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Chapter 1: Massive Inheritance

Skyview Scott walked on the sidewalk, and a sudden honking sound came from behind him.

Skyview turned around to see a white BMW following him at a slow pace. In the driver's seat of the BMW sat a fat man with acne all over his face and a scruffy beard, looking repulsive at first sight.

"Skyview, can you guess who I am?" The fat man licked his lips, revealing a creepy smile.

Skyview recognized the fat man as his former college classmate, Pancay Brian, who owned a furniture factory that made millions in profits every year.

Although Pancay was ugly, he had been with many beautiful women.

Following Pancay's gaze, Skyview saw a beautiful woman sitting in the passenger seat, with an oval face, perky breasts, and a cute and innocent look.

"Oh my god, Alice!" Skyview's face changed drastically, as if the sky was falling. He asked, "Alice, how could you be with him?"

Alice Song looked disgusted, not even glancing at Skyview, and said indifferently, "Skyview, what does it matter to you that I'm with Pancay?"

"Aren't we a couple?" he asked.

"I think you misunderstood our relationship. With my looks, would I choose a poor delivery boy as my boyfriend?" she answered mercilessly.

The word "poor" was like a sharp knife stabbing Skyview's chest, making it hard for him to breathe.

Skyview was originally a graduate of Maplebrook Institute of Technology, excelling in academics during his time there. He had received invitations from several foreign companies even before graduation.

On the eve of graduation, Skyview chose to return to his country for Alice, resulting in him not obtaining his diploma.

Without a degree and disconnected from domestic society, he couldn't find a suitable job and ended up working as a delivery man, earning six to seven hundred a month. His meager salary couldn't even cover Alice's monthly expenses on hair, let alone buy clothes, jewelry, or go on trips.

"You're a nice man but, unfortunately, a poor one," Alice sneered.

"Is money all you care about?" Skyview questioned.

"Who doesn't love money? Only those without money would ask such stupid questions!" Pancay mocked, tapping his BMW's steering wheel and showing off his expensive watch.

It was as if Pancay was implying to Skyview that even if he worked hard his whole life, he could never afford such luxuries.

"I love money. As long as someone gives me money, I'll do anything!" Since she had already betrayed him, Alice didn't care anymore.

"Does that include sleeping with anyone who'd pay you?" Skyview asked.

Alice remained silent, which was as good as confirming it.

"Fine! What's your price for a night?" Skyview was almost choked with anger.

He scrimped and saved, spending tens of thousands on her. He never even kissed her, but she humiliated him like this!

"One million! Can you afford it?"

Skyview sneered and held up two fingers, impulsively saying, "I'll give you two million!"

"If you can come up with two million, I'll let you lick me all over, in any position you want!" Alice, also in a rage, blurted out with a flushed face.

Skyview was speechless for a moment, stunned in place. But when Pancay heard this, he became excited, "Skyview, if you can come up with two million, I'll send her to your bed, you poor bastard!"

Just before leaving, Pancay suddenly rolled down the car window and said, "Oh, by the way, there's a classmate gathering at a five-star hotel tomorrow."

"Why even bother telling him? Do you think someone like him is qualified to dine at a five-star hotel?" Alice mocked.

Skyview clenched his fists in anger, feeling helpless. He had given up such a lucrative opportunity to return home and work as a delivery man, only to end up in this situation!

Just then, a black Rolls-Royce pulled up by the curb. The window rolled down, and a female secretary smiled and asked, "Are you Mr. Skyview Scott?"

"That's me!" Skyview was bewildered.

"You have a five billion inheritance waiting for you to claim, so please come with us."

Coincidentally, Pancay and Alice hadn't left yet. When they saw this scene, they were more shocked than Skyview.

Five billion!

Upon hearing this, Skyview initially thought they were scammers.

"Are scammers so stupid now? Using a Rolls-Royce for their scams." Skyview scrutinized them.

"Skyview, your acting is quite realistic, did you even rent the Rolls-Royce? Are you going to play the arrogant CEO trying to win back his lover later?" Pancay sneered.

Alice looked disdainful. "Skyview, you're using all kinds of ways to win me back. Do you think I'll believe such shallow tactics?"

That was a Rolls-Royce, so expensive that it could buy ten BMW 5 Series cars.

Most importantly, they all knew Skyview was an orphan who had relied on part-time work and the dean's support while studying abroad.

If Skyview really had a wealthy relative, why would they wait until now to find him?

The beautiful secretary noticed Skyview's skepticism and politely asked, "How can I convince you I'm telling the truth?"

"Smash that car," Skyview casually remarked.

If he could inherit five billion, spending tens of thousands to repair a car would be nothing. And if he couldn't inherit the five billion, it wasn't his car to begin with.

"Smash it! Come on, Skyview, I'll let you smash it, smash it to pieces!" Pancay thought it was all a prank directed by Skyview.

Pancay and Alice got out of the car, pointing at the brand new BMW, saying, "If you don't dare to smash it, you're a liar! You poor wretch!"

Skyview shrugged and looked at the beautiful secretary inside the Rolls-Royce.

The beautiful secretary nodded slightly. "Didn't you hear Mr. Scott's words? Smash it now!"

As soon as she spoke, two burly bodyguards got out of the car, picked up bricks from the ground, and started smashing the BMW without mercy.

Under the instructions of the beautiful secretary, the two bodyguards smashed without hesitation, shattering all the windows and denting a large piece of the hood.

The headlights were both damaged, both side mirrors were broken off and trampled into pieces on the ground.

Skyview swallowed hard. That was a BMW, worth at least six hundred thousand, and they smashed it just like that.

From the corner of his eye, Skyview observed Pancay's expression, preparing to escape.

Pancay's eyes bulged, his face flushed, clenching his fists tightly, showing his intense anger.

"Skyview, if you can't afford to pay, get ready to go to jail." Pancay restrained the urge to beat up Skyview.

Alice showed an indifferent look, as if it had nothing to do with her, no matter what happened to Skyview.

Finally, the BMW was completely wrecked. The beautiful secretary waved her hand, signaling the two bodyguards to stop.

"I'm Hekka Stone. Here's my business card. Whatever repair costs are needed, call this number." The beautiful secretary tossed a business card out the window.

Watching the furious Pancay, Hekka calmly said, "There is no need to be so furious. It is just a cheap car."

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