Fitting In


This is certainly the most unusual school I have ever seen. It's about twenty minutes away from the town where I live and is surrounded by a dense forest. Honestly, who builds a school amid a forest?

As we walk towards the principal's office, I take sneak peeks at the other students in the hallway and I am stupefied. Most of the male students look as if they spent most of their lives in the gym. So are the female students. They all look as if they are beauty queens.

Let me explain this observation the best way I can. Most of these guys are tall and sturdy. Well built and athletic. There is no problem with that at first glance, but I certainly find it quite unnerving. I am also a teenager and have been to school before. There is no way all teenagers can be in such good shape. Never.

In a normal setup, you find at least a percentage of chubby foodies, but not in this school. This leaves me wondering if this is real or a figment of my imagination. My other unsettling observation is, how they all seem to know of our approach before we even reach their line of sight.

If I did not know any better, I would say it is as if they can smell us before we approach. I know how dumb this sounds but that is only my observation. It scares me and I find myself clutching Henna's hand as if it's my lifeline. I hope she feels this and takes me to another school. This one is, quite frankly, too eerie for me.

Then as we approach the principal's office, another shocker hits me. The door is closed and we do not even get a chance to knock before a voice invites us in.

"Come on in, Ms. De Andrade."

This time, even Henna looks at me puzzled. A part of me is glad that at least she has seen something unusual about this school. We stare at each other for a second before Henna pushes the door open.

"Please, take your seats. I am Al- oh, Luke Reynolds. I am standing in for the principal. She had to go to her daughter's wedding. As part of the directors for Luminous High School, it was only fair to do that for Mrs. Parker."

We both smile and nod as we take our seats. I am stupefied. Not only is Mr. Reynolds tall and big, but he also does not look a day over thirty. What is going on here? Are we in that part of the world where people do not age or what? My ears instantly peck at what he says next.

"We usually do not accept students in the middle of the year like this but Dr. Boyce put in a good word for you."

Henna looks puzzled at that statement. Even I do not know any doctor called Boyce.

"Sorry sir, but I don't know anyone by that name."

Henna politely declines any knowledge of such a person.

Mr. Reynolds's boisterous laugh takes us by surprise. After a brief moment, he calms down and explains.

"Oh dear, my old and foggy brain. He is our pa- I mean, family doctor. I remember him telling me that you guys have never met. He is the owner of the Luminous Casino madam. Your boss."

"Yes, it is true we have never met. As stupid as it sounds, I did not know his name. I wonder how he put in a good word for us then?"

Henna queries with a puzzled look on her face. Even I need to know.

"Well, he had someone enquire from your daughter's previous school. I must commend the little lass for such an outstanding record. Not to waste your time dear, here is your timetable and your locker number and combination. Run along now, lessons will commence in ten minutes."

Henna thanks him and we leave. The hallway is now packed with students and I am having a mini panic attack. This is because the moment we stepped out of that office, they all whipped their heads towards our direction. Which to me is very unusual because that door does not make a sound. Then how did they all react this way?

To an extent, it is a comical reaction. It is as if they are robots being controlled by the same remote control. Even Henna halts and places a protective hand around me. I take a deep breath and squeeze Henna's hand for reassurance.

"We can try and locate another school dear if you are not comfortable here. Unfortunately, this is the only school nearby that accepted you in the middle of the school year. Maybe we can do homeschooling if you..."

"No worries Mom, I am not backing out. It is just a school after all. These are teenagers just like me. Besides, I don't need to fit in. I came to study and that is what I will do. Stop worrying about me and go to work. You do not want to be late on your first day do you?"

I quickly cut Henna off because I do not want her worrying about me. That is why I force myself to smile and push her forward. She nods and hugs me before I watch her scurry away as if spooked. Rightly so, because the stares we are receiving from these students are not comfortable.

Determined to go through this without breaking, I pull up my hoodie and scan the hallway one more time, before taking off towards my locker. I noticed that though some students were eyeing me with curiosity, some were hostile and their stares had a predatory feel to them.

