Chapter 1
** Hello, and welcome to Our Forbidden Love. Deep inside this book we will see elements such as BDSM, Kinks (any and all kinds), Kidnapping, Torture, Sex and other things that might be considered violent. This book is also meant to be dark as well as a reverse harem as our lovely Princess will be in a relationship with her three older Step Brothers along with age gaps. Please note this book will contain triggers from start to finish so please take into account that if you venture further you have been warned. Now without further ado please enjoy the story.
“Ella Knight, please report to the Principal's office. I repeat, Ella Knight please report to the Principal’s office” comes a loud voice over the intercom speakers. Blinking, I move to lift my gaze from my desk. It’s finals for us High Schoolers and I was just finishing my exam when the voice called out to me, drawing unwanted attention to me.
Sighing, I move to stand, ignoring the voices as they begin to whisper. Unphased as I became used to it. The last 4 years of my High school career had been nothing but drama as people tried to pretend to like me as I was the daughter to Alex Knight, CEO and Billionaire to the world's greatest diamond mind.
Our diamonds were one of the finest and only top jewelers actually used them. Granted my Stepfather, yes Stepfather as my Mother had married him when I was only 8 years old and he with his three 18 year old boys became one big happy family. Anywho, as I was saying, People only wanted to be friends with me because they knew who I was, not because they actually wanted to. Well, except maybe Kris, she was truly genuine from the start.
Once packed, I move to hand in my final exam, having finished the test before everyone else as I move to exit the classroom, eyes still resting on my retreating form as I make my way towards the Principal’s office unsure why I was being called there. A sudden sense of dread creeping in as I could speculate behind the reasons.
Stop that, I scolded myself, shaking my head to rid of all the unwanted thoughts that were forming.
Approaching the office, I slowly move to knock on the door. “Yes? Enter” calls the voice of the Principal, Principal Matthews sitting patiently at his desk as I entered the room slowly.
“Ah Ella, sorry to pull you from exams but it’s rather important I’m afraid” says Principal Matthews as he gestures for me to sit down. His pale blue eyes and Ash blonde hair framing his strong chiseled face nicely. Sitting at 6’0, Principal Matthews was tall, at least taller than me, in which I stood a mere 5’8 in height.
Taking the offered seat, I move to sit graciously down in front of him. “Important? What’s so important sir?” I ask, my deep navy blue eyes watching him as I move to tuck a loose strand of long platinum blonde hair behind my ear as I sat, wearing the Valley View School uniform. A Private High School for the rich and super rich.
“I’m afraid it involves your parents” says Principal Matthews, my attention now focused on him solely. My parents? What happened to my parents? Race my uneasy thoughts as I try to figure out what could have happened to them as I had only seen them this morning as we spoke about plans for my upcoming 18th Birthday and when I would graduate.
When he notices my silence, does he move to continue speaking. “The Police called, there’s been… an accident” replies Principal Matthews, unsure how to explain it as my face pales. My once milky white skin now pale, sitting borderline ghost.
“A-Accident” I choke, finally finding my voice to speak, my mind racing a mile a minute.
“Yes,” sighing he moves to fold his hands on top of his desk, his eyes gazing at me softly. “Your parents, your parents are dead Ella. I’m sorry, there’s no easier way to say it.”
“D-Dead? Are you sure?” I say, trying not to cry. They couldn't be dead. I just saw them at Breakfast. How was this possible? With my thoughts spiraling out of control I try to figure out the motive behind their deaths. Was it money? A robbery gone wrong? My Fathers company? What was it?
“Unfortunately, I am. The Police found them both murdered at home. Both brutally shot. Neither survived. My sincere apologies” remarks Principal Matthews, as I finally cry, my emotions running wild as I take it all in.
“A Police officer will be here momentarily to come and collect you. He’ll take you home to help you with any necessary things before taking you elsewhere”
“Elsewhere? I have nowhere else. Why can’t I just stay where I am? After all, I’m almost 18, I can fend for myself” I say, now angry I couldn’t live at home.
“I’m sorry, but your home is currently under investigation and with you the sole survivor to your Father’s company I think it would be wise not to stay there until everything’s been handled” explains Principal Matthews, hoping I would see the logic behind his words.
“B-But…. Where will I stay? What about school? What about my Graduation?” I exclaim, now worried I wouldn’t be able to finish or graduate with my class.
“Easy… You’ll still be allowed to finish your last couple of exams as well as graduate. Your new Guardians will see to that” smiles Principal Matthews.
Confused, I blink. Guardians? What Guardians? I didn’t have anyone. Mom and Dad would have told me if they appointed me one, I wonder, my mind now curious as to who they could be.
“Guardians, Sir?” I ask softly.
“Yes, I believe you know them as Reece, Dylan and Caleb. Your Step Brothers if you will” smiles Principal Matthews making me pause, my mouth opening and closing like a fish at the mention of my Step Brothers.
At the mention of my Step Brothers, I suddenly feel my heart flutter within my chest. I hadn’t seen them since I was 16 years old. And even then they completely ignored me. It was also our last Christmas together too. But when they did talk to me it was when Father had said something to them, otherwise they didn’t. So why did they suddenly care now? Was all I could think of as my mind and heart clashed, each in a battle over the other.
Fiddlesticks, so much for being independent now, are my only thoughts as I try to remember those three 26 year old boys. The ones I used to admire from afar yet hoped would secretly accept me without hesitation.