My wrists were bound tightly when I came to. I was laying across a hard and uncomfortable bench with a dark, felt jacket laid over me. Groaning, I stretched out as much as I could and looked around. My father was sitting on the bench beside me. There was no sign of Francine or the guards. As I looked a bit closer at my surroundings, I realized we were at a train station.
Panic filled my veins. I sat up, struggling to get out of the ropes that were digging into my skin painfully. After a failed attempt to stand up, I looked at my father, “Father, please, let me go.”
He shook his head, “Ada, I can’t. You don’t understand,” his face was softer than it had been in his office, almost tender, “My first duty is to the pack, and the pack needs this. Please think of all of the wolves,” he pleaded, “They need your help, Ada.”
I bit back my smartass retort. It wouldn’t make a difference. Instead, I opted to try and win his sympathy, “Father, I long to find my mate and to marry. I want the type of love you and my mother had,” a tear slid down my cheek, “I want children with him. Please don’t ruin any chance I have of finding this.”
Alpha Bryant’s eyes were full of pity as they met mine, “I’m sorry. My hands are tied,” he sighed, “I really thought you’d understand and be willing to perform whatever duty was necessary for this pack,” a train horn sounded. He reached forward and undid my bindings then grabbed my wrist with one hand and the handle of a suitcase with another, “I’m sorry we didn’t have time to clean you up before this.”
I looked down at myself. My usual dirty rag of a dress hung loosely from my angular body. It was obvious I hadn’t eaten properly in years based on how visible my bones were. Dirt and poop covered not only my old, tattered dress, but my entire body. My shoes were falling apart. I took a deep breath and nearly gagged. I reeked of urine and shit. Since it had been months since I’d been able to look into a mirror, I was sure my hair was matted and awful.
For people who claimed to need me to be successful, they hadn’t done much to help me out.
As the train came to a stop, my father glanced down at me, “It isn’t based off of looks or cleanliness. Technically, it isn’t even based on your lineage,” he sighed, “I’ll walk you to your compartment. You’ll be able to shower and change there.”
He tugged me along beside him. I stumbled along, trying to take in everything and nothing all at once. Luckily for me, we were walking at a pace that was fast enough to make most things blurry as we passed. We made our way through compartment after compartment and car after car. I caught sight of a few beautiful girls that snickered as I passed by.
Finally, after minutes of absolute humiliation, my father stopped. There was a guard standing in front of the compartment door, and I saw him try not to scrunch up his nose as I approached. My father stated firmly, “I am Alpha Bryant of the Midnight Pack. I am presenting my daughter, Ada Lennox, and offering her as a candidate for surrogacy for the Alpha King’s heirs.”
The guard looked me up and down and furrowed his eyebrows. He met my father’s gaze, as if expecting him to admit to this being a joke. When my father remained silent, he inclined his chin and stepped to the side. His voice was gravelly as he barked out, “Train leaves in five minutes. No escorts allowed.”
I dug my heels in and tried to resist entering the compartment. My father shoved me forward effortlessly and I stumbled into the compartment, nearly falling. He stayed at the entryway, staring at me as I straightened myself out, “The train ride will be three days total. Guards will be posted everywhere,” he narrowed his eyes, “Do not try anything Ada. Be reasonable and remember you’re doing this for the good of your people.”
Before I could respond, he stepped out and the compartment door slid shut. I looked around with wide eyes. This compartment was the nicest room I’d been in for years. There was a twin-sized bed with a fluffy comforter and multiple pillows. At the foot of the bed was a stack of towels and a white, plush-looking robe. There was a nice chair by the window, with a mini-fridge that was fully stocked beside it. I spun in a circle, taking in the vanity and the dresser. There was a TV across from the bed, and beside it was a door. I opened it and walked into a full bathroom. There was a shower, a sink and a toilet. I almost cried.
For years, I’d slept in a pile of hay and gone to the bathroom in buckets. My showers from the livestock hoses. There were times where the only water I had was from the troughs for horses or pigs. Sometimes, I was convinced the food the Olivers fed me was the pig’s slop. It was a shame that the first amenities I’d had in years were ones I couldn’t enjoy fully. Being forced to be a surrogate candidate kind of took the niceness out of everything.
I walked back into the bedroom and sat on the floor as the train started to move forward. Exhaustion was set deep in my bones. Cleaning myself up and exploring this train was going to have to wait. For now, sleep was the only thing on my mind. It didn’t take long for me to get comfortable on the floor, not wanting to dirty the bed before I could really enjoy it.
