Mr Morris nodded and took a step forward. My brows pulled together. There was more he wanted to discuss. Perhaps! I wasn't getting this month's salary. I exhaled sharply. I could manage.
"I have requested Donovan to admit you to the high school. So you could complete your study." Mr Morris said.
My jaw dropped to the ground. I wanted to study, too. But I have no money. My family is more important than me.
"My salary?" I drawled, "I can't afford it. Ava is more important than me." I said with no hesitation.
She wants to be a doctor. I'm fulfilling her wishes. Our father should do this.
Another sigh left my body.
"I'm paying for you and your sister's study. I know the best doctors in the world." Mr Wolfe said.
My eyes turned huge. He must be kidding me.
"Why would you do this?" I asked.
Is Mr Morris pushing me into something unpleasant? No! I don't know.
I shook my head. It couldn't be.
Donovan shifted on his feet, "This shouldn't go out of this house. If you promise to me. I'll continue..." He said.
I nodded my head immediately as I had no option. I was accepting this job until it wouldn't harm me and my family.
He sighed and shoved one hand out of his trousers, "My granddaughter needed to be around humans." He said.
OK! That's confusing.
"Is she locked in her room?" I asked, "Or she has gone through a lot?" My gaze was fixed on him.
"This shouldn't go out of this house," Mr Morris's voice was deep and explaining a warning.
This could be very serious. I nodded again.
"She's human," Donovan said.
"We all are. Aren't we?" I chuckled. I clamped my lips together when no one joined me.
"You must have heard the stories." He said.
He was talking about werewolves. I gulped and nodded my head slowly. I looked at Donovan closely.
He doesn't look old except for his grey hair. Are they coloured? No! It can't be. My life isn't any horror novel. I'm in my nightmare. Werewolves don't exist.'
Mr Wolfe started to explain.
My eyes dilated in fear. My stomach swirled. I wasn't prepared for this shit. I squealed and rushed to the door. My hand hurried at the doorknob and I fastened it, "No!" It was hardly a word from my mouth. The door was locked. But I didn't see them locking it.
Gradually, I turned on my heels. My forehead was sweating.
"Nothing to be scared of, child." Mr Morris assured.
I trust him. But I don't know anything about werewolves. Are they real? I have heard stories in my childhood too.
"Yeah, I guess." I nodded, controlling myself from not jumping out of the window.
"We're harmless," Donovan said.
I wanted to finish it soon. So, I nodded my head again.
"Sisley is my granddaughter. Her mother wasn't a shifter. She..." Mr Wolfe stopped.
"Shifter!" I cut him off.
"Her human body can't shift into a wolf." He explained.
"Can you shift?" I gulped. It could be a stupid question.
He looked at Mr Morris and nodded. My jaw hung open hearing him.
"Can you show me?" I hesitated.
Mr Wolfe chuckled, "We need to go outside," He walked toward the back door and opened it for me.
I walked to the door with Mr Morris. Mr Wolfe closed the door. I couldn't pluck my eyes from him.
He's kidding me, making a fool of us.
I held the bag tight, ready to take out the hammer.
Mr Wolfe smirked, looking at my hands, "You won't need it, Miss Emma."
He was talking about my hammer.
Removing his coat, he began to run away from us. He's not an old man I can bet now. Turning his pace into a run, he jumped into the air. His clothes were torn off. My jaw hung open in shock when he landed as a dark coffee brown wolf.
A nervous chuckle left my lips as I explained everything to Ava. Her face was a perfect picture of shock. I couldn't trust them yet.
"I'm excited to join the school of shifters," Ava said, her voice full of excitement. I wasn't expecting this. Her shock remained only for a few seconds.
"I'm doing this for mom," I said. Donovan promised me that my mother would be fine like before. Their medical system was the best one in the world. He had assured me of my mother's health.
"Will they like to be our friends?" Ava asked.
"I don't know." I whispered, "We need to convince mom." That seemed the hardest job.
"I can do that," Ava said. Her excitement didn't stumble for a second. Shifter's world seemed dangerous to me.
I nodded and got on my feet, "Good night, Ava. Go to your room." I said.
"That's all. Ain't we going to discuss more." She asked, pouting her thin natural pink lips.
I shook my head and gestured at the door of her room, "Good night," Her tone was still excited to find a new world to escape into. She pushed herself up and walked toward mother's room. I didn't stop her.
I hope I'm not making any mistakes. The change will be for good.
I pushed myself up and spun to the door of my room. But I stopped when I spotted my mother standing in the doorway of her room. She wasn't looking sick.
"Mom, it's too late," I told her in a slow voice. I smiled at her.
She did not return the smile, "Ava told me." Sighing, she darted her eyes around, "We will return home soon after you both completed your study." Mom said.
'I don't know. What Ava has told her. Mom looked convinced. I'm grateful. I wasn't capable of persuading her after knowing so much from Donovan and Mr Morris. I'm not going to sleep for sure.'
"Of course, mom." I walked toward her and engulfed her, wrapping my arms around her. I needed it. I didn't expect anything in exchange.
The air left my lips when her arms came around me, "Are you okay, princess?" She asked in a sweet, slow voice.
I smiled. I didn't know. Why did she call us princess, "Yes, mom? It was a long day at work." I muttered.
She kissed my head. She looked at me with her soft blue eyes. Her smile was reaching her eyes. I was seeing it after many years, "You should rest, sweetie." She tucked my hair away from my face, brushing her palm.
"Yeah! Good night, mom." I kissed her cheek.
She giggled like a little girl. She looked like our elder sister, instead of our mother. I always wondered. How would she have been managing her beauty during her illness?
"Sweet dreams, sweetie." She shoved me toward my door and walked into her room.
When I closed the door of my room. I had a genuine smile on my face.
I can stay with shifters, for my family. I can hope for things to change for good. Particularly for mom and Ava. Life isn't perfect. But we can steal some good moments and never forget to smile.'
I heaved a sigh of relief, rubbing at the back of my neck to loosen the muscles there. It was a busy day and a secret unfurling. I wasn't putting my family in any trouble.
A soft knock came, jarred me from my thoughts, "Emma," I heard the sweet and slow whisper of Ava.
I opened the door immediately and pushed it enough for her to come in, "What's it?" I asked, furrowing my brows.
She looked at me biting her lips. She mostly does so when she feels nervous, "Are you really going to stay in a small town, while I'm going to study in Oxford." She asked, her eyes were glistening with tears.
"Yes, I wanna see you happy, a doctor and mom, you don't need to worry about her." I told her, "Thanks for persuading mom." I hugged her.
I felt her tears as they soaked my T-shirt, "I will miss you."
I chuckled, "We're going to meet every weekend." I told her. I don't know that exactly.
Pulling back, she wiped her eyes and smirked, "Great. Are you sure? You'll be fine?"
I chuckled, "I'm worried about you,"
"I'll be fine. There will be a doctor. So, mom will be fine, too." She smiled.
I smiled and tugged her to the single bed on the one side of the room, "You can stay with me, tonight."
"I wasn't planning to go back to my room." Ava rolled her eyes.
I shook my head smiling, "Go to sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow." I pushed her toward the bed.
She climbed up and slipped under the blanket. It wasn't cold, but the weather was changing. I climbed next to her. She missed sleeping with mother hugging her like her favourite doll, but she was scared of her sometimes.
She embraced me as I rested my back.
'I'll miss them. '