Chapter 2


I was silently sitting in on one of my annual board meetings with my company when my secretary, Ms. Scarlett moved to enter the room. Silently approaching me as my board member continued to talk about fundings and other matters.

“Sir, an Officer Johnson is on the phone for you, says it’s urgent” whispers Scarlett, as she whispers in my ear. Police huh? Did one of my idiot brothers do something stupid like Caleb and his fast driving again? Sighing I move to nod my head.

“Thank you Scarlett, I shall take it in my office” I say, moving to stand up which startles the one speaking.

“Sir?” says the voice, a little confused.

“Meeting dismissed. Something has come up that I must address. We will finish this at a later time” is all I say as I move to exit the room.

Once gone from the room, do I move to sigh. Grant, my personal assistant and bodyguard now next to me as we walk. “Sir, is everything okay?” asks Grant, his 6’2 frame standing next to my 6’3 frame. His body built like a lean mean fighting machine, as his brown eyes and brown hair followed.

“No” I move to tell him, entering my office soon after. Approaching my desk I move to sit before reaching for my phone, Scarlett having already patched the call through to my desk. Grant watched as I did.

“Hello? Mr. Johnson? This is Mr. Reece Knight, my Secretary, tells me you were calling to speak with me?” I say, once I answered the phone.

“Ah yes, Mr. Knight. Unfortunately, I have some troubling things to discuss with you” says the Police Officer.

“If it’s about my brother, I can assure you it’ll be handled” I tell him, hoping that was the reason behind the call.

“Actually, it’s not your brother Mr. Knight. It’s about your parents. A Mr. Alex and Mrs. Kristen Knight” explains the Officer, causing me to pause in my next set of words.

My parents? I ponder, not having seen my parents since we were 18. Having left home for College and then our careers we hadn’t been home much. My mind now racing to her. Our sweet tiny Angel.

“What happened to my parents?” I ask, a little unsure of what was happening.

“They were murdered, sir. Murdered this morning in the safety of their own home” explains the Officer, once again my heart now racing, hoping my Angel wasn’t home and that she was safe.

“Murdered? Was it a robbery gone wrong? Tell me, I need to know” I bark, trying not to show too many emotions as I was a CEO and I had a reputation to uphold but when it came to my family I worried, especially when it came to her.

“Unfortunately, no sir. Nothing was stolen from what we could tell but were looking into the matter” replies the Officer.

Useless, I mentally growl in anger.

“Then call me when you do!” I growled, knowing they were only trying to help. “Where’s Ella? Was she home when this happened?” I ask, moving to the one thing that mattered most at the moment.

“No, your sister was at Valley View when it happened. I have men going to retrieve her shortly” answers the Officer, my heart calming at knowing she was at least safe.

“Where will she go now?” I ask, knowing she wasn’t quite 18 yet so she couldn’t legally live on her own yet even though we would never let her. She was ours since we first met, only then we didn’t know it. Now, she would be ours and for that my heart fluttered.

“As an appointed Guardian, she has the ability to live with you and your brothers. But if you choose not to then she’ll be placed in the system until she turns 18 then she’ll be free to live on her own” answers Officer Johnson.

At the mention of the system I growl, Grant watching me silently as no sister of ours would ever be placed in the system. Not if we had anything to say in the matter.

“NO! We’ll take her. She’ll come live with us” is all I tell him, glad I told Father to appoint us as her Guardian right before leaving for College. Knowing that if anything happened to them, Ella would become ours and ours to care for.

“As you wish. We’ll take her to collect her things and then bring her to the Police station. There she’ll wait for you or your brothers to pick her up” speaks Officer Johnson.

“Thank you. I’ll arrange for transportation. Someone will be there soon to collect her” then with that I move to hang up the phone, my eyes looking to Grant.

“Grant, I need you to make sure our tesoro (Treasure) is brought home safely” I tell him, my eyes stern as he nods his head.

“Of course sir, I’ll get right on that” was all Grant said before moving to do as told.

Once gone from the room do I sigh once more, a hand resting against my temple. Ella, our Princess. Groaning, I move to look at her picture on my desk. She was 16 at the time and filling out nicely as she moved into adulthood. We were 26 at the time and had decided to come home for Christmas one year when we saw her, sitting beautifully next to a window. Her eyes gazing out at the snow.

Not wanting to disturb her, I quietly snapped the picture with my phone. A picture fitting for that of a model. After taking the picture we had told her it was dinner time before quickly leaving the space, no room to speak as we were silently sprouting a boner and needed to leave while we could, as it was clear as day she was gorgeous.

Yet, though she was still our Step Sister, it didn’t make the attraction to her that much easier. Instantly we knew we had to make her ours, no other woman would ever be able to sait us in a way that only Ella could. For she was ours and we were hers and for that we would wait until she was 18 before claiming her.

Sighing, I knew what I had to do as I moved to text my brothers about our parents and of course Ella, our new addition to the house. A smile now tugging at my lips as I could hardly wait to see her. My Tesoro (Treasure).

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