Read with BonusRead with Bonus

Shadows of Mercy

The aftermath of the battle left the deck of the merchant vessel in disarray. Bodies, both dead and wounded, lay strewn about, the wooden planks slick with blood. The acrid smell of gunpowder still hung in the air, mingling with the salty tang of the sea. I steeled myself against the sight and smell, following Maeve as she moved among the wounded, offering what aid we could with the limited supplies available.

Maeve was a steady presence, her hands sure and practiced as she bound wounds and offered comforting words to the injured. I did my best to assist her, holding bandages, fetching water, and following her instructions. My hands trembled as I worked, but I forced myself to focus on the task at hand. There was no time for fear or hesitation.

The captured merchant sailors were huddled together, their hands bound and expressions ranging from defiant to terrified. They watched us with wary eyes, unsure of their fate. Captain Blackthorn had ordered them secured, but beyond that, their future was uncertain. I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for them; they were victims of circumstance, much like myself.

I finished tying off a bandage on a young sailor's arm, I glanced up to see Captain Blackthorn striding toward us. His presence was commanding, his dark eyes assessing the situation with a critical gaze. He nodded to Maeve, acknowledging her efforts.

"How are they?" he asked, his voice gruff.

"Some will make it," Maeve replied, not looking up from her work.

"Others… not so much.”

“We did what we could."

Captain Blackthorn's jaw tightened, but he merely nodded. He turned to me, his gaze piercing.

"You did well, Isabella."

"Thank you, Captain," I managed, my voice steady despite the turmoil inside me.

He gave a curt nod, then turned his attention to the merchant captain, who was being held by two of Blackthorn's men. The merchant captain was a stout man with a greying beard, his face lined with worry and anger.

"Captain Blackthorn," he said, his voice trembling slightly.

"Please, have mercy.”

“We are but humble traders.”

“We mean you no harm."

Blackthorn regarded him with a cold, calculating stare.

"Mercy is a rare commodity in these waters," he replied.

"I am not without reason.”

“We will take what we need from your cargo, and you and your men will be set adrift.”

“You have my word."

The merchant captain's shoulders sagged in relief, though his eyes still held a glimmer of distrust.

"Thank you," he said quietly.

Blackthorn nodded to his men, who began organizing the transfer of the cargo. I watched as barrels of food, crates of goods, and other supplies were moved from the merchant vessel to the Black Serpent. The crew worked quickly and efficiently, their movements practiced and sure.

The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the scene, the task was nearly complete. The captured merchant sailors were given a small boat, stocked with just enough supplies to reach the nearest port. The merchant captain paused before stepping into the boat, turning to look at Blackthorn one last time.

"You have spared our lives today, Captain Blackthorn," he said.

"For that, I am grateful.”

“Know this: karma has a way of balancing the scales."

Blackthorn's expression remained impassive.

"We'll see about that.”

“Safe travels, Captain."

With that, the boat was lowered into the water, and the merchant sailors began to row away from the Black Serpent.

"Isabella," Maeve's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Come, we need to get back to the ship."

I nodded and followed her, my steps heavy with exhaustion. The crew had already begun to prepare the Black Serpent for departure, the sails unfurling and the ropes being secured. I stepped back onto the deck. I glanced around at the crew, trying to read their expressions. Some looked at me with curiosity, others with indifference, but none with outright hostility. It was a small comfort.

Captain Blackthorn was speaking with his first mate James. They exchanged a few words before Blackthorn turned and approached me once more.

"Isabella," he said, his tone unreadable.

"A word."

I followed him to the stern of the ship, where the sounds of the crew faded into the background, replaced by the rhythmic lapping of the waves against the hull. Blackthorn leaned against the railing, his gaze fixed on the horizon.

"You did well today," he said, not looking at me.

"You kept your head and followed orders.”

“That's more than I can say for some of my seasoned crew."

I swallowed, unsure of how to respond.

"Thank you, Captain.”

He finally turned to look at me, his dark eyes searching mine.

"You've got spirit, I'll give you that.”

“Spirit alone won't keep you alive on this ship.”

“You need to learn how to fight and defend yourself.”

“Maeve will train you.”

“You'll do whatever tasks are assigned to you.”

“Do you understand?"

"Yes, Captain. I understand."

