Writer's pov
Connor and the others had successfully managed to pulled Xander outside... They're currently in the parking lot.
"Xander, you..."
Xander cuts Dylan off with a roar and kicked the object in front of him.... Tyler's motorcycle.
"Hey! That's my motorcycle!" Tyler complain.
He takes a step back as Xander turns to him with his rage filled eyes.
"How about I kick you instead?!" Xander snaps at him...he shakes his head and silently begs him.
"Is the moon goddess playing a prank on me?! Huh?! How can my mate be a mere human?!" He rakes his fingers through his hair and pulled down on it harshly.
"A weak clueless human at that!!" He roared.
His eyes changing colors as his wolf is fighting to take control...he balled his fist and shut his eyes very tight.
His breath rapid...it seems his wolf is trying to take control by all means and Xander can't shut him out this time.
Connor steps towards Xander and puts his arm on his shoulder... Xander tensed.
"Xander...since she's human, how about you just reject her and....."
"NO!" Xander growled and pushes Connor away from him.
Connor staggers back and almost lost his balance.
Xander opens his eyes and turns to them...they gasp and quickly bows their heads...his eyes are yellow...which means his wolf has successfully have control.
"Alpha prince!!" They greets him.
He glares at Connor.
"How dare you suggest I reject my mate?!!" He asked in a growl.
"It's.. it's...Xan..Xander, he hates humans" Dylan stutters.
Xander's wolf growls.
"I don't care what Xander thinks!! She's my mate and I'm not gonna reject her!! I love and accept her just the way she is!!" He said in a daring voice....daring Dylan to argue with him.
He turns and walk towards the school building... Connor, Dylan and Tyler rushed in front of him and block him.
"Alpha prince...where are you going?" Connor asked.
"Mark my mate!"
They shake their heads.
"No..you can't"
"I can! She's my mate!"
"Alpha prince, she's human and knows nothing about us....!"
"Then I'll tell her about us!"
Connor sighs...he doesn't know how to make Xander's wolf understand how humans think...and he can't persuade him to give Xander control or he'll charge at him for challenging him.
"Liam!" Miss Damien called as she walk into the scene.
Connor, Tyler and Dylan gives her a bow.
"Your highness!" They greets her.
She nods and faces Xander...she frowns seeing Liam (Xander's wolf's name) in control...as Xander hardly lets him in control.
"Liam, let Xander be in control" she tells him.
"No! He'll reject our mate!"
"He won't, let him be in control and I'll talk to him" Miss Damien said.
Liam (xander's wolf) shakes his head and charge towards the building... Miss Damien grab his hand and pulled him back.
"Where are you going?"
"To mark mate!"
"Going with these yellow eyes?"
Liam nods. "Mate will love me"
Miss Damien shakes her head.
"She'll hate you.. she's human and knows nothing about wolves...if she sees you like this, standing in front of her with yellow eyes.. she'll run for her life!"
Liam whimpers quietly.
"If you want her to run away from you...then go to her now with your yellow eyes... otherwise let Xander take control"
Liam's eyes shut...after a few moments...his eyes open and Xander is back in control.
Connor, Tyler and Dylan smiles as they saw Xander back in control.
"Jenna! What are you doing here?" Xander asked.
"I heard my younger brother found his mate...of course I'll come check on him" she said.
"You heard about it? How?"
"Your pack-link was open when you screamed mate!" She rolls her eyes.
There's silence... Xander staring blankly at the woods... wondering why the moon goddess will pair him with a human girl.
"So... Liam said you're planning on rejecting her" Miss Damien said.
(Ok, a brief explanation.. Miss Damien is Xander's sister... Jenna Kenzie Damien...but everyone calls her Miss Damien at school)
"Maybe...I can't have a human girl as my mate!"
"I just can't...the future Luna queen is human...can she lead the pack with me?"
Miss Damien takes his hand.
"I heard she's the Dex's daughter...her parents and brothers are wolves...."
"Then how come she ain't a wolf?" Xander interrupts her.
