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The first Act

" Alpha Williams!" The man in front of me said as he turned to Alpha Williams who was standing behind him. You could hear the hatred he had for Alpha Williams from the sound of his voice. Just how many people hated this alpha?

" You don't know when to leave a woman do you?" Alpha Williams asked with his hands folded behind him and sharp eyes staring at the man.

" Well there's nothing wrong with trying my luck, for all I know she might be my mate, you know some of us value the mate thing." I could hear the hidden meaning in his words. He was trying to hit on Alpha Williams' nerves because of the rumor that he killed his mate.

" I see, Alpha Dylan, I guess you'd have to start looking elsewhere, she's with me," Alpha Williams said and as much as I tried I couldn't hide my smirk.

I could kiss fate right now, only that fate wasn't a person. They were both alphas and they were volunteering themselves as an instrument for my mission without knowing.

" As you wish alpha Williams," the other alpha said as he turned to me smirking as if saying this isn't over, I'll see you some other time and then he walked away.

" Well thank you alpha Williams but I had everything under control before you came."

" Yeah, tell me about it," he said and was about to turn from me and walk away but I stopped him.

" Alpha Williams," I called and he stopped but didn't turn to me so I walked in front of him.

" You promised me a tour of your pack last night, remember?" I said as I looked at him with my charming eyes blinking up at him. It works all the time.

" I'm a busy man, I've got important things to do," well maybe not today. It didn't work on him with a hint of disappointment flashing in my eyes.

" But you promised, and the last time I checked Alphas don't go back on their words," I said, trying to hold him with that.

" I'll get someone to show you around," He said as he started walking again expecting me to follow him but I didn't. I wanted him to show me around, not someone else.

I knew just what to do.

" Fine, since you're busy I might as well take up Alpha Dylan's offer, he seems like a nice man," I said as I turned away from Alpha Williams and started walking where I saw Alpha Dylan go. I knew he would stop me because that would hurt his male ego if I went back to the alpha he just sent away.

" I'm going to show you a few places. I've got a meeting with alphas so I don't have much time. We'll continue tomorrow, you can stay as long as you want and see around for yourself but I'm not promising you much of my time."

Well, that was fast.

Did the alpha just tell me I could stay as much as I wanted? How kind of him.

" Well lead the way, Alpha Williams, it's your pack after all."

There wasn't a doubt that the Stone Heart pack was beautiful, they had a lot of land, wealth, and anything good a pack could have, well the only thing was that they didn't have a good alpha.

Their alpha was a thorn in the flesh to a lot of packs and he had to be removed. He has caused a lot of pain in the lives of people, he has brought tears to the eyes of many, and he has left children orphaned all because of his selfishness and greed for power.

I clenched my hands, trying to control myself from jumping on him and wrapping my hands around his neck so he could choke for all the evil things he had done.

He was currently showing me the expanded land they had for just training. They were training their warriors to become monsters. I saw the bow lady sparring with a guy and from her stamina and the way she moves you could tell the man didn't stand a chance against her.

" Who is that?" I asked Alpha Williams as I pointed to the bow lady.

" That's Renee my Beta," he said. Oh, she was his beta, that's impressive. Sorry for her, she wouldn't be able to save her alpha from me. Nobody would.

I left Alpha Williams after he showed me where his office was as part of the tour. As a reward, I kissed him and he didn't refuse.

I opened my room door and got in, closing it behind me. I rushed to where I had my bag and I quickly looked through it for the outfit I would be wearing for my mission tonight. I needed to be as discreet as possible. I had a tight cap that covered my hair down to my neck, I could never leave my hair flying on any mission, it would be an easy giveaway and the last thing I wanted was for anyone to suspect me. I went through my plan in my head before returning everything I needed into the bag.

I continued my day getting to know people. I didn't have anything else to do anymore because all I wanted was for it to be nighttime so I could execute my plan. Men still couldn't get their eyes off me and did I mind? No.

I even caught a mated male staring at me and so did his mate.

It was finally night and I was in my room waiting for everyone to retire to bed. I knew this wasn't going to be easy because there were a lot of guards on patrol but I was Cleopatra and I've been trained for situations like this, there was nothing that scared me.

I changed into my black outfit wanting to blend with the night as I poured the special perfume that was given to me by my beta, it was made by a witch so I could hide my scent and nobody would be able to trace me no matter how good their skill of tracking was.

The world became silent as I quietly sneaked out of my room through the window. I walked as quietly as I could through the trees passing behind guards who were on patrol but they didn't even notice me because I was taught to move quietly.

I started running steadily when I spotted another set of guards and quickly before they could see me I went for the floor laying down as I started crawling to hide behind a tree. I watched them from where I was as they moved around. There were about three of them. There wasn't a way I would pass without either of them seeing me, I needed to distract them.

I searched on the floor for a stone and when I found one I threw it and it immediately got their attention.

" Who's there?" One of them asked as he looked at the others before three of them walked to where the stone landed and I used the opportunity to run without their notice.

With no more distraction the real mission started, opening the alpha's door wasn't hard even though it was an electric door that needed a passcode. Don't ask me how I did it.

I entered the alpha's office and closed the door behind me. I didn't know where to start looking first so I just stood looking at his office thinking of where he could possibly keep something like that.

I walked to his desk and tried opening the drawers but they were locked. No problem, I opened them with a pin. I checked the first two drawers but there wasn't a sign of what I was looking for.

It must be here somewhere.

But just as I opened another drawer to check for the Book of Alphas, the door suddenly burst open.

I'm screwed.

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