Chapter 6
Third Person
It’s about an hour or so into the car ride when Grant happens to take a glance through his rear view mirror, Ella still sleeping soundly in the back seat of the car with her bear acting as a pillow as she leans against the door frame, a soft smile gracing his lip as he did.
I can see why the triplets are so captivated by her, her beauty knows no bounds, muses Grant as he takes a final look at her only to spot something from the back window causing him to frown, his eyes finally spotting another black sedan trailing slowly behind them.
Shit, curses Grant mentally not realizing how careless he had been when not taking further precaution when it came down to securing Ella, for even though she didn’t realize it now, Ella’s life was about to take a turn in which her life would always be placed on the line as her brothers, Reece, Dylan and Caleb were extremely famous among the rich.
As Caleb was a famous NASCAR Formula One racer who always placed 1st among his races while Dylan and Reece where Top Tier CEO’s of Multi-Billion Dollar Companies which always placed a bullseye on their back for hired assassins as well as rival CEO’s as they always tried to take away what Dylan and Reece treasured most in life and now with Ella in the picture the triplets would be damned if someone else would lay claim to her when she rightfully belonged to them.
Reece ain’t going to be happy about this, thinks Grant his hand moving to grip his phone as he moves to dial Reece’s number once more. Hitting Redial he moves to wait for him to answer in which he does after the second ring. “WHAT?” snaps Reece, his voice sounding like he had been interrupted.
“Sir, we have a situation” says Grant, keeping his voice low so as not to disturb Ella who slept in the back seat.
“What’s the situation?” asks Reece, his focus now on Grant as he drops whatever it was he was doing to focus on his assistant.
“I’m being followed, sir, another unmarked vehicle trailing closely behind me” replies Grant, his hand holding steady on the steering wheel.
Growling, Reece becomes silent before speaking once again, “Loose them Grant, Don’t let them catch you, for if they do they’ll get her” comes the growled reply of Reece as he moves to stay on the phone with him as Grant attempts to shake them from his tail not wanting to lead them back to the house, the house in which Reece, Dylan and Caleb had carefully hidden from prying eyes, giving them that privacy to live a normal life outside of the rich and famous.
“I’ll try sir” remarks Grant as he moves to switch lanes only to curse again when the car moves to follow him. “Shit, they copied my direction.”
“GRANT!” yells Reece, a hint of worry in his voice as he becomes concerned for Ella the girl clueless to the world around her, a world he hoped to keep hidden from her until her 18th birthday when he would allow her to decide her fate, a world where she’d always be loved by her brothers or a world without them, a world free of prying eyes to forever live alone without family as Reece and them would happily leave her alone if that's what she truly wanted even if they themselves did not.
“Let me call you back” was all Grant says as he moves to disconnect his phone, tossing his phone to the side as he moves to spin the car around abruptly before speeding back in the opposite direction, the other car failing to the door the same.
Smirking at his opening shot, Grant moves to speed forward his hand reaching for the phone once more as he dials another number. “Hello?” says a male voice.
“Can you track me through GPS?” asks Grant to the male on the other line.
“Of course I can, why?” asks the voice.
“I’m being followed.. The Princess is compromised, I need your help in losing them before I can head home with her, care for a little fun?” states Grant a tiny smirk rising to his lips as the fun game of tag comes to mind.
“You bet, be there in 5” was all the voice says as they move to hang up, Grant putting his phone down once again as he moves to focus on the road ahead, for speeding was like a second nature to him, it was how he taught Caleb when the triplet had become fascinated by the ideal of racing like a pro.
Staying focused, Grant continues to boob and weave through the oncoming traffic as he attempts to stay far enough away from the other vehicle who was failing to keep up since his drastic need to spin around, his eyes finally landing on the other Audi A5 sportback as it moves into position, aligning itself directly behind him as to throw off the other car so that when they moved to break off the other car wouldn’t be able to figure out which car was which allowing Grant to get away seamlessly.
“Hayden,” whispers Grant, his eyes catching sight of the man behind him, a small smile now rising to greet his features for Hayden was like a brother to him, the pair always doing things together from attending school to college to even landing jobs with the triplets. The only thing that truly kept them from being brothers was the fact they weren’t blood related which was fine, as it meant they could probably share one woman between the two of them and not have to worry about conflict or share themselves and not worry about the drama.
Hearing his phone buzz slightly, does Grant move to answer it, already knowing who it could possibly be when he went to speak. “Ya?”
“Are you just about to your checkpoint?” asks Hayden over the phone, making sure to stay absolutely close to him as they drove.
“Ya, I’m close, I’m about to turn off, see you back at home?” asks Grant, knowing how Hayden was.
“You bet your sweet ass you will” chuckles Hayden for even though they played the role of brothers, both of them knew better, for both always enjoyed a good chase and in the end it made their sexual tension that much more prominent to the point that they would be locked in room for hours and when that happened neither Reece or the others bothered to disturb them.
“Good because I’m feeling rather, naughty if you catch my drift” whispers Grant huskily hearing Hayden purr on the other end of the phone, his voice sending shivers down Grants spine for while some would technically frown upon there choice in love, both Hayden and Grant just truly never cared for while they both loved to fuck with one another, both knew there relationship would be even better if they could find a woman to share it with.
“Mmm, I do and when next I see you, your tight ass is all mine” growls Hayden before both move to hang up, Grant pulling off in one direction while Hayden pulls off in another direction, the unmarked car moving to follow after Hayden unaware of the switch as it had been to far away to catch the change.
Once sure that the unmarked car was following Hayden, does Grant move to call back Reece who all but instantly answers on the first ring. “Grant?” says Reece not able to voice his concern.
“Relax, she’s safe, Hayden came to my rescue, I’m on my way home now, the Principessa is still fast asleep” replies Grant softly, always keeping his voice low so as not to disturb Ella who slept peacefully in the back seat or so he thought for Ella had overheard his conversation with Hayden while they drove.
“Good, I just got home, Dylan and Caleb are both here too, we’ll see you soon” whispers Reece as he moves to hang up once more, now knowing Ella was safe from the danger she had come across on the ride home.
Sighing, Grant moves to place his phone down slowly unaware that Ella was already awake when she spoke. “Are you gay?” asks Ella, causing Grant to choke on his saliva as his eyes move to look at Ella from the mirror. “What?” coughs Grant, unsure if he heard right.
“I asked if you're gay? It’s okay if you are, I know people in Valley View Academy who are gay, bi or lesbian, not all of them are straight” answers Ella, not seeing anything wrong if Grant was.
Pausing in how to answer, Grant decides to just be brutally honest with the said girl. “No Ella, I’m not gay, I’m Bi-Sexual which means I can swing either way and be totally happy with the person I’m with, I’m just lucky enough to have someone who feels the same way” admits Grant, his eyes never leaving Ella’s.
“You mean Hayden?”