Read with BonusRead with Bonus

The meal

“Come on!” he said. “We are going.”

He turned his back and walked out of the door. Without questioning where or why we were going, I just followed him. I guessed this would be the nature of our relationship from then on. He would go anywhere he liked and I would follow him as a duckling.

He went to the elevator and I followed him. When we got into it, he turned to me and looked at my hair. An interesting expression passed through his face. A new one that I didn’t see before. Was he smiling? No it shouldn’t be a smile. Like he was having a stroke or something. Because there was a hint of a smile but it was suppressed with a clenched jaw, making it look like a seizure. I instinctively touched my bun and I recognized the colored pencil was still in my hair. I blushed instantly. I felt my cheeks burning again. How did I forget that?

I tried to smile, but he avoided it and turned his face to the elevator doors. Fuck, he must be pissed. I was failing in all the ways possible. I wondered if I could last at least a week.

We finally reached the parking lot level. We have started walking among the parked cars. Then he stopped in front of a black Rolls Royce. Of course a Rolls Royce. He unlocked the car and got in the driver seat. I was still standing there and trying to understand what I was expected to do.

“Aren’t you coming?” he said. I blinked. Should I? Then I turned around the car and sat in the passenger seat. With a roar of engine, we were out of the building in no time. I didn’t have a clue about where we were going. But I wasn’t feeling brave enough to ask. After that morning’s scolding, I knew that my 8 hours belonged to him and he could take me here and there during business hours as he liked. My traitorous stomach grumbled again. He just gave a side eye and continued looking at the road. Man, he was cruel. We could at least grab one or two cookies from the kitchen before leaving. With a cup of coffee maybe. And some strawberries. Maybe chocolate. My god, I was so hungry. He drove the car for ten minutes more, and finally he halted in front of a restaurant. Not any restaurant, but it was ‘La vie’ , the most famous and expensive restaurant in the city.

Just in a second someone opened my door, and saluted me politely. When I was out, I saw Mr. Alonzo was giving the keys to a valet.

He led the way and I followed him again, definitely a duckling. When we entered the restaurant, I long forgot that I was famished. The dazzling chandeliers were giving warm lights to every corner of the restaurant. Round, elegant tables with white clothes, big vases of flowers at every corner. Waiters in tuxedos, and people filling the tables were chattering in hushed voices and laughing. It was devastatingly beautiful. I recognized that I was opening my eyes so much, I felt the stinging of air at the corners. As if I was trying to get as much view as I could. Why were we here? Was there a meeting or something that I didn’t know? I looked at my watch. It was 4 pm. This hour was looking empty on the calendar this morning. Maybe there was something that I didn’t know.

Waiter greeted us politely. I knew that was not a place where you can find a table without a reservation. But Mr. Alonzo was so confident, it didn’t leave me room for suspects.

They led us to a perfect table by the full sized window, looking at the internal garden of the restaurant. The garden was so full of exotic trees and flowers, it was making it unreal. I even caught a glimpse of a colorful parrot perching one of the tree branches. It was like sitting next to a window to heaven. I was so taken by the view, I almost forgot that I was together with Mr. Alonzo. Not until I felt a drilling sensation of two eyes boring into my face. I turned my head from the garden view almost unwillingly and our eyes met. His eyes darkened. A muscle feathered in his square jaw. Almost like a predator. What did I do wrong now? Thankfully the waiter came to my aid.

Welcome again Mr. Alonzo. It is always a pleasure to have you here.

“Thank you.” said Mr. Alonzo in a curt manner. Waiter stopped the conversation instantly as understood it wasn’t wanted. He extend two menus to us, but Mr. Alonzo denied the menu and said, “I will have the usual.”

“Very well, sir.” he answered.

“What can I get you Ms.?”

I looked at the long list and tried to come up with a meal that I was merely familiar with. I wasn’t eating red meat and I was afraid to end up with something meat involved. But nothing in the list rang a bell. While I was struggling, I heard;

“Same for her, too.”

I was shocked. And felt a little bit insulted. Maybe I wasn’t used to these kinds of places and he was my boss, but I didn’t like a man to decide for me what I would eat. I could choose myself, thank you very much! Did I ask for help? I didn’t think so. I fixed my expression, from aghast and impressed to indifferent and cold. If he is the boss even for the meal I choose, then I will be his employee. Just professional.

The waiter took the menus from us.

“Would you like something to drink sir?”

