You've never really come across him," he explains, and my mind starts to catch up. It's not all fun and short walks to campus.

"You want me to live with three guys I don't even know?" I express my concerns, and he sighs, seeming to grasp my hesitation. "It's a lot, Carlo. I've never lived on my own, and I don't think—"

"Please consider it," he pleads. "We can't find anyone else, so for now, the three of them are covering the rent." He persists, and I relent. "You know me, Julianna, you know I wouldn't steer you wrong."

"You sure about that?" I tease, raising an eyebrow as I press him.

"Well, maybe if it involved stealing traffic cones or doing drugs, but not if it messes up your life," he tells me, and I agree. Carlo might be a bit carefree, but he would never want me to be in trouble or unhappy. "I know these guys, they're good folks, and they'll like you."

"But what if they don't?" I worry.

"That won't happen," he reassures me. "You'd be doing me a huge favor by helping out. I feel like I'm escaping their clutches."

"Alright, what do they say?" I inquire, and he shrugs.

"I could shoot them a text. We could even swing by and check the place out right now," he suggests, and I relent.

"What's the deal?" I ask, and his response makes my stomach churn.

I'm too shy around new people to meet them in person.

"Yeah, I just texted them, saying a friend of mine wanted to take a look at the place," he explains, and as he turns his phone screen toward me, I swallow the lump in my throat.

I hadn't seen Carlo in months, and I wasn't sure how well I knew him. Now I was going to live with his friends? That didn't make any sense.

But the campus was so close. Close to work, school, and my other activities. This was a great chance for me because I wouldn't have been able to find new roommates before the semester started.

"Um..." I mumble, and then I come to my senses. You have nothing to lose by going to look. "Sure, let's go.'

He smiles and sends a message back to his friends. I go back to my coffee and try to finish it before we have to get up.

"They want you to meet them." When he tells me, I smile and feel relieved. I could do this and take care of it. Carlo would never live with bad people, he's too nice. "Let me just get a to-go cup for the rest of my coffee, and I'll bring you over."

As soon as I finish my drink, he quickly gets up from the table. I then sit back and run my fingers through my hair. Relax Julianna, just be normal. It will be fine, and if you do well, you won't have to live with your parents for long.

"Ready?" Carlo stands over me at the table and asks, "What's up?" I stand up and grab my bag.

"Sure." I take a weak breath and smile as I get my dish and number.

"You don't have to do that, someone comes around and clears the tables." I roll my eyes when he tells me.

"I just want to help. If nothing else, I can get them to the front." I tell him yes, and the angry woman behind the counter seems at least a little glad that I helped. I smile at her and walk back to Carlo, who is waiting patiently by the door.

"Julianna, you will love this place. I'm aware of it." He tells me not to worry, puts his arm around my shoulder, and leads me out the door.

I really want him to be right.

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