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“Jasmine, listen to me, we have to leave. We can’t stay here.” I insisted, realising that my cover was about to be blown as my wolf slowly paced towards Rylan. I could not believe this was happening to me. Why did the moon goddess insist on throwing more obstacles my way? All I wanted was to get away from Creek and everyone in it.

“You are my mate. What is your name?” Rylan asked softly.

He was in his human form, but we could sense his wolf; the connection was palpable. I knew Jasmine could feel the pull of the mate bond, a force that we both couldn't ignore but couldn't fully understand.

“I feel like I know you,” Rylan whispered.

Daniella pouted crossly at the scenario unfolding in front of her eyes.

"What is going on here? Rylan, today is my birthday, and you promised to meet me here, yet you were late. I almost got attacked by a filthy rogue and... “She started to get hysterical, but Rylan wasn't noticing her, which irritated her further. Even though I didn't like Daniella for all the shit she had put me through, a part of me couldn't help but feel smug that she was being pushed aside for me.

“Why do you look at her like that, Rylan?" Daniella's voice trembled with confusion, her eyes darting between them.

Rylan stepped forward, his hand reaching out as if to touch Jasmine, but he hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "I...I believe this wolf and I share a connection beyond our understanding. She is my mate." A smile spread across his face, and his eyes twinkled with excitement.

Daniella shook her head. “No, I am the beta daughter. She is some rogue who may have saved me, but she’s not part of our pack. You know I’m the one destined to be the Luna of Creek. Rio already promised me, and our parents have always said this. Now I’m eighteen.” Daniella pleaded with Rylan, but he didn’t notice her. She shoved her way before him and threw her arms around him. Surprised, he tried to push her away, but Daniella held on tight.

“Rylan, please,” she begged, her voice breaking. “I love you, and I’m supposed to be with you.”

Rylan’s expression softened slightly, but he still pulled away from her grasp. “I’m sorry, Daniella. But my heart belongs to my Luna.”

Tears filled Daniella’s eyes as she realised she had lost him to another. She took a step back, her heart breaking into a million pieces. “Rio and the others will make you reject her. She is nothing.” Daniella sulked.

Rylan reached out to touch her cheek, a gesture of comfort. “I’m sorry, Dani. You’ll find someone who loves you just as much, I promise.”

He stood before me and reached a hand out to touch the white fur that covered my wolf. Jasmine purred with excitement as our mate made contact with us. I couldn’t stand it.

Rylan's gaze softened as he looked at me, a flicker of understanding in his eyes. "I know this is a lot to process, but trust in the bond we share. Together, we can navigate through the challenges ahead. And as for Daniella..." he trailed off, a determined glint in his eyes.

Turning towards Daniella, Rylan spoke with a gentle yet firm tone. "Daniella, the prophecy of the Luna might have been foretold, but fate works in mysterious ways. My mate holds a power and strength that cannot be ignored. She is destined for greatness, and I believe together, we can forge a new path for all of us."

Daniella's eyes widened with disbelief, her voice filled with anger and confusion. "You're serious, aren't you? You're choosing her over me, your betrothed Luna?" she whispered, her words hanging heavy in the air.

“Reject him.” she turned to me, and her eyes blazed over dark as her Wolf threatened to surface. “Reject him, or I will make you wish you were never born.”

Rylan grabbed Daniella’s arm and pulled her towards him. “Dani.. Don't be so stupid. The bond is the connection between mates. It's a powerful force that binds us together, and it's not something we can ignore. The moon goddess has chosen us for a reason, and I believe that reason is to bring change to our pack. My wolf tells me she is my mate, and my brothers are already on their way to confirm.” Rylan turned his focus back to me.

Daniella managed to squirm her way out of his arms and turned to slap him across the face, but he caught her just in time.

“Go home, Daniella. Everyone will be wondering why you aren't at your birthday party.” Rylan growled at her, but she didn't take any notice.

Once he had turned his back on her, she suddenly shifted, and there before me stood a fierce and powerful Beta wolf, ready to attack.

“Shift back now at once,” Rylan ordered her, but his words were disregarded. He wasn't alpha yet, so his authority had no claim over Daniella.

“Stop now.” he snarled louder this time.

But Daniella's wolf was beyond reason, fueled by anger and jealousy. With a snarl, she lunged towards me, her jaws snapping in a vicious display of aggression.

Instinct took over as I dodged her attack, moving quickly to defend myself. With a swift motion, I managed to grab Daniella's wolf, pinning her to the ground with a firm grip. She let out a small whimper.

Jasmine refused to be swayed as she sank her teeth into Daniella's wolf leg, causing her to scream in agony. Rylan stood frozen in horror, unable to comprehend the unfolding scene before him.

"I'm bleeding!" Daniella shrieked, her voice filled with pain and desperation.

"What have you done to her?" Rylan gasped, regaining consciousness as he desperately tried to assist Daniella. She transformed back into her human form, her voice filled with rage. "If I ever find out who you are, white wolf, I swear I will make you and your pack pay," she vowed, her teeth clenched. The sudden sound of a distant howl caught Jasmine's attention, causing her to pause momentarily. She glanced up, then turned and fled, leaving Daniella writhing in pain on the ground.

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