“You will return to the captain's chambers.”

“James will accompany you.”

I followed James across the undulating deck, each step seemed to syncopate with the rhythmic sway of the ship, a dance between man and sea. I stumbled slightly, my hands instinctively reaching out to grasp the sturdy railing for support.

A chuckle bubbled forth from James's lips.

"You will get used to that," he reassured me, his voice carrying a note of camaraderie.

With a grateful nod, I straightened myself, my resolve renewed as we continued our journey across the deck.

"We're almost there," James announced, his voice cutting through the gentle roar of the waves. "Come, let us get you to the captain's quarters."

Soon enough, we arrived at our destination, the imposing door of the captain's quarters looming before us like a sentinel guarding the secrets within. With a deft motion, James pushed open the door, revealing the dimly lit interior of the chamber beyond.

I stepped across the threshold, a sense of apprehension gripped me, mingling with the anticipation of what lay ahead. The door closed behind us with a solid thud.

"I am sorry about my brother’s atrocious behavior towards you," James began, his voice tinged with regret.

"He can be a cruel man."

I shook my head gently, a small smile playing at the corners of my lips.

"It is not your doing," I reassured him, my voice soft but resolute.

"Nothing to apologize for."

Before James could respond, Captain Blackthorn materialized in the doorway, his presence commanding attention and respect in equal measure.

"That will be all, James," the captain declared, his voice brooking no argument.

"As you wish, captain," James replied, his departure leaving me alone once more with Captain Blackthorn.

“You did well today, Isabella.”

Captain Blackthorn stepped closer to me. I tried not to flinch as his arms wrapped around me. The smell of blood filled my nose. My mind instinctively screamed that I should flee from the danger lurking in front of me.

I moaned as he shoved me against the wall. My back was still raw from the lashing I had received the night before.

“Seeing you amongst my crew today, made me crave your body.”

“You shall be rewarded for your good work today.”

"Isabella," he murmured, his voice a low rumble.

"I have a proposition for you."

I swallowed hard, my throat suddenly dry as I braced myself for whatever twisted request he had in store.

"What is it, Master?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper, betraying the trepidation that gnawed at my insides.

A slow, predatory smile curved the captain's lips as he approached me, his movements deliberate and measured. He reached out, his fingers grazing the delicate fabric of the gown I wore, tracing the curve of my collarbone.

"I have acquired something for you, Isabella," he said, his voice low and husky with anticipation. "Something I believe will please both of us."

With a flourish, he produced a bundle of silk and lace from a nearby chest, unfolding it to reveal a delicate negligee that shimmered like moonlight on the water. My breath caught in my throat as I stared at the garment, my mind reeling with disbelief and horror at the captain's audacity.

"I expect you to wear this tonight," he said, his tone brooking no argument.

"I have prepared a special dinner for us, and I believe this attire would be most... appropriate."

My heart sank as the realization dawned upon me, the weight of the captain's expectations pressing down upon me like an anchor dragging me beneath the waves.

With a trembling hand, I reached out and took the lingerie from the captain's grasp, my fingers curling around the delicate fabric with a determination born of desperation.

"As you wish, Master," I said, my voice steady.

I walked over to the bathroom. The lingerie I wore was a delicate masterpiece of lace and silk, a garment designed to both conceal and reveal in equal measure. The fabric shimmered like moonlight on water, ethereal and weightless against my skin, as if woven from the very threads of her dreams.

The bodice was adorned with intricate floral patterns, delicate tendrils of lace that wound their way around my curves with a grace that seemed almost otherworldly. Each petal and leaf was rendered in exquisite

detail, every stitch a testament to the skill of the artisan who had crafted it.

Thin straps crisscrossed over my shoulders, framing the gentle curve of my collarbones with a subtle elegance that hinted at the allure beneath. The neckline plunged in a daring V, the lace barely skimming the swell of my breasts before disappearing into the depths of my neckline.

The waistline was cinched with a satin ribbon, the soft fabric trailing behind me like a silken whisper as it accentuated the curve of my hips and the swell of my butt. The skirt fell in cascading layers of sheer chiffon, fluttering around my legs like the froth of waves upon the shore.

“You look exquisite tonight pet.” Captain Blackthorn said as he roughly shoved me against the wall.

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