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Chapter 5: The Vow/ wedding


Your heart and your instincts are far more reliable than your brain. When you follow your heart, you can be sure you won't regret it later. Even if you calculate your every move, it's not like life ever goes according to plan.-Nithya Menen

Gisella’s POV

"Oh, Mia Cara, you look very ravishing," my mamma said with tears welled in her eyes. "I hope you will be happy even though this is not your dream wedding, but you have to do this." We were inside a black Alfa Romeo car on our way to the Cathedral of Seville.

I was wearing a beautiful wedding dress, a strapless tulle, with grey gemstones and pearls added to the wedding dress. My three-inch lovely grey bridal heel matched with my wedding dress, and my hair was pulled into a ballerina bun with a diamond clip attached to my hair, and my makeup was elegant and simple, which blended with my brown eyes.

I clasped my mamma and papà hand to comfort myself. I knew she was nervous, but I don't know if they were happy about this arranged marriage.

I know that they are both feeling sad that I would be leaving our home, my mamma and my papà, serval times, I told them they are not losing me, but instead they are receiving a new person to the family, I would always be there for both of them. She hugged me and kissed my cheek, and my papà did the same.

I was engrossed with myself for a reason, thinking of many things, mostly about getting married to someone that I don't love at all. He doesn't even know about how I look because he is blind.

We arrived at the Cathedral of Seville on time, and my papà held my arm. "Mia Cara, I'm so happy to walk you down the Isle ."

He had me as he walked beside me. My mamma was crying, and it was tears of joy, I think, as we entered, the wedding song started playing as my papà held me. It's a small ceremony, and I like it like that, no paparazzi.

Here she comes on down the aisle

Behind her veil, she wears a smile

In her hands, the bright bouquet

Daddy's here to give the bride away

Best man fumbles for the band

Groom puts it on her trembling hand

Almost before the vows are through

In her calmest voice, she says, "I do."

Here comes the bride

Something old

Here comes the bride

Something new

Here comes the bride

Something borrowed

And something blue

She hears the sound of little feet

But first, there's a wedding cake to eat

Guests line up to kiss the bride

The groom feels like a lucky guy

Above the church, bells ring.

Here comes the bride

Something old

Here comes the bride

Something new

Here comes the bride

Something borrowed

And something blue

They were hearing the song play made me felt terrible. This would've been us, Pietro Santoro. This could've been us. Why betray my love and trust for you.

I was nervous as I watched countless eyes staring at me. My mamma was already sitting at the front roll. The Caruso's and the Moretti's were there already except Pietro and Viola.

The Ferri's of Sicily is present here. I thought my mamma said it's going to be a simple wedding, but this right here, the mayor of Milan, Adamo Adolfo and his wife Fiore Adolfo, The general of Vatican City- Michelangelo Basilio, The most prominent most powerful woman of leaning tower of Pisa, Signora Francesca Italo, even the most eligible bachelor of Rome - Enzo Armani, the most popular restauranteur of Florence-Filberto Jovanni.

Immediately everybody was on their feet to welcome me, and My eyes were fixed directly on Signore Nicolo. He looks exceptionally extraordinary with his long hair bun to the back; his emerald eyes fixed on the flower, his Italian suit, and shoes; he looks very handsome. I can't believe that a man can be so delicate and ferocious at the same time.

He was holding a black walking cane, the one he does use to direct himself when his maid, Zeta, is with him, my eyes came intact with Diego, and he smiled at my face that was covered by the veil.  The priest stands in our midst.

"Signore Nicolo Caruso, do you take Signorina Gisella Molinero to be your lawful wedded wife in sickness and in health, in truth and in lies, for richer and for poorer till death do you apart?"

I felt a twitch in my stomach, and this would have been the love of my life answering this question, not you, Signore, not you. Could you not say it, Signore? Please, you can walk away from me here and now. I wondered.

"I, Nicolo Caruso, take you, Gisella Molinero, to be my lawful wedded wife. With the deepest joy, I receive you into my life, that together we may be one. I promise you my love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part... I pledge to you my life as a loving and faithful husband."

What? Everyone started smiling, most of all good for nothing Giuseppe Caruso. I'll make you pay for ruining my life.

"Signorina Molinero, do you take Signore Caruso to be your lawful wedded husband?'' With the bible in his hand, I turned to look around and saw my mamma's face who, in her mind, I know is praying for me not to back out, My papà nods at me to continue. My eyes landed on someone, Viola Moretti and Pietro Santoro smirking evilly at me.

I felt lost in hope and joy, with my head high and down to look at the blind outstanding man. It will be a shame to make him pay for his papà mistake, and I don't want to hurt him more; and also, if I don't push through with this, Viola and Pietro we humiliate me publicly and ruin my family reputation. I have to do this for us, for my papà and mamma.

"I, Gisella Molinero, take you, Nicolo Caruso, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or health, to love and to cherish with the deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. I promise you my love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care.' till death do us part. And thereto I pledge you my faithfulness." I clenched my hand as tears found it's way to my eyes. We exchanged rings.

She hears the sound of little feet

But first, there's a wedding cake to eat

Guests line up to kiss the bride

The groom feels like a lucky guy

Up above the church bells ring

The preacher says which psalm to sing

There was silence 'till a bride's maid sighed

And someone said she is mine.'

with a good clap and cheering. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, and you may now kiss the bride," the priest instructed. Immediately, Diego helped Nicolo in front of him, and Nicolo used his hand to touch my face staring at one place. His thumb found my lips, he halts.

The veil goes back, revealing bliss

The groom leans in to take his kiss

The veil goes back, revealing bliss

The groom leans in to take his kiss

I felt him sighed. He held me closer to him. His lips touched me, and he tasted like vanilla. His lips are way softer and meek than Pietro's. I can't describe the butterfly that twinkles inside my stomach, I wanted to be furious, angry, and full of regret, but immediately his lips touched mine. I felt warm. Everyone started clapping and dancing around, my mamma and papà walked to where we were and the same with the Caruso's.

"Congratulations, Mia Cara," Mr. Giuseppe Caruso said.

I frown at him furiously. "Grazie Mille."

"Can you throw the bouquet now?" A familiar voice spoke behind me.

"Viola Moretti and Pietro?" I felt regret sip into my pulse, and I clenched my hand.

"Will, I will throw the bouquet, but in the reception ground, not here in the church, let us be going to the reception ground." I felt Nicolo smirk, and so did Diego. I saw anger flow inside Viola as Pietro held her arm.

"Oh, we will see you there." Pietro mouthed and turned to walk away with Viola. I felt jealousy slip in my heart, and I couldn't believe how Pietro's love for me could just be ended in a day.

"Getting eager to be next in line? Amico." Signore Nicolo Interrupted, making them halt. I felt shocked. "You know, Pietro Santoro, all thanks to you. You filled my life with Ciliegia e Vino and not Ginger e spezie." He added, now Pietro looks furious.


Ginger e spezie

Ginger and spice

Ciliegia e Vino

Cherry and wine

Grazie Mille

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