Read with BonusRead with Bonus


" What's going on?" I asked Alpha Williams as we both scanned the crowd looking for anything that might have caused the chaos but I didn't see anything, was this a false alarm?

But just as the thought came I saw them, how the hell did they get in here?

" Rogues," I said as we both rushed to where people were gathered at the door, trying to run for their lives.

" Get out of my way," Alpha Williams said and they quickly made way for him.

We ran out of the hall going to where we saw the rogues heading.

" Where are you going?" Alpha Williams asked me and I raised my brows at him in confusion.

" You're supposed to be seeking safety, why are you running with me to danger?"

" I'm sorry I don't think we had a proper introduction, but I can very well take care of myself and any rogue that comes my way," I said, with a dry smirk.

Just on cue, a rogue jumped in front of us growling.

" Watch me," I said and charged at the first rogue that came at me as I held him by the neck with both of us tumbling to the ground.

I held the rogue by the mouth and without giving it a chance I tore its mouth open, its painful howling filling my ear before it became silent.

I stood up as I watched Alpha Williams tear rogues up ruthlessly. How bad, I'll be wasting him soon when the time is right, I thought to myself.

Another rogue charged at me but I took out the silver blade I had tucked inside my dress and pushed the knife deep into its stomach.

These rogues were stupid, they decided to attack when all the alpha were in one pack, what were they thinking?

Alpha Williams was so focused on choking the wolf he had on the floor that he didn't notice another rogue steadily moving behind him. I could just leave that wolf to do my job but I had a feeling nothing could get past Alpha Williams's notice, he would still kill that rogue. Besides, nobody said playing the hero was wrong.

Just as the rogue jumped to attack Alpha Williams, I jumped in front of it and its teeth sunk into my arm making me scream. This was risky, but it was a way of making him trust me.

He rushed to stand in front of me, anger vibrating off him.

The rogue decided that he was tired of living and charged at Alpha Williams but he didn't even get close before an arrow flew through the air and landed on its neck, the rogue fell to the floor.

I turned to see a woman holding a bow as she looked disgustingly at the rogue on the floor.

" Clean this mess up," She bellowed and people rushed to take the now dead


" Make sure none of them escape," Alpha Williams said to the woman not taking his eyes from me.

" Yes alpha," She said before leaving.

The ball was ruined and everyone returned to their room. The place was filled with murmuring and people glancing around in fear. The visitors from other packs looked scared but the Stone Heart pack members acted like this was nothing, their faces etched with a distant look, ready to take on another round of attack like it's nothing.

I was currently being dragged away by the alpha for a reason. I don't know why but I didn't complain.

I was a strong wolf so the bite from the rogue had closed up. You wouldn't even know there was a bite there. It was just a mild ache that reminded me that I was bitten earlier.

The alpha dragged me up the stairs and then he opened a room door and pushed me inside before he got in and closed the door.


Did he already know why I was here? Or perhaps he thinks I had something to do with the rogues' attack.

" What were you thinking?!" He shouted and I raised my brows at him in confusion.

" I'd answer your question if I knew what you were talking about, but the thing is, I don't."

His hand came for my throat holding it tight and if not for the circumstances I'd say it was a very sexy position.

I kicked him on the knee and his hand around my neck loosened.

" Who do you think you are?" I asked him as I massaged my neck trying to relieve the pain.

" You think I don't know?" My face didn't give anything away, what did he know? This man was pissing me off already.

" What are you talking about? You're confusing me," I said as I watched him carefully.

" What makes you think you need to jump in front of a rogue for me? You think I can't take care of myself?" He asked in anger and without meaning to, I bursted into laughter.

" Is this your way of saying thank you for saving your ass?" I asked in a sweet tone.

" I don't say thank you," he said coldly, his voice becoming even harder and more dangerous. Did he expect me to be scared?

" Well if you don't have anything else to say, I think I'll be leaving." For some reason, I knew that I wouldn't be leaving this room, but I just said so to put up an act. Men like him look for ways to show their dominance even if it has to be in bed whenever they feel like their manly pride has been hurt.

They'd remind you that they don't need saving, you are the one who needs saving but no one can save you when you're in their claws.

Just as expected, when I reached for the doorknob his hand held mine turning me to him and without warning his lips collided with mine my hands instantly went around his neck.

My dress had already been ruined with all the fighting so he took the opportunity to ruin it even more. The tearing of the dress filled my ear as he pushed me onto his bed.

When I looked into his eyes all I could see was dominance, the need to prove that he was the man.

And he spent hours proving that.

Alpha Williams was sleeping just beside me after all the activities we did. He was a man with pride. The action of jumping in front of a rogue to save him kind of hurt his male ego, I didn't understand why.

He was fast asleep beside me so I quietly took his arm that was around me and I placed it by his side then quietly got out of bed.

I needed to talk to beta Jack, I knew he must have left me a lot of calls.

I picked up my phone as I opened the bathroom door and got in.

" Cleopatra," Beta Jack simply said as he picked up the call.

" I have everything under control and you don't have to worry about anything, I won't disappoint you or the pack, I just need…,"

" What are you doing?"

I froze.

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