Chapter 5


One-One Thousand, Two-One Thousand, Three-One Thousand, Four-One Thousand, Five- come my extreme bored thoughts as I continued to sit here within the Police Station, having gotten here around 10 o’clock in the morning it was now 10:15 and no one had yet to show up which now left me utterly alone among the busy building as Officers continued to go about their morning as if simply forgetting that I was even there.

Where are they? I wonder, trying to figure out where my brothers were. For they were supposed to be coming to get me but I had been sitting here for 15 mins now and not one of them showed up. Is this their way of saying they forgot about me? Frowning I’m about to just get up and leave until suddenly I see a very tall man standing over by the front desk, his 6’2 frame with brown hair and brown eyes, adorned in a black suit and matching pants while wearing a simple white shirt made me wonder if he was sent to collect me by my brothers.

Seeing the female officer point over in my direction, it suddenly became very clear that the man was indeed looking for me. Who is he? I pondered, clearly not knowing who he was but assumed he was someone that my brothers knew.

Watching as the man approached me, I can’t help but feel a sense of calmness radiating off of him.

“Ella Knight?” asked the man once he was standing next to me.

“Yes” I answer, nodding as I continue to watch the man all while holding my special bear, the one I had gotten from my brothers.

Smiling softly, the man moves to speak again. “I’ve been sent here by one of your brothers, a Mr. Reece Knight. I’m his Personal Assistant. Among other things, but he’s asked that I come and pick you up and bring you back to the house, Master Reece along with your other two brothers should be there upon our arrival.”

Hesitating slowly, I’m not sure if I quite believe him but not wanting to stay at this stupid Police Station any longer had me nodding in agreement as I moved to follow after the man only for him to stop once again. “Ms. Ella, where are your bags? We were under the assumption that you would be bringing clothes along with other essential needs.”

Pausing, I move to bite my lower lip, something I’ve been doing alot lately when I'm nervous about something. Blushing in embarrassment, do I move to answer him. “I-I wasn’t able to.. There was a burglar still inside my house at the time preventing me from collecting them, I was only able to secure my bear” I say, still embarrassed.

Arching his eye, the man refuses to reply, only to gesture to me to keep on walking as we move to exit the building before heading for a big black sleek sedan, an audi symbol displayed all over the front end of the car catching my eyes.

Is-Is that the new Audi A5 sportback? Those shouldn’t be out for at least another year just how rich are my brothers? Shocked by what I was seeing, I didn't move to see as the man moved to open the backdoor to the passenger side before letting me slip inside.

Once in, do I move to buckle up, the black leather interior matching the same color as the car outside as the man moves to slip into the driver side seat once my door had been closed.

“Ready Principessa?” asks the man softly causing me to almost miss the word Princess slipping through his mouth.

“Y-Yes” I mutter, confused by everything at the moment.

Glancing once more towards me from the rearview mirror, does the man smile before turning on the car before pulling off, heading in the direction of home, wherever that was currently. Giving me time to myself I try to reflect back on everything that's happened thus far only to hear the man speak again.

“I’m Grant by the way. Should you ever need anything Ms. Knight please feel free to ask for me or Hayden and we’ll be more than happy to get it for you otherwise Mrs. Foster and Mr. Gray will also be able to help accommodate your needs as well.”

“Um who?” I ask, unsure who those people were.

“Mrs. Foster and Mr. Gray, our Maid and Butler of the house, they see to the needs of everyone including the staff members” answers Grant with a knowing look.

“They sound like really nice people” I admit, again trying to figure out just how rich my brothers were to be able to afford Maids and Butlers as well as Personal Assistants.

“Indeed they are, Mrs. Foster is like a mother tending to those who need extra love and guidance while Mr. Gray is like a father, always tending to those who need the discipline and the extra bit of guidance that Mrs. Foster can’t provide” remarks Grant as we continue to just drive.

Nodding, all I do is move to lean back against the car seat, trying to relax as I try to forget everything that happened to me since this morning, leading up to me now heading for my brother's home. Sighing, I move to think of them like always, my mind so far gone into them it was hard not to let other people know that I had a thing for my brothers or step brothers if you wanted to get technical.

Allowing myself to become completely enamored by my thoughts I don’t catch the silent conversation that Grant was having with someone over the phone as he continued to drive, my eyes suddenly heavy with the need to sleep as I move to snuggle up close to my bear before letting sleep claim me once and for all.



It hadn’t even been 10 minutes into the car ride and the Principessa had already fallen asleep. Her eyes close softly as she snuggled into her bear. Frowning, I moved to call Reece, knowing he would want an update on the situation and with her fast asleep in the car, I wasn’t afraid of her overhearing my conversation with her brother.

It only takes 2 rings before Reece manages to pick up his cellphone. “Yes, do you have Ella?” asks Reece, getting straight to the point without beating around the bush.

“I do, she’s fast asleep at the moment” I tell him, my eyes glancing every so often to the girl in the back seat.

“Good let her sleep, Dylan and Caleb are on their way home as well, I should be there hopefully before you arrive. Whatever you do Grant, don’t let anything happen to our Tesoro, understand? She’s all we have left and I’ll be damned if I lose her too” admits Reece not wanting to sound weak around others but knew Ella was his weakness.

“Don’t worry Boss, your treasure is safe with me, I promise you that” I reply, glancing back at Ella before returning to my conversation. “Boss, just a word of warning, when I went to pick up the Princess, all she had was a big huge brown bear and her backpack. She didn’t have any clothes or anything of the sort.”

“WHAT?” snaps Reece over the phone, a bit angry at that. “She was supposed to have brought clothes along with her… what the hell happened to her.”

“According to the Princess, there was a burglar still present within the house which left her unable to pack any clothes and only enough time to grab her bear” I say to him.

At the sound of his growls, I know he’s clearly upset by that, knowing she had been placed in danger once again while being helpless didn’t seem to help his nerves until Ella was safe and sound back at the house.

“Forget it, we’ll take her shopping later, for now just get home before I decide to drastically do something that I might regret later” grumbles Reece.

“Will do Sir” is all I say to him before hanging up the phone, unaware we were being followed a safe distance away by another black sedan as if they were trying to see where we were going before they pounced.

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