Chapter 4


After shortly leaving my home, bear in tow, Officer Riley moves to head for the Police Station. After walking in on an active burglary, my body mentally shook with fear. My brain trying to figure out exactly what they wanted all while hugging my bear.

“Ms. Knight, I truly am sorry. I should have inspected the house before letting you go inside. Shit I’m so fucked once the Boss hears about this” rambles Office Riley, my mind currently elsewhere to truly care about him at the moment.

Reese… Caleb… Dylan… I think my body feeling weird when I think of them. As I had often found myself thinking of them even when they no longer lived with me and our parents. My secret obsession of me stalking each of them on the internet just to see what they were up to helped ease my heart when I was feeling scared or alone.

Biting my lower lip, I try hard not to focus on the ever growing dampness that began to form between my legs. My bodies weird way of reacting to my ever handsome, ever sexy step brothers had not been new to me. The temptation of wanting them ever growing, as I first began to notice this after shortly turning 16 when they had magically come home for Christmas, they were 26 back then and as a girl with hormones, my body wanted them. As if my forbidden love for them shouldn’t exist but it did and I wanted more. But with my birthday still a month away, I knew I shouldn’t be focusing on them as I wanted to focus on my dancing career.

It was one of the few things I rarely got to do so when I asked mom and dad if I could take up dance they both agreed. Mom enrolling me in the Juilliard program for dance. The only problem was, the school was all the way in New York city.

Could I truly bring myself to leave home? I wondered, a part of me not wanting to leave my brothers or my friend Kris, especially all alone. But when I remembered that my step brothers had no issue leaving me behind, it only made the want grow stronger.

NO! Even if they did leave me, I can’t bring myself to leave them. Not this time, come my thoughts as my eyes move to look back out the window. The Police Station coming into view as we slowly moved to approach it, the fear of the unknown rising.

When approaching the Police Station, my heart begins to race. I need to relax, I scolded myself. I’m only here until my brothers can come and get me. It’s what the Principal told me back at school. School, funny how things could change in a matter of seconds, I mused wondering if anyone told Kris what had happened.

Taking deep breaths in and out I wait until we’ve parked the car, Officer Riley moving to open my door, unable to open it from the inside. “Okay Ms. Knight, easy does it. Right this way if you will” replies Officer Riley once he shuts my door before leading me up a flight of steps before we enter a huge beige building that was the local Station.

Upon entering, I’m ushered over to a couple seats in which I’m told to sit, the noise from within the Station loud enough to keep me away from my thoughts as I now wait. “Someone will be here soon for you” was all I heard as Riley moved to check in with his Boss. Probably about the incident back at the house, came my thoughts as I went to sit down.

Sighing, I move to play the wait game. Curious to see how long it would take before someone actually came to get me. Glancing towards a clock on the wall, I can’t help but see it read 10 o’clock in the morning. Well fudge, and here I thought it was later than that.



I was just finishing up with a business meeting when I suddenly felt my phone vibrate from deep within my pants pocket. Curious as to who could be texting me so early in the morning I moved to see who it was.

Reece, I muse as I move to unlock my latest new Iphone, the 15 Pro Max, as I go to open up his message. Noticing that it had been sent as a group message in which meant Caleb would be able to read it as well.

Reece: An Officer by the name of Johnson called me.

An Officer, I wondered when reading the message. What did one of our knucklehead brothers do? Did Caleb get pulled over for speeding again? Many things began to run throughout my mind just from reading that simple text. Knowing I had to ask, I moved to text back.

Dylan: Was it because of Caleb? Did he get pulled over for speeding again?

Hitting the send button, I move to wait. Caleb being the next one to respond back.

Caleb: HEY! I object! I wasn’t caught speeding and I definitely didn’t get involved with the Police either.

Sighing in annoyance, I move to reply back.

Dylan: Well, if it wasn’t you, who else? Hmm?

Reece: ENOUGH! It wasn’t Caleb… I already asked that

Caleb: See, I told ya

Rolling my eyes at the mental image of him sticking out his tongue like a child I move to reply again.

Dylan: Okay, so if it wasn’t because of Caleb, then who? Why was an Officer calling for you?

No sooner do I send that message do I pause. Reece hesitating on his reply which worried me.

Dylan: Reece? Why did the Officer call you?

2 seconds later, we finally got the reply, except it wasn’t what I was expecting to hear.

Reece: Mom and Dad are dead. They were killed earlier this morning while in the safety of their home.

Caleb: WHAT?!?!

My thoughts exactly. If Mom and Dad were found dead, what happened to our Princess? At the thought of Ella and what could have happened to her I move to text back.

Dylan: Where’s Ella? What happened to her?

Reece: According to the Officer, she was already at Valley View Academy when it happened. So she’s safe, for now.

Caleb: What happens now?

Reece: I’ve already sent Grant to pick her up, she’ll be living with us for now on.

When reading those few simple words, I knew I had to get home. Moving to find Lara my secretary, I move to tell her to clear my schedule for the rest of the day. Hayden now next to me as we move to head for home, the need to be there when our Princess arrived overpowered everything else.

Dylan: Just cleared my schedule. I’m on my way home.

Reece: Me too.

Caleb: See you guys at home. Tell the Princess, I’ll see her soon :)

Adding a smiley face to the end of his text, I all but roll my eyes. Such a child. Shoving the rest of my thoughts aside, all I can do now is think of her. Our Principessa. Our only Princess.

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