“Now, Ada, darling. You need to stay.”
It was a direct order, not unlike the one I’d received from my father that had led me to his office. The only difference was that this came from the King. It wasn’t just a knot in my stomach that worsened if I tried to resist. My entire body felt like it was on fire, burning slowly from the inside out and it only intensified the longer I stood still. There was no resisting the order beyond the thirty or so seconds I already had.
My feet carried me toward his throne, tears falling freely from my cheeks. As I approached, a man and woman emerged from the shadows to the left of the throne. They waited until I stopped a mere five feet from them and then bowed their heads in my direction. I swallowed back a sob and furrowed my eyebrows. Why on earth were they bowing to me? I looked down, expecting something to have changed in my appearance. But, no. I was still in a mostly open hospital gown with dirt and shit caked all over various parts of my body. Overly thin, bony. There was no reason to be bowing to me.
The King waved his hand, “Escort her to her new lodgings. Ensure she is fixed up properly for this evening.”
The woman stood straight and motioned for me to come forward, “I am Mariah. This is Cade.”
He held out a hand to me, “I’m the Beta of this pack, Luna.”
Luna? I cocked my head to the side but took his hand as I approached, looking into his lavender-colored eyes, “Nice to meet you, but—“
Before I could say ‘I’m not the Luna’ he was turning around and walking down a hall that was the opposite direction of the one I’d been in previously. It was Mariah who spoke softly, “This hall leads to the Luna’s and Alpha princes quarters. It is the North Wing of the Castle,” she tapped twice on a large black, wooden door and it swung open, “You will get a full tour of the castle and the grounds later. For now, we must prepare you.”
Cade placed a chaste kiss on Mariah’s lips, “I will go prepare—“
“So quick to leave, Cade?” a low, gravelly voice echoed from the room into the hall.
The Beta froze, shooting daggers into the room, “Phoenix, what are you doing in there?”
“I wanted to set eyes on the prized surrogate before the ball this evening,” light steps echoed out, “How about you let her enter her new quarters for me?”
Mariah stepped aside quickly. Cade glanced over his shoulder back at me before slowly moving aside and jerking his head toward the door. My mouth went dry. I shuffled my bare feet so that I was in front of the door, looking up at Cade briefly. He kept his eyes straight ahead, locked on Mariah. I reached up and closed the hospital gown I was in, grasping the material firmly in my hand. My mind reeled, but I stepped into the room.
A large man blocked nearly the entire view of the room. His eyes were the color of freshly picked peppermint, with a tinge of purplish-red on the outer circle of the iris. His jawline was so similar to Darius and Nikolai, as was the sheer size of his body. He was somewhere between Nikolai and Darius in shoulder width, but what really seemed to set him apart from those two was his hair— which was pulled partially back into a bun. Long tendrils of golden-red fire fell over his broad shoulders. He wore an emerald suit, the jacket undone to show his vest. A cream colored tie rested against a white button up. On his cuffs were the same cuff links that Darius and Nikolai wore. Over the small pocket of the vest was the chain of a gold pocket watch. I’d only seen Nikolai and Darius in lowlight, but I was catching sight of this Phoenix in bright, white light. It was allowing me to fully appreciate who I was looking at.
He dipped his head in a small boy, giving a flourish with his hand as he bent at the waist, “Might have your name, Luna?”
“Ada,” it barely came out as a whisper.
Phoenix stood up straight, eyes raking down my body in observation. I fidgeted, scratching one of my shins with the back of the opposite heel. I felt caked on dirk and manure flake off onto the ground. A warm heat rushed up my body the longer Phoenix stood there, silent and watching. Finally, he clucked his tongue and stepped around me.
Right before he disappeared from the doorway, he stated, “Be seeing you soon, Ada.”
Mariah stepped into the room and clicked the door shut before I had enough time to process anything. I blinked slowly, watching as the Beta’s mate flitted toward an open arch, motioning for me to follow her. She spoke as she waltzed through the bathroom, turning on various water faucets and lighting many candles. I looked around the bathroom, which may have been the nicest space I had ever existed in. The floors were marble, but somehow warm to the touch. The counters matched the floors, and had ornate golden sinks and faucets. The bathtub was a clawfoot tub, sitting in the center of the room— a bright gold. The rest of the castle had seemed so dark, I was surprised to find this area so light and airy.
I spun around and looked around the bedroom behind me. It was also open, bright. There was a four poster bed with light cream colored lace hanging over it, acting as a beautiful canopy. The bed looked so comfy, like a pile of clouds that I could just float on. The floors in the room were wood, maybe a dark oak. The furniture was all white with light green accents. There were fleurdelis everywhere, and dried flowers hanging throughout. Some of it wasn’t to my taste, like the white leather lounge chairs in a reading nook, but it was the most elegant, extravagant and beautiful room I had ever been in.
I jumped when Mariah cleared her throat behind me. I murmured, “Sorry,” and stepped toward the now-full bath, “Thank you for you help.”