A guard was shaking me awake after what felt like only five minutes of sleep. I opened my eyes slowly, body stiff from laying on the hard ground. His face was hardened, lips in a straight line, “Miss Lennox, it is time for your interview and evaluation.”
I blinked slowly and looked around, “What? Where am I?”
“We’ve arrived at the Alpha King’s castle, Miss Lennox,” he stated firmly, “You’ve been asleep for three days.”
I practically jolted awake. Three days? I’d slept for three days? Oh, no. Did he say it was time for my interview? I looked down at myself and swallowed. While I wasn’t on board with being a surrogate— actually, my stomach roiled with disgust everytime I thought about it— I was embarrassed about how I looked. To be presented to the Alpha King in this manner would be an insult. Compared to the other ladies here, I’m sure I was nothing and would surely be rejected immediately. And rejection meant exile.
Honestly, exile was better than being used and defiled by three Alphas. So maybe it was best that I hadn’t managed to clean myself up.
The guard offered me a hand and helped me to my feet. I ran my sweaty palms down my raggedy dress and nodded my head. He led me out of my compartment and into the lavish hallway. He walked much slower than my father had, allowing me to get a good look at my surroundings, and the other girls in the train. All of them seemed giddy with anticipation, and most snickered at me as I passed by in my shit-stained rags. Unconsciously, I reached up and touched my hair. I swallowed. It was one giant knot on my head. If the feeling of my hair and the look of my clothes were any indication, I was in really rough shape compared to these other women.
Clearly they had been loved by their families. They were in fashionable clothes and well-manicured and groomed. Hair was swept up into intricate hairstyles and most were wearing beautiful ball gowns as they waited to be presented to the Alpha King. I felt a pang of jealousy. My father may have brought a suitcase along that I hadn’t opened, but surely there hadn’t been anything as nice as a ball gown in it. These women were dressed up in beautiful shades of purple and blue and pink. Their makeup was done. Exquisite jewelry hung from their necks.
Like lambs to the slaughter, I thought to myself as I stumbled behind the guard, What a shame they all scramble to sacrifice any chance of a true mate to be this surrogate.
Despite my own thoughts, I felt embarrassed when I looked at them. I could have at least managed to shower. Sure, I didn’t want the job of being surrogate— and honestly wasn’t even sure how it managed to involve three Alphas— but I was about to be presented to the King. As the lowly wolf I’d become, that was one heck of an honor. I hung my head as we stepped off the train. My feet itched with the urge to flee. Not only could I avoid any slim chance I had at being selected as surrogate, I could avoid any further embarrassment. Why my father hadn’t made more of an effort to make me presentable, I couldn’t fathom. Even though he’d stated looks had nothing to do with it, I was so plain and awful looking and smelling compared to the other girls I’d seen here… you’d think it wouldn’t just be an embarrassment for me, but for him as well.
I fought every instinct in my body telling me to run. The fact was that I was here. Running would most likely lead to execution, and despite everything I’d been through, I still held out hope for one thing: my mate. That one thing is the only reason why I straightened my posture and put on a flat expression. There was no way I would be acting as surrogate. I would see to that. But I would go through whatever interviews and examinations necessary to spare my own life before facing my impending exile.
The guard said, “You’re the first she-wolf the King is interviewing. Pick up the pace,” the order was overtly direct.
As I took a step forward, I looked up. My body practically seized. The Alpha King’s castle was stunning. I’d heard about it as a child, but had never imagined that it was this immaculate. We were up on a small hill that overlooked the castle. It sprawled out over multiple hills, with a large lake to the left. A small waterfall cascaded into the lake, sending waves of mist into the air. The sun was setting and that gave everything a rather romantic hue. The castle itself was made of black brick and black-painted wood with large, ornate stained-glass windows. The path we were taking seemed to weave through a garden in full bloom. Aside from my own smell, the very air itself seemed clean and smelled perfumey from the flowers.
The guard grabbed my elbow gently and gave me a little tug, “Just a bit farther, Miss Lennox.”
We made our way up the winding path and halted in front of the large entryway. The doors swung open, revealing a candlelit room. The guard stood stock-still, and since I was completely following his lead, I stayed rooted to the place I was in. There was a loud growl.
My stomach dropped as a voice snarled, “Enter.”