Chapter 5: Where Am I
Girl/Sarah POV
I was coming around, and my whole body hurt. I can't move my legs. My eyes were swollen shut. The last thing I remember is a big man tore them off the hinges. Where am I? I hear machines beeping, which are getting louder and faster with my heartbeat. It finally dawns on me: I'm in a hospital, but how did I get here? The machines beat faster and faster. I opened my eyes, which were just a slit.
Then the door burst open, and a man in a white coat came running in. I screamed, and then another man came in. I can barely distinguish that the second man has a tank top on with shorts. I start hyperventilating. I grab my chest and continue to hyperventilate. I looked over and saw him reach for a syringe. He fills it with a clear liquid and puts it in my IV. I see dots, and my vision starts to fade. My heartbeat began to come down, and my breathing started to quiet down. " Rest, my little mate," I heard someone say.
"I didn't do it," I said to Roland.
He interrogates everyone about his missing lunch that came up missing.
"I promise I didn't do it," I told him again.
He then slaps me across the face.
"I'll teach you a lesson, you little thief," he said.
He cuts my shirt off me and throws me on his bed.
"No, please stop, "I begged him.
He slaps me and yells, "SHUT UP YOU WHORE".
He then grabs me by the throat. I'm fighting him and clawing his hands from my throat. I screamed and woke up. Again, I see the man sitting by my bed with a tank top and shorts. His green eyes are staring at me.
"It's OK, little mate, I'm here," he says.
I screamed as he started to move towards me, which stopped him in his tracks. He just looks at me.
"I'm Ray, my princess," he says.
He then started to move very slowly towards me. I'm trying to scoot away from him, but my legs are in casts, and I can barely move. I started panicking again.
"Dr Bernard," I heard him yell.
I can barely catch my breath. Then everything goes black again. The next time I wake up, the guy in a tank top is still there. He's sleeping on the chair in the corner with his shirt off. Who was this guy, and why did he call me princess? How did I get here?
I make myself keep my breath steady and keep calm. The last thing I remember before waking up here was that Roland was torturing me in the dungeon, and the man in the chair was coming in and ripping the chains off my wrist. Before I passed out, I think I heard the word mate. He couldn't be my mate. I would have smelled him. I'm just staring at this man who calls himself Ray. He has brown hair and a few days of beard growth. He has a valley tattoo on his chest; you can tell he's been through several battles.
He has a scar on his stomach, one on his left peck muscle, and a few more that must go around to the back. He has huge biceps and a skull tattoo on his right forearm with swords as the crossbones. He must spend a lot of time outside because he is tanned. So I wouldn't wake him. I tried to move, but again, I could barely lift my arms or my legs, for that matter. There is an IV bag hanging, and the IV is in my arm. I wondered what was in the bag, so I tried reading it. The only word I can make out is sodium. The rest of the words are blurry. My vision is blurry, and my eyes are all but swollen shut. I can barely see. It's from all the injuries I have.
A couple of months ago, I helped in the hospital a few times, so I had an idea of what the machines were for and their purpose. So I wasn't scared of the machines. I'm terrified of this man sitting in the chair, and why am I here? If this is a new form of punishment, I'll do whatever I must to avoid it from this point forward. Every time I start getting upset, a doctor runs in and injects something into my IV, and I go to sleep. It's a dreamless sleep, which is excellent, and I do not get woken up harshly or have water dumped on my head. I try to stretch, and I let out a scream of pain, and the guy jumps up.
"What's wrong?" he asks.
As he rushes to my bedside. Again, I scream, and he stops and trips and falls directly on me. I screamed out in pain. The doctor runs again and goes to grab that syringe, knocking me out. I ripped the IV out of my arm, and blood started to run down my arm. I fell dizzy and faint.
"Please stop, it hurts," I said.
"You love it," Roland says.
"Stay still, and it won't hurt, bitch" Roland says.
I woke up screaming. The guy who was there again jumped up, but this time, he didn't rush towards me.
"It's OK, princess, you're safe. Nobody will hurt you".
I just sat there shaking. Is this a game, and why does this man keep calling me princess? He called the doctor to come in. But this time, the doctor didn't reach for the syringe again. Instead, he sat in a folding chair and started talking to me.
"Hi, Princess Sarah. My name is Dr. Bernard. You were rescued a couple of days ago from the White River clan, " he says.
He then stops and just sits there. I think he was waiting for a response. I try to form words but can't get my mouth to work right. What is wrong with me? Why can't I get my mouth to work? I start to panic again.
"It's OK, sweetheart," The man in the tank top says,
While he was rubbing my hand, I didn't even notice he had walked over to the bed. I just looked up and started to stare into his eyes. There's something that won't let me look away; oddly enough, I find it very comforting. This time, his voice is soothing, low, and comforting. Then I heard a quiet voice in my head say, "Mate." Being this close to him and him rubbing my hand, I instantly started to calm down. I'm tired now. I can barely keep my eyes open again.
"It's OK, sweetheart," he says.
I'm so relaxed that I feel my eyelids getting heavy and drift off to sleep.