“Of course,” her voice was soft, “It looks like you haven’t bathed in—“
“Months,” I sighed, looking at the woman fully for the first time.
Her blonde eyebrows were furrowed as she ran her hand through the water, checking the temperature. She was thin and clothed in brown pants and a dark green tunic, with black, clunky combat boots. The only jewelry I could see was a gold ring dangling from a silver chain around her neck. Her hair was the color of corn, and pulled into a wavy braid that draped over her shoulder. She pursed her lips as she turned the faucet off.
Mariah sighed, “Months, huh?” I shrugged and removed the hospital gown from my body, “Has it been that long since you’ve eaten too?”
As if on cue, my stomach grumbled. I swallowed, “I actually just ate today.”
“And the time before that?” she shot me a look as I stepped into the tub and sat down. The hot water burned against my skin and I hissed in response, but didn’t answer the question. Mariah began to scrub at my skin, taking off the layers of caked on manure, mud and anything else. She hummed as she scrubbed my limp body, only stopping when she was ready to work on my hair, “I’m not permitted to tell you anything. I can ask you questions and talk with you a bit, but I can’t tell you anything.”
“I wasn’t going to—“ her look cut me off.
She was right. I probably would have started asking questions and trying to fish for as much information as possible. Mariah dumped a cup of hot water on my hair, burning my scalp slightly. I winced, leaning into her hands as they kneaded soap into my hair. She tediously picked through the mats that were present, separating it piece by piece as she added a salve to it. It felt like we sat there for hours in silence. Every now and then, when I would start to shiver, Mariah would drain some of the water from the tub and add in fresh hot water. By the time she felt satisfied with my hair, my toes and fingers were already wrinkled like the skin of a raisin. I kept rubbing them together, feeling the texture.
“Stand,” Mariah said softly.
I did so, trying to ignore the gasp I received. I knew there were bruises present from various kicks and beatings I’d received over the last two weeks. But her reaction prompted me to look down. The entire right half of my body was completely purple from the top of thigh to the bottom of my shoulder. My ribs were protruding beneath my golden-toned skin. It had been so long since I’d seen my skin completely free of dirt that I’d almost forgotten the beautiful caramel hue to it. Mariah shoved a razor into my hand and nodded toward my legs. I cocked my head to the side and stared down at the razor.
“You use it to shave your legs and under your arms,” she explained, “Have you ever—“ I shook my head and she proceeded to show me how to complete the task.
She drained the tub when I had completed both legs and underarms, wrapping a towel around me. The towel was the most luscious piece of fabric I’d touched in my entire life. It was soft and warm, the same cream color as almost everything else in the Luna Quarters. Mariah grabbed a crystal container and popped open the top, offering it to me. I rubbed it over every inch of my skin, reveling in the familiar smells of lavender and lemon grass. The skin of my legs was smoother than it had ever been before, and it soaked the lotion right into it. I couldn’t fight the smile that crept up onto my face.
I glanced in the gold-rimmed mirror hanging over one of the sinks. Mariah was standing behind me with her arms crossed, a small smile on her face as she watched me. She pointed at a rope in the right corner above the counter top, “Ring that and your handmaids will be in to dress you, Luna.”
“Please, it’s just Ada,” I furrowed my eyebrows, reaching forward and pulling the cord.
Within a minute, four young women rushed into the room, different items of clothing in hand. They rapidly clothed me from head to toe, skipping the corset, and then three of them disappeared. The final one worked on my hair and face at a pace so fast I couldn’t make out the distinct movements of her hands while concentrating on them. When she had finished, she curtsied and then hurried out the room. Mariah, who had leaned against the wall in the back, whistled loudly and stood up straight.
I looked in the mirror for the first time in ages. My entire childhood and teenaged years I had been so plain. Muted hazel eyes, dull yellow and brown hair, unkempt eyebrows and horrendous bottom teeth. I could be ‘pretty enough’ to occasionally get my way, but never turned a head in my direction. However, standing in the bathroom with freshly cleaned hair and a sleek body with a magnificent maroon and black ball gown… I was almost beautiful.
There was a weight on my chest, though. People were calling me Luna and I was standing here in an extravagant gown. My breathing quickened. I hadn’t even met the Alphas I was supposed be a surrogate for. No one was telling me anything. I was alone. In a castle. In a place I knew nothing about. I didn’t even look like myself, and I’d been here less than a day. While that wasn’t the worst thing, it was hard to look in the mirror and see a made up face that looked nothing like the one you remembered having.
I began to sway, “Mariah, can I lay down?”
She looked at the giant gown I was in, but gave a curt nod. I practically ran to the fluffy bed in the room. The click of the door closing let me know I was alone for the first time. I looked around once more, at the bulky and fantastical furniture. The fear that rooted in my stomach as I closed my eyes wasn’t about who I had or hadn’t met, or the situation I found myself in. It was that as I drifted to sleep, I felt this odd sense that I had always belonged here at Oberon Castle.