“No.” he said. No one consulted me of course. Then the waiter gave a nod and left. I turned my gaze from the table, and away from him as much as possible. And it wasn’t a hard job for me since I was so taken by the view of the garden again. He was an arrogant bastard. That was for sure. But at least he brought me to eat. Which I skipped for helping him. Okay, I was trying to come up with something that would make me feel alright about him, but it wasn’t actually working.

“Did you like the place?” he asked. Finally one of us was breaking the silence. I didn’t look at his face but looked at the table.

“I did. Thank you.” I returned to my examination for the garden again.

“So, you liked the garden I guess.” he asked again.

“It is hard not to. It looks like a piece of paradise.” I forced a smile.

“Do you like flowers?” What? Were we doing small talk now?

“I do. Actually I like everything nature can offer. Flowers, trees, mountains… Everything is calm and silent.”

“So you like solitude?”

“More than anything.” I smiled. It wasn’t a forced one this time. I was genuine. When it comes to solitude in nature, very few things would make me happy as much.

I saw a glint of curiosity pass from his eyes in a flash. He opened his mouth as if to say something more, but the waiter came at the same moment with the meals we ordered. Or more accurately, he ordered.

He placed two giant plates in front of us, with a tiny meal in it. It was nearly comical. There was a piece of something in the heart of the plate and the rest of the plate was almost painted with different colored souces.

“Enjoy.” he said politely and left us alone again.

I looked down at my plate to understand what it was. It looked extremely like red meat. Fuuck. I sliced a small piece. Took it with the fork and brought it close to my nose to sniff it. Yep, it was red meat. I took it off from my fork and looked at my plate hopelessly. There were two pieces of asparagus and some broccoli for dressing. I started with broccoli. Even though I liked broccoli and I liked the taste of it, it was so small to fill my grumbling stomach. I looked at the table desperately. I found the bread basket. Good. At least I could suppress the ache with some bread. I took a slice of bread and took a small piece, started eating it desperately.

He sliced his own meat professionally. And ate it with a solemn face. In the middle of his meal, he raised his eyes and peaked at my plate.

“Is there something wrong with your filet mignon?”

Filet what? I knew he was referring to the meat staying on the plate untouched.

“No. I guess it must be wonderful.”

“So why you don’t eat it?”

“I don’t eat red meat.” His eyebrows raised.

“Oh!” he said. “I didn’t know.”

“If you would let your guest choose their meals next time, then you don’t need to know.” I said calmly. Tried to keep the rising anger away from my voice.

His eyebrows went up again. Higher this time.

“We can order something else…”

I cut him in the middle,

“No need! If you are done, can we go now?” It sounded more harsh than I intended, but the words were out already.

His confused and emphatic face turned to stone again. He nodded his head solemnly. Wiped his mouth with white napkin and stood up instantly. I followed him again. The waiter came running to us,

“Is everything all right Mr. Alonzo?” he asked.

“Yes, send the check please. I don’t have time now.”

“Yes, no problem Mr. Alonzo. Have a nice evening.” he accompanied us until the exit.

The valet met us with the car in front of the restaurant as if it never left the place. How did they manage to do that? We hopped in the Rolls Royce again and he hit the gas. We rode in silence. It was nearly peaceful. Nearly. At the times that I didn’t look in his direction. His face was expressionless and cold. Much like a closing hurricane. One that I didn’t want to be involved in.

Finally he pulled the car to the parking lot under Alonzo plaza. We went to the elevator and back to the office. As soon as we got there he went to his office, shut the blinds and never came out.

When the clocks showed 6 pm, I went to his door again. I knocked on it gently.

“Yes!” he demanded as soon as I opened the door. It was like saying ‘cut it short!’.

“I am leaving for the day, sir. Is there anything you want before I leave?”

“No.” he said without looking up from the papers he had on hand. I waited for an extra second to really understand if that was all he would say. Yep, it was. No good evening, no see you tomorrow. Of course I wasn’t expecting it. But it could be a nice surprise.

As soon as I left the plaza, I hit the burrito truck parking really close to our building. The best chicken burrito in the city was here. I impatiently ordered two chicken burritos and dug in the minute the delicious food was placed in my hand.

I was humming in pleasure when I was eating it. I was practically moaning, when I caught a green glint opposite to me. I looked up from my food and froze in shock. There, standing tall in front of me, none other than Matt Alonzo himself. Grinning widely.

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