"That's something we don't know... I'd suggest you don't reject her yet... let's get home and call for her brothers, they might know why she ain't a wolf"
Xander thinks about Miss Damien words and nod....he inhaled deeply and exhale slowly.
"Ok! But that doesn't mean I accept her...at least not until I know why she ain't a wolf!"
"Yeah! Yeah!" Miss Damien said. "But your wolf already love her"
"Liam and I are two different minds... he'll be happy even if the moon goddess pair him with a fly!"
Miss Damien chuckles lightly.
"I should go back to my post before the principal fires me" she said.
"I dare him to fire you!" Xander said.
"Hey! In this school I'm not royalty...I'm just a secretary here and the principal have every right to fire me if he wants to!" She told him and rushes off.
Xander sighs.
"Everyone else are pair with wolves like them..why am I different?!"
"So... Xander, what are we gonna do? Go back to class or go back home?" Dylan asked.
"Class...my wolf won't be at rest knowing she's still in school... she's human after all, she can easily get hurt!"
Alexa's pov
At the classroom.....!
........ that's all for quadratic equation. Turn to page 17, that's your homework! Ms Linda said.
It's almost 30minutes since I entered the class... everyone's attention is no longer on me.
Though they sometimes turn and peek at me...but it's not like when I just came in.
Alright, class...have a nice day! She said and leaves.
Just as she leaves the bell rings... everyone rushes out. Joyce turns to me with a wide smile.
She rests her elbows on her desk and rests her head on her hands.
"I can't believe you're the future Luna queen!" She exclaims.
I frown.
"Ok, I know that guy is crazy...I don't expect you to share his craziness!"
I packed up my books and check my timetable...I have music next.
"I have music next, do you mind showing me the way to class?"
"Yeah...too bad I don't have music too!" She pouts her lips.
"What do you have next?"
I nod and got up...she got up too and links our arms.
"Right! I was meaning to as you...do you know that crazy guy from earlier?" I asked him.
She gasp and look around as if others will hear me...I look around too, we're the only ones inside the class.
I head towards the door and she quickly follows me.
"He's not crazy!" She said.
"He's not?"
"No, don't let others hear you call him crazy" she said.
She speaks like calling him crazy is a serious offense...
"Going around and hugging people randomly, calling them his mate...if that isn't craziness, then I don't know what it is!" I said.
"He doesn't call random people his mate... let's just say he fell in love with you at first sight"
Fall in love with me at first sight? He sure has a funny way of professing his love!
Anyways, he's not my problem... he's handsome but mentally ill, so he's not worth my fangirling.
"We're here!" She said and stops in front of a class.
I peep inside...not too much people have arrived. I turned back to her.
"Thanks! I'll see you later at the cafeteria!"
"Hmm...which class do you have next?" She asked.
I quickly check my timetable.
"Recess...and none!"
"None?!" She exclaims.
I nod.
"Man, I love your timetable!"
I frown... that's how my timetable have always been...I always have two classes everyday and I don't know why.
Maybe it's Will's arrangements..cause he doesn't let me read too much at home too!
He said something about it been bad for my health.
"I wish I have only two classes like you!" She whines.
I laugh.
"I can take your classes with you if you want!"
"Huh? Can you?"
"Yeah..I love studying!"
"Goodness! You're out of this world...who just loves studying!"
I shake my head...my first friend is a lazy ass when it comes to studying while I'm a study freak...how ironic!
"Alright..I should go on before the teacher comes!"
She nods and waves.
"I'll see you at the cafeteria!" With that she rushes off.
I entered the class... Immediately, everyone stops whatever they were doing and bowed to me.
Wait... Maybe it's not me.. maybe it's that crazy guy from my math class... I turned back but found no one behind me.
I quickly sat down expecting them to go back to their activities..but no, their heads remained bowed.
Someone moved closer to me and whisper in a stutter.
"Lu..luna... acknowledge our greetings"
"Me?" I asked as if it's not obvious he's talking to me.
He nods.
"A wave will do"
I wave and smile at them nervously....I can't wait to go home...to escape from this torture.
