This can’t be real.

It isn’t.

Shouldn’t be.

And yet, as my eyes clash with the stranger’s muted and

absolutely lifeless ones, I’m unsure of whether this is real or if I’m

caught in a nightmare.

Probably the latter.

It’s not even about his savage hold on my hair, which I’m sure

if I attempt to fight, he might tear from my skull—or worse, use

to yank me over the cliff like he’s been threatening ever since I

met him.

In hindsight, I should’ve been ready for something like this,

considering my family.

I’ve always thought I had unusual family and friends. Heck,

Grandpa is a ruthless sociopath. So is my uncle. My brother is

even worse.

But maybe since I’ve known them all my life, I’ve normalized

their behavior. I’ve accepted it as if it were a given. Because

they’re functioning members of society, and I’ve never been their


I was blindsided and thought I could handle people like them

if I met them in real life.

But then again, nothing could’ve prepared me for being in this

position with someone I’ve just met.

The sound of crashing waves comes in sync with my chaotic

thoughts. The cold air seeps through my jacket to underneath my

top, chilling the sweat clinging to my skin. I’ve been on fire ever

since the rush of life flowed into my veins earlier so the sensation

is welcome.

Despite my instinct that keeps screaming at me to run away,

I’m well aware that any sudden movement will probably get me


So I swallow the saliva that’s gathered in my mouth and

respond to his last statement, “Begin what?”

“Payment for saving you.”

“You didn’t.” I throw a trembling hand around. “I’m still on the


“And you’ll remain that way until you give me what you


“I didn’t promise you anything.”

His head cocks to the side and so does the camera, following

the axis of his body with haunting, methodical motion. “Oh, but

you did. And I repeat, whatever you want, remember?”

“Those were words I said in the heat of the moment. They

don’t count.”

“They do to me. So either give me what I want or…” he trails

off, craning his neck toward whatever’s behind me. He doesn’t

need to voice it. I can tell where he’s aiming.

It’s an intimidation factor.

A looming threat.

And he knows damn well that it’s working.

“Can I get up first?”

“No. What I want happens in this position.”

“And what do you want?”

“Your lips around my cock.”

My mouth falls open, and I hope it’s a nightmare. I hope that

this is some sort of a twisted joke that’s gone too far and I’m

supposed to laugh it off now, then go home and text the girls

about it.

But I have a feeling that if I so much as breathe wrong, the

situation will escalate to the worst.

“If you’re not into that option, I have alternatives in mind.” His

hand slides from the top of my head to the hollow of my cheek

and then down to my lips.

In my life, I’ve never been as frozen as I am right now. And it

has everything to do with his cold touch. It’s callous, devoid of

any care, and absolutely terrifying.

This must be what it feels like to have your soul ripped out by

the Grim Reaper.

His fingers slide down to my throat and he squeezes the sides

hard enough to make me lightheaded and establish who holds

control in this situation. “You can get on all fours so I can stick my

cock in one of your remaining holes. Probably both and in no

particular order.”

I wish this was a façade, but there’s no ounce of deceit in his

tone. This crazy bastard really won’t hesitate to make good on his


It’s only now that I realize what deep trouble I’m actually in.

This psycho will devour me alive.

If I thought I was hollow for weeks, then this will definitely

end me.

Decimate me.

Tear me to pieces.

He must sense my distress, considering the trembling of my

whole body. I’m like a stray bird in the middle of the windy night,

being pushed in all directions.

“Which option will you go for?” the stranger asks in his casual

voice that could belong to dukes and aristocrats.

There’s unnerving ease in his movements and manner of

speech. As if he’s a robot that’s running on some fucked-up


But at the same time, it’s like he’s at war. He escalates the

events so quickly that the nature of his actions turns


And I’m not staying around to find out to what lengths he’ll

take this.

Using the element of surprise, I spot the chance where his grip

is somewhat relaxed on my throat, and I lunge up.

My heart soars with the explosive fireworks of adrenaline when

I feel him losing his merciless hold.

I did it.


I’m not even finished celebrating in my head when a loud thud

sounds in the air. The air whooshes out of my lungs when my

knees hit the rocks with a lethality that knocks my thoughts from

my head.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t breathe…

That’s when I realize that he’s brought me down with a violent

squeeze around my throat and a shove on the top of my head.

And this time, he’s out to choke me. My nails dig into his

wrists, my survival instinct kicking in like that of a trapped animal.

But it’s like I’m colliding with a wall.

A fucking unmovable fortress.

He even compresses his fingers until I’m sure he’ll snap my

head from my neck.

