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Chapter 009: Where Did I Lose?

"It was a good thing that I didn't make a move, or it would have been so awkward," Tom said with a gloating expression.

"Sarah White is simply a devil. I knew it, with her around Jessica, guys trying to hit on her would never succeed!"

"It seems that if we want to get close to Jessica, we need to deal with Sarah first!"

At this moment, another clean-cut guy stood up.

"Jessica, I also want to add you on Facebook!" Charles' words shocked the whole class!

They couldn't believe that Charles dared to ask Jessica for her contact info?

How bold is that?

Who gave him the courage?

Didn't he see that Jason failed and it was super embarrassing?

"Do you want to join the student council too?" Sarah asked with disdain.

"No, I'm not interested in the student council." Charles shook his head.

"Then why do you want Jessica's Facebook?"

"Because I want to date her!"


Even Sarah was stunned!

She never expected Charles to be so direct and bold!

This clearly wasn't the usual process!

"Pursuit action initiated!"

Name: Jessica Lewis

Age: 20

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 108 pounds

Attractiveness: 8.7

The girl's favorablity towards the host: 10 points

Bind the third pursuer relationship; when the girl's affection for the host exceeds 95 points, the reversal is successful, and the girl will become madly infatuated with the host.

Reversal completed, reward 10% spending Special Funds.

Reward enhancement points: 25 points (Enhancement points can enhance the host's physical attributes, including physique, spirit, talent, strength, perception, etc.)

Reward skill: Master-level piano performance.

Charles never expected that Jessica would have a 10-point affection for him, something he hadn't anticipated at all!

Jessica, from a young age, had seen many boys trying to hit on her.

Among these boys, there were always those who tried to approach her with various excuses.

Some joined the student council, some joined the dance club, and so on, with all sorts of reasons.

But rarely did anyone, like Charles, straightforwardly said they wanted to date her!

Maybe it was because her own aura was too dazzling.

Most boys lacked confidence in front of her and naturally weren't as bold as they were in front of other girls.

Why did Charles have such courage?

Because he didn't care.

When he pursued Lisa, he had already lost all face and dignity.

He no longer cared about love!

Now, all beautiful girls were just money-making machines in his eyes.

As long as she met the Special Funds criteria, he would pursue her.

"Sure!" To everyone's astonishment, Jessica nodded gracefully.

She seemed to look at Charles with a rather appreciative gaze.

Actually, adding a contact wasn't a big deal.

Jessica just disliked many boys who, to get close to her, deliberately found some high-sounding excuses.

Couldn't they pursue her openly?

Every girl likes to be pursued.

Jessica was no exception.

But whether you could become a couple was another matter.

After adding Facebook, Charles didn't continue to stick around and talk to her.

He had already achieved his goal for today.

"Lisa, what's wrong with Charles? He actually wants to hit on Jessica. When did he get so bold? And didn't he transfer fifty thousand dollars to you yesterday? Now he's asking Jessica for her Facebook in front of you. What's the deal?" Rachel shook Lisa's arm, looking puzzled.

"I don't know what he means, but since we've broken up, I can't control who he wants to pursue!" Lisa's face darkened.

She felt like she had been abandoned by Charles.

How could he change so much in just one day?

Before yesterday, Charles was the most loyal dog by her side.

But now, this guy dared to pursue the second most beautiful girl in school right in front of her?

And he successfully got her Facebook!

'Are you doing this on purpose to show off to me, or do you really not care about me anymore?'

Lisa was both angry and upset.

She started to feel anxious and insecure about losing Charles.

If she could completely control a man, then this man would have no attraction to her!

From a psychological perspective, such a man is seen as inferior, making any relationship inherently unequal, and thus, lacking in true attraction.

Women generally said they want a man who would cater to their every whim.

But they don't actually like men who do that.

So, an attractive man was never controlled by a woman.

Charles' current indifferent attitude made him appear confident, generous, and very charming.

Charles dared to hit on even the most beautiful girl in school, so Lisa didn't seem to be that special.

Lisa: Favorability +5

Lisa: Favorability +5

Charles glanced back at Lisa.

He found that her favorability had increased by another 10 points.

"What's going on?" Charles was a bit confused.

The reason he pursued Jessica in front of Lisa was to vent his anger.

Since Lisa could flirt with other guys, why couldn't he pursue the most beautiful girl in school?

He thought this move would make Lisa dislike him more.

But it didn't.

Her favorability actually increased.

Weren't you the one who said you didn't like playboys?"

'Didn't you say you hated douchebags?

'Didn't you say you wanted a man who would be devoted to you?

'I did everything you said before!

'But what happened?

'You dumped me.

'Now, when I hit on the most beautiful girl in school in front of you, your affection for me didn't decrease but increased?

'Are you crazy?' Charles thought.

Charles felt he couldn't keep up with this woman's thought process at all.

"Charles, I see you're completely different now. You even dare to hit on Jessica. !"

"What Charles, call him Boss Charles. Boss Charles, can you give me Jessica's Facebook?" Tom said flatteringly.

"No way, if you want it, get it yourself!" Charles said.

"Boss Charles, don't be like that. We're brothers, right? We've been through thick and thin!" Tom said.

"No way. I can't help you with this. Even if I give it to you, she might not add you as a friend!" Charles added.

"Damn! You such an ungrateful guy!"


Unknowingly, two public classes passed!

After class, Charles had just walked out of the classroom.

Unexpectedly, Pamela walked up to him.

Today she was wearing the latest Chanel dress.

Her hair was elegantly wavy.

With exquisite makeup, she exuded feminine charm with every move.

Originally, after her date with Charles yesterday, she didn't want to rush the relationship.

So when Charles invited her to dinner last night, she politely declined.

But this morning, after seeing a trending topic on Twitter, she couldn't stay calm!

Because the mysterious tycoon who tipped a female streamer 1.5 million dollars had the ID name: LonelySmoke.

And Charles' Facebook name was also LonelySmoke.

They had just added each other as friends yesterday, she hadn't had time to change the note.

Not only were the same names , but even the avatars were identical.

Pamela suspected that Charles and the mysterious tycoon on Twitter might be the same person.

There aren't so many coincidences in the world.

Having the same ID name is common.

But having the same ID and avatar is uncommon.

If Charles really had the capability to tip a female streamer 1.5 million dollars, then his wealth would be astonishing!

It would be at least a few hundred million dollars.

Maybe even tens of billions.

Could any typical rich kid compare to that?

Maybe he was actually a hidden tycoon or a wealthy heir.

If she missed out on such a hidden tycoon, she would regret it for life.

Although she wasn't completely sure, it didn’t hurt to probe a little.

So, Pamela decided to take the initiative.

"What a coincidence, Pamela. Do you guys from the Art School also have classes here?" Charles greeted her calmly.

"It's not a coincidence. I came here specifically to find you. This is a sketch I drew this morning, it's for you!"

Pamela handed a drawing board to Charles.

And to be honest, Pamela's sketching skills were really good.

It was a drawing of Charles.

The lifelike details made it look almost like a photo.

"What's going on? Such a pretty girl is here to see Charles?"

"Holy crap, isn't that Pamela from the Art School? She actually brought Charles a gift?"

"She's Pamela? I've heard she's quite famous. Oh my god! The drawing is of Charles. She's expressing her feelings."

"I'm jealous. Why do I, a single person, have to witness such a loving scene?"

"This doesn't make sense. Where did I go wrong? In terms of looks, height, talent, Charles is not better than me. I can rap and play basketball. Why does Jessica agree to add him on Facebook, and why does Pamela give him gifts? This doesn't make sense?"

Jason couldn't figure it out.

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