They raised their heads after I wave them and continue with their activities.
"Good morning, students!"
The class went silent as the teacher comes in.. he look around the class and his eyes settled on me.
He smiles and bows slightly... Not knowing what to do, I bowed too.
"I see we have a new student..." He paused.
Please God, don't let him make me introduce myself! I prayed silently.
"Anyways... Let's start our class for today!" He said.
"In our previous class, I told you guys to compose a piece and submit it today... but since we have a new student, I'll just let some of your sing your piece.... "
Everyone starts rampaging through their bags bringing out notes... I don't have any note yet so I just sit back and watch.
"..... I'll look through your piece and see if your tone is correct... Ok, who wants to go first?"
Janet gets up and cat walked towards the teacher... Wait... I have music with Janet?
I just hope she doesn't try to pick up a fight with me.
"Mr Cam, I'll go first!"
"That's the spirit!" Mr Cam takes her piece.
She does some vocal exercises and smiles.
♪♪ I first thought,,, that you're my fairytale,,,,
I never knew,,, it was all a dream,,,, ♪♪
Ok... I gotta admit, she's good! She knows exactly what she's doing... even Mr Cam is nodding with a satisfied smile.
She continues singing... her voice perfect... pitch perfect and honestly, she's perfectly beautiful.
I jot down a few important points in her song and pitch.
Claps echo as everyone cheer for her... I clap too.
"That was lovely, Janet!" Mr Cam commends her.
"Thanks!" She said.
Mr Cam gestures her back to her seat. He turns to the class.
"That is what we call perfection! She......"
He is cut off by the sound of the bell...I guess he's lost in Janet's beautiful song that he didn't know when Janet used up his period singing.
"Ok, see you guys on Friday!" He said and leaves.
I packed my books and bags and head out... Joyce is already outside waiting for me.
"How was your music class?" She asked.
"Nice..your sister is great"
"Yeah, too bad I'm not as perfect as her"
"Hey... you're perfect, I like your personality"
She kinda reminds me of Micah...they are both carefree.
"Awwn, thanks... come-on, let's go to the cafeteria..I'm starving!" She said.
Her stomach growls to prove her point...she links our arms and pulls me along.
My mouth hangs open as I stare at Joyce's plate...is she tryna commit suicide?
"Can you finish all that? Or we're expecting someone else to join us?" I asked pointing at her plate.
I'm not sure she can finish this mountain of food I'm seeing.
"This won't do, I just wanna manage it" she simply replies.
"What are you? An elephant?"
She laughs and shake her head.
"I'm a wolf!" She jokes.
She paid for the food and makes way for me to pay mine...I reached for my purse in my bag and hands my money.
But the lady selling the food shakes her head...I frown.
"Is this not the amount?" I asked...I hope I haven't buy more than my cash.
"You don't have to pay, Luna!"
Again with the Luna...is this Luna my look alike? Is this Luna the mate that crazy dude was talking about?
Joyce smiles at the lady and pulls me close.
"If she says it's free..thank her and let's leave, don't ask her why"
I'm confused, but I smiled at the lady and tell her a thank you.
Joyce and I found a table in a corner and sits down... Joyce digs in immediately.
I simply sat in awe as she eats as though she's a hungry lion...within the twinkling of an eye she's done...her plate is empty and I haven't even start.
She looks at my food, gulping as though she's not satisfied yet...I pushed it towards her.
She smiles brightly "thanks!" She said and digs in again.
She burps quietly and pushes the empty plates away.
"Are you ok?" I asked.
I'm scared for her...I mean, no one can eat that very large amount of food and be ok.
"Are you feeling uncomfortable? Should we go to the school clinic?" I asked.
"I'm fine...I can eat another potion if I want to"
"What?! Are you keeping a pot in your stomach?!"
She laughs...then I feel someone's gaze on me. I turned and saw that crazy guy and his friends sitting round a table few meters away from ours.
He's glaring at me as if I committed an offense. I turned back to Joyce.
"Joyce...why is that crazy guy glaring at me?"
