Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Chapter 2

Cassie awoke from her dream and sat up, her heart thumping and her eyes bright as she recalled the intense dream that had jolted her awake. She could still feel the rush of emotions and connection with the guys from her dream, but reality was gradually setting in. She tried to recall their faces but failed to do it.

She tucked her hair behind her ears and touched her pussy and it was wet. She looked around to double-check if there was anyone other than her in the room. She sighed in relief when found herself alone and then kept looking at her room the shelves were already crammed with textbooks and notes, a testament to her dedication and love for learning.

She never had a boyfriend, and the only reason she missed a prom was that no boy asked her to go with him. Even at the age of 18, she is a virgin. Although she wanted to go so badly and even cried the whole night but didn’t share it with her mom. She showed her a false bravado that she didn’t care about it and she had many other things to do in life.

She moved her legs over the edge of the bed and stood up to stretch. The dream had felt so real, but she knew better not to dwell on it. Today was a big day—her first day at the elite college she had worked so hard to get into on scholarship. She couldn't afford to get any distraction.

She wore her thick and rims round glasses. She dressed simply on her first day: a pair of blue jeans with slightly ripped knees and a basic white button-down shirt tucked neatly into the waistband. Over that, she wore a warm beige color cardigan, enhancing the warmth in her brown eyes.

She pulled her hair back into a low ponytail and tied it with a rubber band. Her makeup was simple—just a touch of mascara and lip balm.

She looked at the clock as she packed her books into her bag. There was still time to have some breakfast with her mom before leaving.

Cassie hugged her mom. “Good morning.”

Ruth placed a bowl and Cassie’s favorite cereal on the table. “Excited for the first day?”

Cassie nodded and dug into her bowl. After breakfast she grabbed her bag and dashed out of the house, cool air hit her skin, and she refreshed and hurried to the bus stop. Elite College is far from her house so she has to take this 7:30 bus else the next bus will come after fifteen minutes. She didn’t wish to stand in the cold anymore.

Cassie's heart pounded as she stepped onto the magnificent grounds of an elite college. A huge towering structure hovers over her. Holding her bag's straps, she adjusted her glasses. She took a deep breath to collect the courage to stay in college because her modest clothing in comparison to the trendy, expensive branded clothes worn by the other students marked her as an outsider

She was looking for her class and her eyes landed on a guy who was standing away from the rest of the students and reading a book. He was tall and athletic, with a lean yet muscular build. He has a chiseled jawline and strong, well-defined features. His cheekbones are prominent dark brown, thick, and slightly wavy, styled in a casual. Cassie decided to ask him about the directions for her class.

Cassie cleared her throat to get his attention. He made a face like someone disturbed his million-dollar risk meeting. “What is it?”

Cassie was taken aback by this cold icy and rude tone."I was looking for a class for freshman year."

He looked at her from head to toe two times. “You must be a new scholar girl. Right?”

Cassie smiled and held out her hand. “I am Cassie Reed.”

He shook hands and wore an air of superiority like a crown. “I am Peter Woods.”

Cassie tried to release her hand but Peter kept holding it and continued. “I have always been a topper in my class so you need to work hell hard to defeat my position.” then he released her hand and told her the directions.

Cassie turned around and breathed in and breath out two times and then shook her head and headed toward her class. When she entered the class her eyes landed on a guy who seemed out of place sitting alone holding a math textbook and seemed more interested in it than the social interactions around him. He was wearing glasses just like Cassie.

Cassie walked over to him kept her bag aside and sat with him. He was taken aback to see Cassie sitting with him because no one wanted to sit with him because he hadn’t completed the checklist of being cool in elite college. Cassie looked at him and held out her hand. “Hi, I am Cassie Reed.”

That guy adjusted his glass and timidly shook hands with Cassie. “I am Daniel Brown from sophomore year.”

Cassie smiled and took out her notebook. “Daniel you seemed interested in maths more than any other subject. right?”

Daniel hesitantly smiled. “If you ever need help with math, I'm... well, I'm pretty good at it."

Cassie nodded. “Sure, we can study together sometime.”

Daniel opened his mouth to speak but shut it as soon as the classroom door flung open, a bunch of bullies entered the room, and Daniel began to shiver. Cassie was immediately drawn to one guy—tall, with a leather jacket thrown over one shoulder and the other arm wrapped around a girl who appeared to be as spoiled as he was. Guy's eyes focused on Daniel, and he smirked.

Daniel made fists with his hands and looked down at his book. Cassie had no idea what was wrong with Daniel until the other guy leaned against Daniel's desk casually, looking down at him with disdain. "I didn't expect to see you here so soon. Shouldn't you be taking some rehab classes?

"H-hi, Ryker," he stammered, avoiding eye contact.

Cassie turned to Daniel, who looked to shrink even more under Ryker's gaze.

"Who's this?" Ryker's gaze flickered to Cassie. "Who's your new little nerd friend? I guess it takes one to find one, right?"

"Leave him alone," she said, her voice louder than her emotions.

Ryker's sarcastic laughter sound filled the room. "Oh, that little nerd has a voice! How cute. "

Cassie looked at him. “My name is Cassie.”

Ryker pointed a figner at her. “Whoever the fuck you are just stay away when I talk to my dear half-brother. Am I making myself clear?”

Cassie put his finger down with her finger. “Better not to point a finger at me next time.”

Ryker asked in anger. “Or what?”

Cassie opened her mouth but Daniel intervened. “Ryker please,” He looked down, his shoulders slumping even more.

Professor Edward stepped in. "Good morning, class," Professor Edward said, his voice cutting through the murmurs. "Please take your seats."

Ryker's posture stiffened, and he quickly straightened up, his demeanor shifting from bully to model student in an instant. He shot a final, pointed look at Cassie and Daniel, his eyes narrowing slightly. The unspoken message was clear :I'm watching you.

Cassie maintained eye contact with Ryker, refusing to show any fear. Daniel, on the other hand, kept his gaze fixed firmly on his desk, his shoulders still hunched.

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