For some odd reason, I know I will enjoy this place. I can foresee myself kicking some crude asses in this school. Of course, such hostility needs to be corrected.

Finding my locker does not take long and after checking my schedule, I pull out the books I would need for the period. Just as I lock up, I sense footsteps behind me and a wicked smirk graces my face. Seems like I may have to kick someone before lessons commence.

"Not too fast newbie. You are not welcome here and you should scurry away just like your mom. Otherwise, I will make you regret ever coming to this school."

Wow! I thought only blonde girls were the crazy ones but this one has changed my perspective. She is not the cliche queen bee. She is tall and quite attractive but a redhead! Assessing her, I can see that she is quite curvaceous but very toned as if she spends most of her time in the gym as well.

I size her up and suddenly feel very excited. She is not easy to deal with, which is just what I need. Back home I only had my trainer to spar with. Of course, the underground fighting arenas were good but I never got to show my face. I always wore a mask.

With a sinister grin on my face, I try to go past her, but she yanks my hand, causing me to drop my books in the process.

"You think you can just ignore me and walk away? I said scram! You are not welcome here."

Redhead yells at me and I suddenly have this adrenaline rush that I cannot understand. I grab her hand so tight, I swear I see her wince in pain. Without letting go, I twist it onto her back. I kick her behind the knees and she hits the floor in a kneeling position in front of my scattered books.

"Now, listen to me very carefully, Redhead. I do not want any trouble and I promise that I will not be causing any. If you don't cross my path, I will not cross yours."

I then lift my head and with a menacing and loud tone, I tell everyone around.

"That goes for all of you here. I am not here for anything else but school. Now, I am one person who respects the golden rule. In case you do not know it. It says; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I guess that just sums it up. If any of you think that you can toss me around, you have no idea what will hit you. I do not want trouble, so stay within your limits!"

I see different expressions on each of their faces. Disbelief, shock, interest, curiosity, and believe it or not, awe on some other faces. I turn back to my captive and twist her hand harder.

"Pick up all my books that you scattered, Reddy, before I pull off this hand of yours and feed it to the wild animals. With the dense forest surrounding this precious school of yours, I don't think that will be a hard feat to accomplish."

I swear I see some of the students shudder in apprehension. Then I see fear in the others before they start scurrying away. However, a booming and authoritative voice causes all of them to halt in a somewhat freezing manner.

I also note that they all seem to put their heads to the side as if baring their necks. That is odd but I do not bother to look at whoever scared them. Only when he speaks the second time do I recognize his voice. It is the principal, but I still do not let go of Reddy.

"What is going on Miss De Andrade? Why do you have Miss Sawyer in such a cruel hold?"

I swear I can hear a trace of amusement in the principal's voice.

"She deliberately threw my books all over the place. So I am just telling her that it is only fair to pick them up, sir."

I respond but do not let her go. Mr. Reynolds smiles and nods.

"I see. Is that so Miss Sawyer? Why would you do such a thing to a new student? Miss De Andrade, let her go so she can pick up your books. For that unruly behavior, you have detention after school, Miss Sawyer."

The principal winks at me and I flash him a genuine smile. I guess I am off the hook. However, Reddy is not the least bit amused by his judgment and she voices her dissatisfaction.

"But Al- I mean, Mr. Reynolds. Why should I get detention alone when it is this human's fault?"

The principal's face darkens and I swear I see his eyes change color. I blink but I see they are still blue. It must be me imagining things. When he speaks, even I get chills.

"Miss Sawyer, to my office right this instant! Everyone else, go to your classes!"

Again, I see most of the students bend their necks to the sides and scurry away. Reddy hands me my books and walks away like a scared puppy. This school is weird I tell you.

The rest of my day is not disturbed. I keep to myself and no one bothers me. During lunchtime, I head to the cafeteria and find myself a secluded place to sit. The stares carry on but this time there is no hostility. Only curiosity and amusement from most guys.

I pull up my hoodie and start eating without a care. I pick up snippets of their different conversations. One of them piques my interest.

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