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Chapter 4

Someone called. “Hey, Steven.”

He looked the other way. “What?”

That guy told him. “Coach wants to see you.”

Steven nodded and raised his arm. “Listen I have to go you can keep the jacket and if you need anything I’ll be in the ground.”

He didn’t even wait for Cassis’s response and left her alone outside the cafeteria. Cassie was watching him going away from her and she was feeling bad about it. Daniel was breathless and tapped on Cassie’s shoulder. “From where did you get this jacket?”

Cassie was angry. “Where the hell did you run away and why on earth you are breathless?”

Daniel raised his hand to stop questioning him until he caught his normal breath. He pulled out a white cloth strip from his bag. “I went to get something to cover your B.”

Cassie’s anger faded away. ”How thoughtful of you Daniel.”

Daniel raised his brow. “What were you thinking and tell me the truth?”

Cassie shook her head. “It’s nothing.”

Daniel sighed. “You think I run away. right?”

Cassie shot up her shoulders. “You told me that you never had any friends in your life so I thought you panicked when you saw me in trouble.”

Daniel walked close to her and dug his finger at her temple. “I am not a coward, I have no intention to leave my friend in trouble. Keep that in mind.”

Cassie smiled because he had no idea how his touch made her feel but so far he was her only friend so she smirked. “Do you wanna know who gave me this jacket?”

Daniel shook his head. “No.” he continued “Do you wanna go home?”

Cassie responded. “Seriously, you are showing me attitude when the whole cafe saw my naked butt this is the time when you should console me.”

Daniel sighed. “You are right I am sorry but if you promise not to think of me as a gay and cowardly guy then I’ll listen to whatever you have for me.”

Cassie smiled and held out her hand. “Deal.”

They shook hands and then Cassie told him that Steven the football guy gave her his jacket.Daniel once again warn her not to fall for him. Then she told him she couldn’t go to another class in the sports jacket wrapped around her waist. Daniel asked. “Where the hell have you kept your cardigan?”

Cassie shrugged .”I don’t know I tossed it on my chair in the cafe.”

Daniel responded. “I told you Ryker won’t spare you for being friends with me.”

Cassie was shocked. “Do you think Ryker has done this?”

Daniel asked. “Do you think of any other possibility?”

Cassie nodded. “Yeah, maybe my jeans got stuck in some nail or something in the chair and it got ripped.”

Daniel shook his head. “No, it’s Ryker behind it and I think you should stay away from me. You are a good girl and I don't want you to get into any trouble because of me.”

Cassie asked. “How could you be so sure about it?”

Daniel held her hand and led her to a chair where they were sitting. He pointed at the chair where Cassie was sitting. “See by your self there is no nail or any sharp thingy tore your jeans.”

Cassie gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. “It is an industrial glue and Ryker put it on your chair to humiliate you.”

Cassie’s anger coursed through her veins. “Where I can find Ryker now?”

Daniel looked at the time. “He should be in a history class.”

Cassie nodded and hurried out of the cafe, stomping her feet to class, where Ryker was surrounded by his gang, who were laughing as usual. Cassie flung the door open. When the door slammed against the wall, everyone looked at her. She entered, walked over to Ryker, and slapped her hard without hesitation. There was a pin drop silence Ryker was shocked for a second and when he stood up to hurt Cassie, Daniel intervened and pushed him back Ryker fell on the floor, he screamed and stood up to beat Daniel but Peter pulled him back because he doesn’t want things to get escalate or maybe he made an excuse to himself and in real he wanted Cassie to be safe from Ryker.

Cassie asked in high volume. “Where the hell is Ryker’s bag?”

She screamed again when no one answered, so Rita gave Cassie Ryker's bag.

She snatched Ryker’s bag from Rita and opened it. She pulled out her cardigan and pointed at him. “Next time I won’t just slap.”

Cassie took Daniel's hand and went out of the classroom. When Peter left Ryker, he went after Cassie and Daniel. Everyone tried to stop him, but he ignored everyone. Ryker pushed Cassie, causing her to fall face-first onto the floor. Daniel punched Ryker but he ducked and punched Daniel’s face. Cassie stood up and kicked on Ryker’s leg. He screamed in pain and then professor Gabriel of history grabbed Ryker and Cassie then dragged them to the Dean’s office.

Cassie and Ryker stood next to each other and looked at Dean Mitchell's serious face. There was a lot of tension in the room, and Professor Gabriel, who was watching in silence from a corner, amplified the tension.

Dean Mitchell leaned forward, his knuckles white as they gripped the edge of his desk. "This is not acceptable behavior at all," he growled, his eyes narrowing at Ryker. "Violence on college premises will not be tolerated."

Dean Mitchell clenched his jaw. "Just because your dad is on the board of trustees for this college doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. This is a college, so you have to follow the same rules and face the same penalties as everyone else."

Ryker stood up straight and gave the dean a cold, unwavering look. "And if my dad stops giving money to this college, then you'll lose your job, Dean Mitchell."

Dean Mitchell responded.”But right now I am on my job and I have all rights to suspend you for a week.”

Ryker opened his mouth but Dean Mitchell raised his hand. “Take you suspension letter on your way out.”

Ryker looked at Cassie and then walked out of the office. Then Dean Mitchell turned to Cassie.

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