“The running away option wasn’t on the menu, now, was it?”

His voice sounds far away and mingles with the ringing in my

ears. And if I’m not mistaken, it’s deepened, lowered, turning a

darker shade of black.

Way worse than the colorless night.

Even his dim eyes have become desolate—worse than any hue

I could picture.

At this moment, he’s nothing short of a predator.

A callous, cold-blooded monster.

“P-please…” I croak, and it echoes like a haunting ghost song

in the night surrounding us.

I can’t even pray that some passerby will find us. After all,

Devlin chose this place because it’s isolated.

Devlin and I chose this place.

Who thought we’d experience such different yet tragic fates in


“Please?” he drawls the word, as if testing how it sounds on

his lips.

I try to bob my head, but it’s impossible with his hold on my


“Please use your lips or please use your cunt and ass?” He

pauses, then pushes me backward until my upper half is tilted in

the cliff’s direction. “Or please turn you into a masterpiece?”

Choked noises leave my lips, sounding more animalistic than


It’s that escalation again—the reminder that this is a power

play and if I keep fighting, he’ll simply make this way more

horrendous than I can possibly imagine.

No matter how hard I struggle, the inhumane stranger seems

oblivious to it. In fact, he lifts a shoulder manically, like a damn

criminal who feels no remorse whatsoever for his crimes.

“If you don’t choose, I’ll do it for you—”

“Lips,” I strain, unsure of how I manage to get the word out.

I’m not even sure how the hell I’m still conscious, considering

the raw power he’s holding me with.

It’s only after the word leaves my mouth that he slowly eases

the brute force of his fingers from around my neck. But he doesn’t

release me and continues imprisoning my whole being in front of


I inhale a copious amount of air, my lungs filling with oxygen

to the point of feeling burned, caught in a chokehold and stabbed

in the chest.

He raises a thick eyebrow, appearing beautiful, gorgeous even,

but it’s the type of beauty that notorious serial killers use to lure

their victims. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he kills for sport.

And that’s definitely the wrong thought to have under the


It’s insane how I’ve often thought about death but when push

comes to shove, I’m terrified of it.

The stranger from hell slides his thumb against my upper lip,

sensually, almost lovingly, and it’s even more frightening. Because

from the way he’s behaved and talked, I’m almost sure there’s not

a gentle bone in his body.

“You’ll let me stuff my cock between these lips and fill your

throat with my cum?”

My neck heats since I’m not used to being spoken to this way,

but I lift my chin. “I’m not doing it because I want to. I’m doing it

because you’re threatening me with worse. If it were up to me, I

would’ve never let you touch me, you sick bastard.”

“Good thing it’s not up to you.” Still keeping his hand around

my throat, he slides down his zipper with his free hand, the sound

eerier than the crushing of the waves and the whooshing of the


When he pulls out his penis, I try to turn my head the other

way, but his grip on my neck forces me to watch every single


He’s big and hard, and I don’t even want to think about what

made him so hard.

Something warm presses against my lips and I clamp them

shut, glaring up at him.

“Open,” he orders, his hand clenching my hair, allowing no

room for negotiation.

But I hold on to the fight in me. To that glimmer of hope that

maybe he’ll change his mind and this whole nightmare will be


I should know better.

A monster can’t be changed or derailed.

A monster’s only aim is to destroy.

“I can always use your ass and cunt. In that order. So unless

you’re willing to soak my dick with your blood and lick it clean, I

suggest you open your mouth.” He hits me across the lips with his

dick and I have no choice but to loosen my jaw.

If I don’t, there’s no doubt that he’ll keep his word about the

other option and I’m not ready to find out how far he’ll go.

How far he’ll escalate.

The tip of his dick slips through my lips and my stomach coils

in short intervals. I swallow down the revolting need to vomit all

over him and myself.

“Don’t gag when we haven’t even started yet.” He strokes my

lower lips with that fake gentleness again. “You can enjoy this if

you want, but if you fight, I suppose it’ll only feel inconvenient.

Now, suck and make it good.”

He wants me to suck?

Fuck you. I’m a King, and we don’t get told what to do.

Despite the fear that paralyzes my limbs, my gaze clashes with

his as I bite down on his dick.


With everything in me. I bite with enough force that I think I’ll

cut his penis off and swallow the tip.

The only reaction that comes out of the stranger is a grunt

and… He’s getting harder. I can feel him growing in my mouth

worse than earlier.

But I don’t get to continue biting.

Because he tugs on my hair as if attempting to tear it out of

my skull.

Bursts of pain explode all over my body, but that’s not all.

