Read with BonusRead with Bonus



Seventeen years ago...

The Creek Pack was a place of power and prestige, ruled by Alpha Morgan and his mate, Luna Lara. However, their pack was not without its challenges, especially when it came to dealing with rogue wolves and their unruly quadruplets. It was on one fateful morning that Luna Lara stumbled upon an abandoned baby in the woods, left to die by her heartless parents.

Alpha Morgan and Luna Lara deliberated over the fate of the child, torn between their duty as leaders of the pack and their compassion as individuals. Ultimately, they decided to spare the baby's life, placing her under the care of the omegas in the pack.

“This child is an innocent child she should be given a chance to live. We can’t kill her.” Alpha Morgan sighed as his Luna placed the abandoned new born in the crib. “Then she will be under the care of the omegas. I have our quadruplets to deal with, and I don’t want to look after someone else child that they decided to abandon on our territory.” Luna Lara growled through clenched teeth. She hadn’t expected to find such a tiny baby while on her early morning run, but she also hadn’t wanted to leave it there to die or be eaten by rogues.

Chapter One: Just An Omega

“Oh, look who it is... Eliza, did you forget to bathe again? I think we can all smell you before we see you, and that’s without the help of our super-strong wolf senses.” Daniella held her nose dramatically and giggled loudly as she closed her locker door and grinned at the crowd, who burst into bouts of laughter.

I ignored them, and they always tried to find reasons to tease me. Today wasn’t any better. I was used to it. I should probably explain a bit.

My name is Eliza. I am seventeen years of age, and I attend Flintons High School. I am in my last year before college, and I really cannot wait to get out of this hell hole. I will be eighteen soon, and I plan to move as far away as possible.

My parents abandoned me as a baby for whatever reason, and trust me when I say I’ve heard all the possible scenarios of what happened. You see, my fellow members of Creek Pack love nothing more than to tell stories of how my parents were so disgusted with me that they couldn’t bear to admit I was theirs. Others say my parents died in a rogue attack, while the dumbest one I heard was that my mother cheated on my father, and that’s why they left me. Nobody knows the truth, and that’s ok. I am determined to make something with my life once I am far away from all these cruel fools.

I am what you would call an Omega in our pack, the lowest rank, the scapegoat, the punching bag. I am small, with messy brown hair and dull brown eyes. I have this brown mole on my left cheek that everyone stares at like it’s the most disgusting thing they could ever see.

My packmates love to remind me of my place in the hierarchy, treating me like I am scum beneath their feet. But I am not going to let them get to me anymore.

I have my sights set on college, on a future where I can be free from the constraints of pack life. I dream of becoming a doctor, of helping those in need, of making a difference in the world. I know it won’t be easy, but I am determined to make it happen.

But for now, I have to endure the taunting and teasing of my peers. I have to keep my head down and focus on my studies and my future. I refuse to let them break me, to let them crush my spirit.

So I smile, nod, and walk away, leaving behind the laughter and the ridicule. I am just an Omega, but I am much more than they will ever know. And one day, I will prove them all wrong.

As I made my way through the school halls, I couldn't help but notice the glares and sneers directed towards me. It seemed like everyone had something to say, a snide remark or a mocking laugh. But I held my head high, reminding myself that their words held no power over me.

I reached my first class, Biology, and sat in the back of the room. Mr. Parker, our teacher, began his lesson on genetics, and I listened attentively, taking notes and asking questions when necessary. Biology was my favourite subject, a world of possibilities and discovery that sparked my passion for medicine.

After class, I headed to the cafeteria for lunch, grabbing a tray and sitting alone in a secluded corner. I didn't mind the solitude; it gave me time to gather my thoughts and plan for the future. As I ate my sandwich, lost in my thoughts, a shadow loomed over me.

I saw Grayson, the Alpha's youngest son under his Quadruplets. Grayson was the most popular boy in school, he was currently staring down at me with a smirk. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the little Omega," he sneered, grabbing my tray and dumping its contents on the floor. Laughter erupted in the cafeteria, and my cheeks burned with embarrassment. He was worse than his older brothers and trust me that is saying a lot. They had always gotten a huge kick out of teasing and taunting me. Of course their little brother would only follow in their footsteps. They had already finished school and were now at Alpha Training College.

