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Chapter 003 Your Boyfriend Is So Generous

Seeing the -10 points of favorability above Lisa's head, Charles felt deeply saddened.

Someone had liked you for three years, even if they were a stranger, you would have some favorable impression of them, right?

But Lisa had no favorable impression of him, not even a bit. She even loathed him. For these three years, she really treated Charles as a wallet and never had a shred of affection!

"Charles, I've chosen the bag. Go pay for it!" At this moment, Pamela, who had already chosen her bag, walked over.

Pamela righteously asked Charles to pay.

As a suitor, when a beautiful woman asked you to pay, you must not hesitate even a bit.

In this regard, Charles was quite qualified. "Okay!"

Charles took out his black card and walked to the counter.

"Sir, your girlfriend has a good taste. She picked the latest model of the season, but it costs $5000."

"No problem, check out!"

When he successfully paied the bill, Lisa was full of question.

This particular bag was the one she had just taken fancy to.

Kevin, the rich second generation, wasn't willing to buy it for her, but Charles, a country bumpkin, bought it without hesitation.

What's going on?

When did Charles become so rich?

At this moment, Charles saw the favorability points above Pamela and Lisa's heads start to increase simultaneously!

Pamela: Favorability +20

Pamela: Favorability +20

Pamela: Favorability +20

Lisa: Favorability +5

Lisa: Favorability +5

Lisa: Favorability +5

Just by buying a bag, Pamela's favorability points jumped from -52 to 8.

Eight favorability points meant Pamela didn't dislike Charles anymore and even had a slight favorable impression, but it wasn't love.

Lisa's favorability also rose from -10 to 5.

This was the magical effect of money.

"Let's go. See what else you want to buy. I'll get you whatever you want today!" Charles said calmly as he put away his black card.

He even looked a bit handsome!

Even though he was wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a T-shirt, with a messy hairdo, he had an unusual aura at that moment.

Carrying the latest Gucci bag, Pamela felt a bit elated.

Especially when she saw another woman who liked the same bag but couldn't get it, while she did, she felt even more elated!

Pamela: Favorability +10

"Honey, you're so good!"

On a whim, Pamela linked arms with Charles and even said'Honey, you're so good'.

This woman was very smart.

She clearly saw the unusual relationship between Charles and Lisa. By linking arms with Charles and speaking intimately, she made Charles feel honored!

As the saying goes, "Bread eaten obliges."

Since she received a gift, she naturally had to help the giver.

Seeing Pamela's shy face, Lisa felt inexplicably jealous.

In Lisa's impression, Charles had always been her suitor. When she was happy, she called him over; when she was unhappy, she drove him away.

No matter how she treated him, Charles would always stay by her side, like a loyal dog.

But now, this dog was no longer revolving around her but around someone else.

It felt like her personal property was being taken by someone else.

She might not like the item, but if another woman took it, she would feel upset, especially if that woman was as beautiful as she was!

She felt even more jealous!

"Kevin, look."

"Lisa, I have something to do tonight. Let's go back."


"No buts, just listen!" Kevin pulled Lisa out of the Gucci Boutique.

On the surface, Kevin drove a luxury car and wore Versace Robinson casual wear, and he had a lot of pocket money.

But in reality, it was all just a facade.

His luxury car was rented, and his outfit was pieced together by scrimping and saving. He never spent money on dates with girls.

Though his family was well-off, they weren't truly wealthy.

He posted photos of luxury cars and stylish outfits on social media, but he never actually spent anything on them.

Yet, he still managed to attract many beautiful girls.

It can be said that in today's society, deep affection is not as valuable as pure wealth.

"Laura, I just don't get it. Those flashy rich men always have excuses when it comes to buying gifts for their girlfriends. But those guys dressed in cheap clothes can swipe thousands of dollars without batting an eye. Do real rich people like to pretend to be poor?"

"That's why the manager always tells you not to judge by appearances. The poor like to pretend to be rich, and the rich like to pretend to be poor. We should treat everyone equally."

"It sounds like I have to be more careful when finding a boyfriend in the future. I don't want to be fooled by those fake rich men!"

The female clerks were chatting.

Pamela also looked at Charles with some doubt.

Could it be that this guy was pretending all along, and he was actually a rich second-generation?

And then there's the way he casually treated all the students to food and drinks at the school supermarket, and how effortlessly he handled the purchase of that Gucci bag—his composure didn't seem feigned.

If he didn't have a solid background, he would definitely be nervous about such a large expense!

But Charles wasn't.

He must be from a wealthy family!

When this thought came up, Pamela's favorability towards Charles suddenly soared.

Pamela: Favorability +10

Pamela: Favorability +10

Pamela: Favorability +10

Charles was a bit confused!

He hadn't done anything yet. Just by walking out of the Gucci Boutique with Pamela, her favorability points increased by another thirty.

Now Pamela's favorability had risen to 48.

Forty-eight favorability points meant Pamela was starting to like him!

Just buying a branded bag could make a woman like you.

Oh my God! Isn't that too magical?

At this rate, it wouldn't take long for Pamela's favorability towards him to reach 95 points, but he hadn't spent much money yet.

In total, it was less than $20,000.

No, he had to spend more money. Otherwise, the bonus from the reversal rebate would be too small.

After a while, Charles took Pamela to a Chanel clothing store.

He picked out two pieces of clothing from the rack.

"These two."

Pamela looked at the clothes in Charles's hand and frowned. "But I don't really like these two. They seem a bit outdated."

"I meant these two are not needed, I will buy all the others!"

"Sir... Sir, are you serious?"

"Do you think I'm joking? Swipe the card!"

"Lady, your boyfriend is so generous!" The clerk respectfully took the black card, full of envy and jealousy.

Chanel clothing, with each piece costing thousands of dollars, even though the store didn't have many clothes, buying them all would still cost hundreds of thousands.

That's not ordinary generosity!

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