Joyce tilts her head and look towards his direction...she quickly look away.
"He's not glaring" she replies.
"He's not glaring?! His brows knit together...you call that not glaring?"
"He's not glaring, he's simply staring at his...."
My phone rings cutting her off. I reach for my phone and saw Micah's name flashing on the screen.
"Hello, Micah?"
"Hey darling....."
I flinched when I heard a loud bang from behind me....I turned back and saw that guy glaring daggers at me.
Ok... maybe he wasn't glaring at me before, but right now...I can't even describe his expression but he look so damn angry!
His friends trying their best to hold him down...only God knows who got him angry.
"... Lexa! Lexa are you there?!" Micah calls from the other side.
"Yeah, what were you saying?"
"I said I'm outside...are you done with your classes?"
"Yep, I'll be right there!"
"Ok!" We hang up.
I turned to Joyce with an apologetic smile...
"Your brother is here?"
"Yeah.. I have to go!"
"Alright, I'll walk you out" I nod.
We got up and head towards the exit.
We arrived at the gate.. Micah waves at me. I faced Joyce.
"We'll see tomorrow! Thanks for accompanying me today!"
She slaps my shoulder lightly.
"We're friends... Tomorrow I'll show you around the school"
I nod, we hug briefly and wave each other before I run towards Micah.
"Hey! How was your first day?" He asked as he opens the door for me.
I got in and sigh.
"Let's not talk about that first... I'm starving, what did you guys cook?"
He rounds the car and sits in the driver's seat.. he fasten his seatbelt.
"Seatbelt please, Miss Dex!"
I fasten my seatbelt too.
"Will made your favorite"
"Rice pudding?"
He nods and I smile... Will pretends like he doesn't care but I know he does.
"Home!" I screamed loudly and slumps on a sofa.
We got home earlier than I expected. Micah sits on a sofa opposite mine.. Will comes out of the kitchen and sits next to Micah.
"Alexa, how was your first day? Do you like the school?" Will asked.
I groan.
"That school is full of weirdos!"
"Huh? What do you mean? That was Will's highschool, you know?" Micah said.
I cleared my throat and took a peek at Will... he's looking at me expectantly.
"Well, the teachers are cool..but something weird happened"
"What happened?" Micah asked.
"A crazy guy suddenly runs up to me and hugged me, then called me his mate!"
Will and Micah exchange looks and I saw something like a smile on Will's lips...but it's just for a split second.
"He called you his mate?" Micah asked again.
"Yeah! Even when I tried to tell him I'm not his mate, he didn't believe me...then after that everyone started bowing to me and calling me Luna!"
"Luna?!" They both exclaimed.
"Yeah..I guess I look like someone they know or knew...I even got a free lunch because the lady thought I'm Luna" I laugh quietly.
Maybe I'll keep pretending like this so called Luna and get more free lunch next time.
"Alexa, I wanna speak with Micah...why don't you go freshen up and come back for lunch" Will said.
I nod and rushed to my room...I'm feeling a little bit hot, I need a cold bath.
Writer's pov
Alpha mansion....!
Xander didn't spend much time in school..he left immediately Alexa left.
Currently, he's home, in their living room having a conversation with his parents.
"We heard you've found your mate!" His father said.
"Then you must have heard she's human!" Xander replies.
His father nods..his mother smiles and sits next to Xander.
"I don't mind if she's human" she said.
"But I do!"
"Honey, there's nothing wrong with her being human!"
"Mom, humans and wolves don't mix... it's against our law, what will I tell the counsels of elders!"
His father clears his throat.
"We don't know why she is human..both her parents are wolves! I have sent someone to get william here, he will tell us what happened and that will tell us if she'll transform or not"
"We don't need to know if she'll transform or not.... human or wolf she's Xander's mate, we should accept her for who or what she is" Xander's mother said.
Xander growls...he finds it hard to believe his mate is human..he got up.
"Dad, send for me when William arrives!" Then he leaves angrily.
He's angry at the moon goddess for making a human his mate.