But instead of cowering in fear, I stood up, my fists clenched at my sides. "Grayson, you may be the Alpha's son, but that doesn't give you the right to treat others like dirt and act like an arsehole," I said, my voice steady and firm. The cafeteria fell silent, all eyes on us.

Grayson's smirk faltered, replaced by a look of surprise. He obviously hadn't expected me to stand up for myself. He opened his mouth to respond, but before he could say a word, the school bell rang, signalling the end of lunch. I gathered my things and went to walk away, leaving Grayson and the rest of the cafeteria in stunned silence.

“What did you say, little omega? I didn’t quite hear you.” Grayson rushed after me and growled; he yanked me roughly by the hair and pulled me back to face him. Then grabbing me by the scruff of the neck. I didn’t whimper or make a sound. I looked down at the ground, careful not to meet his glare. I knew that would make him more furious and I had learnt not to do that a long time ago.

I could feel the eyes of the cafeteria on me, waiting for my response. My heart raced in my chest as Grayson's grip tightened on my neck. But I refused to show any weakness. That is what he wanted—weakness to show how powerful he was. But he would never be as powerful as his brothers or the Alpha and he knew it.

"I said you don't have the right to treat others like dirt, Grayson," I repeated, my voice loud and clear for everyone around us to hear. The tension in the air was as thick as smoke in a fire, the silence heavy with anticipation.

Grayson's eyes bore into mine, a mixture of anger and surprise flickering on his face. For a moment, it seemed like he would lash out, but then he released me with a shove, causing me to stumble backwards.

I managed to steady myself before falling into the laps of the school footballers.

"You're lucky the bell rang, Omega. I'll deal with you later," Grayson spat before storming off, his packmates following closely behind him.

“You know, you're a real loser, Eliza. Nobody will ever want an omega like you,” Daniella who had been standing on the sidelines smirked as she nudged me with her elbow and trotted off after Grayson and his minions.

As the cafeteria began to buzz with conversation again and everyone went back to pretending that I did not exist. I straightened up, refusing to let the encounter shake me. I gathered my things quickly and made my way to my next class, my mind replaying the confrontation repeatedly.

“She's such a wolfless little freak, and I mean, who would want her?”

“The state of her. She would be pretty if she did something with her hair and face.”

“Ughh, it is the orphan omega with no Wolf.”

I heard their little snide comments even if I didn't acknowledge them. It pained me to admit but yes, they were right; I didn't have my Wolf yet, but that didn't mean I wouldn't. I hadn't given up hope on her yet. Maybe having her by my side would make me stronger.

Choosing to ignore these childish fools and their antics, I took my seat at the back of the classroom and took out my pens and notepad. I placed my bag at my feet and waited patiently for the lesson to begin.

English was super easy, and I loved creative writing. My teacher, Mrs Dallas, was the only one with any time for me. I was surprised to see she wasn't in class yet and knew it would only entice the bullies to fill their time with more things to irritate me.

I could count down to three before someone did or said something.

“Oh. Look who is hiding in the back. Teacher pet.” Daniella appeared at the side of me, Janet and Tricia on either side of her. Of course, they would be everywhere Daniella was. They had always been her shadow. Her sidekicks.

“Now, now, class, settle down. I am Mr Sidley, and I will be temporarily taking this class. Please take a seat and get out your books.” The temporary teacher walked into the room and clapped his hands. He was old with a grey balding head and grey beard. He was dressed in a black suit and white shirt with a stripy tie. He placed his brown briefcase on the desk and took out some paper work.

“Sir, can I move seats please. It's stinks down here.” Tricia called out causing the class to howl with laughter. Mr Sidley glared at Tricia irritated and I felt a growl in the back of my throat. I had had enough of these comments. Years of physical and mental abuse was starting to take its toll. All I wanted to do was get my education, turn eighteen and leave this awful place once and for all. I would never return and nothing would make me stay...

And that is pretty much how my life goes.. Friendless and wolfless..i will probably be destined to be alone for the rest of my life.

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