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Chapter 006 Lisa's self-reflection

[Charles, where did you get all this money?] Lisa quickly sent a message asking.

[Oh! I won the lottery, a hundred thousand dollars!] Charles casually made up an excuse.

Lisa: [So that's it. But even if you have a lot of money, you can't just spend it recklessly!]

[Lisa, for you, I'm willing to do anything!]Charles suppressed his nausea and sent the message.

Nowadays, Lisa seemed to be a complete two-faced person to him.

'If you don't like someone, why lead them on? Until someone decides to pursue you, then you start making all sorts of excuses. Do you just enjoy the feeling of being pursued?' Charles thought.

Lisa: [Charles, don't be like this; I'm really in a difficult position...]

This time, Charles didn't reply to Lisa's message.

Instead, he started chatting with Pamela.

Charles: [Pamela, how about I treat you to dinner tomorrow?]

Pamela: [Tomorrow? Tomorrow I've got an appointment with my best friend to do our nails!]

Charles: [Never mind then.]

Pamela: [Sorry!]

As a girl who had an 84-point favorability towards Charles, she was actually quite willing to go on a date with him.

But as a girl, sometimes it was necessary to be a bit reserved.

Otherwise, if a man got you too easily, he wouldn't cherish you as much!

Besides, she hadn't known Charles for very long, and she didn't want to push the relationship too fast.

Of course, Charles wasn't really in a hurry to go on a date.

He just wanted to use the opportunity to spend some of the Special Funds on a few fancy meals.

'If you don't want to go, I'll just ask someone else! It doesn't matter who I go on a date with, as long as I can spend the Special Funds,' Charles thought.

Charles hadn't replied to Lisa's message.

Lisa sat idly clutching her phone, deep in thought.

She was wondering whether she should return the fifty thousand dollars Charles had sent her.

Actually, her mother wasn't sick.

If she took the fifty thousand dollars, it would essentially be fraud.

If she just be given a small thing, she may accept it.

But fifty thousand dollars is a significant amount, and if she really took it, it would be hard to explain, especially since she had just broken up with Charles today. Taking it might seem excessively callous.

At this moment, Lisa's best friend, Rachel Sanders, walked over.

"Lisa, who was so generous to send you fifty thousand dollars? Was it Kevin?"

"No, it was Charles. Rachel, what should I do?" Lisa glanced at Rachel, looking very troubled.

"Charles? That country bumpkin has that much money? He actually sent you fifty thousand dollars?" Rachel said, a bit surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either. Today I broke up with him, and then when I went shopping with Kevin, we ran into him. He was with that Art School girl, Pamela. For some reason, I felt a bit upset. And the bag I wanted, Kevin didn't buy it for me, but Charles bought it for Pamela. I was so mad!" Lisa complained.

"Sounds like you're a bit reluctant to let go of Charles. But how can he compare to Kevin? In terms of looks or family background? Moreover, you gave your first time to Kevin!" Rachel said.

"But I feel like Kevin isn't very honest. He never show me his phone, and he hasn't bought me any gifts. He's just romantic and good at making me happy. Last time I wanted to see his phone, he got so mad and we almost broke up. I agreed to Charles's confession out of spite. But through all this, I realized Charles treats me better. And Charles said he won the lottery, a hundred thousand dollars!" Lisa said.

"The lottery! A hundred thousand dollars! No wonder. I didn't expect Charles to be so lucky!" Rachel started to feel a bit envious!

She considered herself to be only slightly less attractive than Lisa.

But why didn't she ever encounter such good fortune?

Especially Charles, who was devoted, loyal, and now had a hundred thousand dollars.

He seemed much more reliable than Kevin!

"Lisa, I suggest you don't rush to make a decision. Keep observing. Since Charles sent you the money, just keep it. If he asks for it back, you can always return it. But I suggest you don't treat him like you used to, at least leave yourself a way out. As for Kevin, I think you're too submissive around him, which makes it easy to get hurt!"

"I understand!" Lisa nodded.

At this moment, Lisa sent a message to Kevin. [Kevin, my mom is sick and in the hospital. Can you lend me some money?]

Kevin: [Sick and in the hospital? Is it serious? You should have told me earlier!"]

Lisa: [Kevin, I knew you were the best!]

Kevin: [I have five hundred dollars here, not sure if it's enough. If not, I can borrow some more. How about Igo to the hospital with you tomorrow to see your mom and bring some supplements!] Kevin expressed concern on the surface.

But on closer analysis, it was clear he was suspicious of her.

Lisa's heart suddenly felt cold!

Five hundred dollars!

Is that all I'm worth to you?

She had never let Charles touch her body, yet at her slightest request, Charles had sent fifty thousand dollars without hesitation.

But she had given everything to Kevin, even had an abortion for him, and he dismissed her with just five hundred dollars?

And he even suspected she might be lying.

Although Lisa was indeed lying, Lisa's purpose was just to test him.

But this wasn't the answer Lisa wanted.

The most outrageous part was that after Kevin sent that message, he didn't even transfer the five hundred dollars, it was just words!

For the first time, Lisa wondered if she had really made a mistake.



In the boys' dormitory room 205, Charles took a shower.

He lay on his bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep, so he opened the Shark Live app.

He casually clicked on a few female streamers in the beauty section.

'I wonder if I can use Special Funds to tip these streamers?' With a mindset of giving it a try, Charles started clicking to recharge.

Unexpectedly, it worked.

Now Charles was excited!

Spending money in real life was too difficult.

Pursuing a beautiful girl required accompanying her shopping, which was exhausting.

But tipping female streamers online was different.

Spending a million dollars in one night was nothing.

It was highly efficient, and he could tip different streamers.

Charles started tipping one after another.

"System prompt: Only when the chosen female's beauty score exceeds 7.6, meeting the minimum standard, can the host receive bonus rebates after the reversal. The beauty filter used by streamers causes significant discrepancies between online and real-life appearances. The host must judge for themselves!"


Charles casually browsed through a dozen streamers and found that at least a third of them were attractive.

Of course, this was with the beauty filter on.

There were even several streamers whose beauty scores exceeded 8, and one even reached 9.

However, Charles didn't know what they looked like in real life.

For example, a busty dance streamer named Mia, with millions of followers, had a beauty score between 8.5 and 9 with the filter on.

It was said she had even done a no-makeup stream.

She was probably good-looking in real life too!

The key was that she had a great figure, almost the top dancer on the Shark platform.

With an angelic face but a full-figured body.

Such a high-profile streamer would surely meet the system's requirements.

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