He tilts me back so my upper half is bent backward and he’s

looking down on me with manic eyes that could kill.

He doesn’t pull out. Doesn’t even appear to be in much pain.


Maybe he really is a robot and I’m stuck with an unfeeling


“Use your teeth again and I’ll switch to your ass. I’ll tear

through your tight hole and use your blood as lube while your

head hangs over the edge.” There’s a strain in his voice as he

pushes more of his dick inside my mouth. “Now, fucking suck.”

I don’t dare to defy him. One, I’m on the edge, literally, and

two, I have no doubt that he’ll keep his word.

Problem is, I’ve never given head before, so I’m completely

out of my league here. But I attempt to suck the crown of his

dick. If his groan of pleasure is any indication, my tentative licks

seem to please him.

So I do it again, and again.

“You’ve never given head before, have you?” There’s an

appreciative quality in his tone as if the wanker approves. “Hollow

your cheeks and loosen your jaw. Don’t just lick, suck,” he

instructs in a lust-filled voice as if he’s speaking to a lover.

I’m so tempted to bite his dick off completely this time, but

the threat of actual death forces me to abandon the idea.

Instead, I follow his command. The sooner I’m done with this,

the sooner I’ll be out of his deadly orbit.

“That’s it,” he breathes out, his tone loosening for the first

time. “Use your tongue.”

I do, mechanically, not even thinking about it. I also try not to

think about the position I’m in. On the edge, on my knees, about

to fall back, with a maniac using my mouth to get off.

If he slides my body back even an inch, I’ll have no one to

save me but the same person who put me in this position.

His hold on my hair stiffens, and I think I’ve used my teeth

again, but I soon find out that’s not the case.

He’s done with attempting to take it easy. Or maybe he’s


Whatever the reason, he’s just decided to take things into his

own hands. Using his grip on my hair, he seizes my jaw with his

fingers, forcing me to open as wide as I can.

“I like your adorable attempt at sucking cock, but how about I

show you how it’s properly done?” He thrusts all the way to the

back of my throat. “Hmm. You have a pretty little face that looks

erotic when being fucked.”

I splutter, choking on my saliva and his girth and length. I

haven’t come across many dicks in my life, but this, without

doubt, is the biggest I’ve seen.

And the way he drives it to the back of my throat is nothing

short of a show of domination. He keeps it there, choking me until

my eyes nearly bulge out. I think I’ll die with his dick in my


His gaze remains on mine and he gets even harder as he

watches me, my eyes bulging with tears gathering in them, and

face probably turning red.

The sick bastard is going to kill me and get off on it.

But then, he slides out enough to allow me to take a sliver of a


I don’t even drag a whole inhale before he’s ramming in again,

more violently than before.

More intense.

More…out of control.

Tears sting my eyes and fall in rivulets down my cheeks. Drool

and precum trickle down my chin and neck as he thrusts in and

out of my mouth, still holding me at the edge with a hand.

Over and over.

And over.

Matching the brutal sound of the crushing waves below.

I’m lightheaded, my fingers throbbing and my legs shaking. I

refuse to think about what’s happening between them.

I’m just not that fucked in the head.

Right when I think he’ll never finish, a salty taste explodes in

my mouth.

My knee-jerk reaction is to spit it all out in his face, so I try to

do just that. The moment he slides his dick out of my mouth, I

splutter the cum all over his designer shoes.

Rugged breaths rack my chest and I inhale and exhale in rapid

succession, but I don’t break eye contact.

I glare as I wipe the remainder of his disgusting cum from my


At first, he watches me with a blank expression, but soon

after, a low chuckle comes from his lips and for the first time

tonight, light shines in his eyes. It’s not black-on-black this time.

It’s pure sadist light.

The light of someone so utterly pleased and satiated.

He releases my hair and jams his middle and ring fingers into

my mouth. I hold on to his wrist to keep from stumbling backward

and he uses the chance to smear the rest of his cum on my lips.

His fingers choke me, invading my mouth as if they have every

right to, over and over.

And fucking over again.

When he seems satisfied enough, a flash blinds me.

I stare up at the camera that’s covering his eyes.

Did this bastard just take a picture of me in this position?

Yes. Yes, he did.

But before I can try to snatch away his camera, he pulls his

fingers from my mouth, then uses them to tuck my hair behind

my ears and pats the top of my head.

“You were a good sport, Glyndon.”

And then he effortlessly tugs me away from the edge, turns,

and leaves.

I remain in a frozen state, unable to wrap my head around

everything that just happened.

The most important of all is, how the hell does that psycho

know my name?

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